Chapter 13 - School supply shopping

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Rose's POV

After Cissy showed me how to use Floo powder, reassuring that I would be fine, I dared to step in the fire place and much to my delight when I opened my eyes again Draco was right there.

"Good job for you first time." He congratulated. But we weren't in the Diagon Alley I was used to, it was most likely a different area which held many unfamiliar items in the shop we landed in. Narcissa didn't come with us this time because she had some business to attend to at home said Draco's father, so I was alone here with Draco and Lucius.

While telling his Father once again how angry he was Harry Potter got a nimbus two thousand as a gift just because he was famous for having a scar, Lucius rolled his eyes and looked around the dimly lit store.

"Don't touch anything." He warned us, ringing a bell at the counter.

"But I thought you were buying me a present?" Draco protested.

"I said I would get you new Quidditch gear to match your new broomstick." Lucius corrected with an annoyed expression. Draco told me he hoped to also join the quidditch team this year, we practiced all summer so I hoped for him they would let him join.

Lucius seemed to try and sell some things to the shopkeeper as Draco wandered around the store.

"Alright, I'm done here let us get moving." Lucius rushed us out the door and along an alleyway that had many stores dedicated to the dark arts. Once back on the familiar path that I remembered Diagon Alley looking like, we set off to buy our new school books. First we had to go to Gringotts though, so I could collect some money from the surprisingly large stack of gold that was behind my dead parents vault.

As promised, Lucius got Draco the newest and most expensive Quidditch gear and also a few other small things he bribed his father into buying him. I decided to buy myself some quidditch gloves from their newest collection, considering the ones provided by the school were too big for me.

Eventually we ended up the the store that we came here for in the first place, the book shop. There was a big crowd of middle aged women fussing over some wizard signing books. I saw on the sign outside it was the man who was the author of most of our school books this year, that explained the fuss. Gilderoy Lockhart was seated at a table surrounded by large pictures of his own face, causing Draco and I to roll our eyes at the sight in unison. Sure he must be a great wizard and all, but he seemed very self-centred.

Then I suddenly heard the man exclaim "It can't be Harry Potter?"

I watched as the crowd parted and my brother stepped up next to Lockhart and the photographer kept snapping photos of them. And to make matters worse, Lockhart told everyone that Harry would be receiving his latest book free of charge. Once again, his celebrity status was showing.

Then the crowd cheered as Lockhart told everyone he would be teaching D.A.D.A at Hogwarts this year.

"Just great." Scoffed Draco beside me. "Bet you loved that, didn't you, Potter?" He suddenly called out louder, causing Harry to turn around.

Draco approached my brother, but I stood still in the same position not daring to move an inch. I saw from here the red headed family from the train station last year was there with Harry too.

Harry, his friends and Draco were bickering when all of a sudden Lucius approached who I assumed was the Weasley father. I couldn't see too much from here, but I watched Lucius examine a little red haired girls new school supplies while keeping a hand on Draco's shoulder.

My eyes grew wide as I saw the Weasley father tackle Lucius. They smashed into a bookshelf which I narrowly escaped from being flattened by. Only the side of the large wooden furniture hit against my arm, but that was when I had to go into hiding. I felt a strange feeling, like tingling the the back of my neck. I recognised this feeling, it was the same I felt in the forbidden forest when that creature came out of me. I cowered in the very corner of the bookshop, not daring to look behind me. But when I did glance back, I was glad to see no monstrous bull like being emerged out of my back like it had last year.

I saw Draco hurry over to me, take my arm and follow behind his father who rushed out of the bookstore looking very flustered and aggravated.

We traveled back to Malfoy Manor the way we came, Lucius heading straight to his personal chambers as Narcissa asked us what happened. 

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