Chapter 10 - Detention in the Forbidden Forest

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Rose's POV

One night Draco had the bright idea to go sneak around. Apparently he had heard something a group of Gryffindors were talking about and wanted to get them in trouble for it. I really didn't want to go, but Draco insisted he didn't want to go out at night alone to catch them. I giggled a little to myself when he said that, I bet he was scared of the dark or something if not he surely wouldn't have asked me to come.

Not even knowing what exactly was going on, Draco dragged me out of the common room and along the halls at midnight. But of course Mcgonagall had to catch us. How on earth would this stupid plan of Draco's even work and it turned out he believed Harry was going to bring a dragon inside the castle of all things.

"Detention!" Mcgonagall shouted at us. "And twenty points from Slytherin! Wandering around in the middle of the night, how dare you. And what rubbish, a dragon. How dare you tell such lies!"

Draco kept fighting with her while I just stood silently in the corner, hoping to not get even more detention.

— Time Skip —

During evening time a few days later we received a letter from Mcgonagall which told Draco and I that our detention will take place at eleven o'clock tonight and we should meet Mr. Filch in the entrance hall.

"Just great." I mumbled as I called over Draco to show him the letter. And then we were off to meet Mr. Filch.

We were about to ask him what our detention would be, when all of a sudden I came face to face with the last person I wanted to see. Harry was there, together with his friends Hermione and Neville.

"Now that everyone is here, the detention can begin." Filch announced seeming amused.

They also had detention? Maybe they were also caught wandering at night.

As we marched across the dark grounds, Neville kept sniffling much to Filch's delight. It turned out we would be serving detention with Hagrid in the forbidden forest.

Draco argued that the forbidden forest was dangerous at night and students weren't allowed to go in anyway, but it was no use.

Hagrid stopped dead in his tracks as we began our march into the forest. He finally let us know what exactly our detention was for.

"You see that stuff shinin' on the ground? Silvery stuff? That's unicorn blood. There's a unicorn in there been hurt badly, I also found one dead last Wednesday. We're gonna try and find the poor thing. We might have to put it out of its misery." He explained bitterly. "I need you to split into two parties, one group goes with me and the other with fang."

"I want to be with Rose." Draco instantly declared, grasping my arm. It was evident he was much more scared than I was. Of course I was afraid, but I tried to stay calm so I wouldn't attract any nearby beasts of monsters.

"No picking rights for students with detention. Malfoy, you get Fang and Longbottom. Evans, you come with me, Harry and Hermione." Hagrid declared and Draco let go of me in defeat.

We walked separate ways, I walked in front of everyone because I didn't want to have to look at Harry. At one point we ran into a group of Centaurs that Hagrid had a long conversation with, when all of a sudden from the other side of the forest we saw red sparks flying up. This was our signal that somebody was in trouble, so Hagrid told us to stay here while he went over to rescue Draco and Neville.

Lucky for me, Harry and Hermione engaged in conversation the whole time so I could just stare off into the distance and ignore them. It turned out Draco just tried to scare Neville, so Hagrid decided we should change groups. I was sure that was Draco's plan all along to get me in a group with him.

I ended up going with Draco, Fang and Harry. Draco and I walked a few steps behind Harry together with Fang next to us. We walked for about half an hour, Draco mumbling that he heard something every now and then. That was until we spotted it, the Unicorn. And it was dead.

Then, out of nowhere, a hooded figure slithered out of the leaves and positioned itself over the Unicorn. When it began to drink the blood, Malfoy suddenly let out a blood curdling scream and bolted together with Fang. I cursed under my breath at him, if he didn't scream we might not have been noticed by this cloaked being.

But there was nothing we could do now, the figure headed for Harry first who was clutching his scar. When Harry fell over I gasped, causing the figure to begin moving towards me. My heart was beating faster than ever, I felt just as afraid as I did when those drunk guys at the bar approached me. I stumbled back, shielding my head with my arms as I screamed. But for some reason, together with my scream I heard another right behind me. It sounded less like an actual scream, but more like a roar or a growl. I felt the light from the moon above me darken, as I dared to look around I saw something horrific. It was another figure, much larger than this one. And it seemed to be emerging from my spine like a ghost or spirit rising out of someones body. It was completely dark, two large horns sticking out of its head. Smoke was escaping from where I guess its nostrils were, like a bull. But its breathing, it sounded like the snarl of a rabid dog mixed with heavy breathing. One of its hands was outstretched, it looked almost human and was holding on to a machete which had a human skull attached to the handle.

When I turned away from it, I saw how the hooded figure escaped into the distance after another roar escaped this monsters mouth that was behind me. But when I turned back to look, it had vanished. I felt my back which felt completely normal too, as if nothing had been there at all. 

A/N I hope you like the idea of this new monster I am introducing. I have a lot planned for how it connects to everything that is going on and is going to happen :) 

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