Chapter 4 - Potions Class

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Rose's POV

Draco Malfoy got into Slytherin too like he predicted. I watched some more people being sorted into our house when all of a sudden I heard his name.

"Potter, Harry."

The hall filled with whispers. Oh god please don't let Harry be in my house. The hat took quite some time before yelling Gryffindor. Draco sent Harry a dirty look while I tried hiding myself behind an older Slytherin boys body so he wouldn't spot me.

Leila got into Slytherin too, as did Blaise. I was happy to see him here. Everything that happened next seemed to go by so quickly. Dumbledore gave a strange speech before mountains of delicious food appeared out of thin air in front of us. Then we were told the forbidden forest was out of bounds and so was the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side. It was also strange to watch a bunch of ghosts floating around and most students treating it as if it was the most normal thing ever. I definitely needed to get used to all of this magic stuff, seeing as though only yesterday I had no clue it even existed.

Then Dumbledore had everyone sing that god awful sounding Hogwarts song.

Thankfully once that was over, we were allowed to follow our Prefects to our dormitories.

The common room looked amazing. It was underground because it was in the dungeons, we could see the black lake from a large window that was at the back of the room and different shades of green light danced around a portrait of a serpent. Greenish lamps just like the ones in the common room were also found in the girls dormitories. I liked the colour green, happy to have it be my house colours. The silver on the tie I would be wearing to classes also gave it an elegant flair.

I shared my dorm room with two other girls, one of them was Leila and the other a girl named Pansy Parkinson.

While everyone felt pretty exhausted and went right to sleep, I read my school books deep into the night. I wanted to make sure I knew everything there was to know, even if that meant sacrificing a good nights sleep. I didn't have that for years anyway, so I was used to it. I especially made sure I had strong knowledge in potions for future classes with Professor Snape, I wanted to impress him.

Morning came and with about 3 hours of sleep, I tried my hardest to not fall asleep into my cereal at breakfast.

As the mail arrived, which turned out to be carried out by the Owls, I read over my timetable. I would be having Herbology and Charms with the Ravenclaws in the morning, and then History of Magic and Transfiguration with the Hufflepuffs.

"Thank Merlin we don't have any classes with those stupid Gryffindors am I right?" Leila snickered, sipping her orange juice. I had noticed there was a strong rivalry between my house and Gryffindor. It makes sense I guess, seeing that Harry and I ended up being sorted into rival houses. It was probably a good thing because it would keep him away from me. I couldn't stand the fact that he was given such celebrity status, I was also there the night our parents were murdered. He is getting special treatment because of the death of our parents, how does that even make sense. Lucky for me, nobody in my house seemed to like Harry much either. I really didn't want anyone to find out we were related.

The end of the week came quickly, I seemed to grasp everything in my classes quite well. I hated Herbology, the dirt reminded me of my time I was still living in the forest. History of magic was also quite boring, but the only class that really reminded me of muggle school I used to attend. I always got top marks in all my classes there, ranging from English to Math and from PE to Sciences. History of magic reminded me a little of my history classes from school, just with different historical events of course.

Friday morning, while eating the usual breakfast, I was reading over the potions book once more to prepare for class. I had already proven myself in my other classes which luckily until this day didn't have any Gryffindors in it. 'Harry and his gang better not spoil this for me' I though while getting up from my seat.

I walked down the familiar path into the dungeons next to Blaise. He also seemed to excel in all the classes which was one more thing I liked about him. We often sat next to each other in class and then studied together in the common room in a comfortable silence.

As usual, I took a seat next to him at the back of the classroom. Draco and some of his friends were sat at the table in front and Leila was with Pansy next to our table.

Professor Snape did roll call, pausing for a split second at my name and then continued until he reached Harry's. Harry must have sat at the front of the classroom, because lucky for me I couldn't see him from back here.

"Harry Potter. Our new celebrity." Snape said softly as Draco and his friends began giggling. I smirked a little myself, unlike everyone else new I had met, Snape did not seem to succumb to Harry's famous status. I was sure the other teachers would treat Harry differently because he was ever so special, but Snape would do nothing of the sort. One more reason why he would probably end up being my favourite professor.

Snape gave a fascinating speech about what potion making is all about, when all of a sudden he snapped at Harry.

"Potter! What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

I knew the answer to that. I bet he was testing Harry to see if the ever so amazing boy who lived was as great as everyone claimed he was.

But Harry had no idea, muttering "I don't know" from the front of the classroom. All of a sudden Snape's cold eyes locked with mine.

"Evans." He spoke. "Do you know?" I knew what he was doing. He was testing me. Surely he must have somehow found out from Dumbledore that Harry and I are related.

Desperate to prove I am nothing like my brother, I said "Asphodel and wormwood make a sleeping potion known as the Draught of Living Death" as confidently as I could.

Snape looked a little taken back, then turned back to Harry. "And where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar?"

"I have no clue." I heard Harry retort.

"Tut, tut — fame clearly isn't everything. Let us try Evans again."

I thought for a second, then remembering where I read about this. "A bezoar can be found in the stomach of a goat."

Snape raised an eyebrow, if I wasn't mistaken I would say he actually looked impressed. But I'm sure Blaise knew all of this too.

"Potter, do you by any chance know the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane, or does your sister have to answer it for you again?" My eyes grew wide as Snape was looking in Harry's direction again. My suspicions had proven correct, he did know I was related to Harry. Now everyone would know. Great.

I didn't even dare look over at Blaise, Pansy or Leila. I just stared straight ahead at the teachers desk and focused on Snape's ink pot to stop myself from having to look at anyone else.

I was asked to answer the question that Harry of course did not know the answer to once again.

"Monkshood and wolfsbane, they are the same plant, which also goes by the name of aconite." I said, more quietly than before.

"And why is nobody copying this down?" Snape snarled at the class, who then began vigorously scribbling the information down on parchment paper.

"Evans, see me after class." 

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