Chapter 1 - Homeless Life

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Rose's POV

Two years. Two excruciating years had passed since the day I walked away. So much of me has changed, I am not at all that frightened little girl of back then. I barely ate, causing me to not have grown one inch since I left Privet Drive. I've also developed a certain numbness to the world. You come face to face with unimaginable things when living on the streets.

The first week I spent basically crying day and night, sleeping in a forest and having absolutely nothing to eat. I was too afraid to try the berries I found, knowing some might be poisonous. The only thing I did do was drink from a nearby stream. But after a week of not eating and sleeping in the freezing cold, I fell extremely ill. I kept coughing, my lungs burning if I was merely breathing and my whole body was shaking at all times. I knew I had to get out of the forest in order to survive. I stumbled along the streets and alleyways of London, having been there a few times while buying presents for Dudley with the Dursley's for his birthday and Christmas. The second my nostrils were filled with the scent of food from a Hamburger place, my stomach let out a loud and painful growl. I had to eat, I was in so much pain but I just had to get something into my stomach right now. Every person I approached with pleading eyes either ignored me or yelled at me to get away. Except for one kind lady. She was quite old, telling me she sadly did not have any money on her but knowing that down the street was a homeless shelter I could go to.

I thanked her with my raspy voice from not having any liquids yet that day, heading in the direction where she pointed at. It was a shabby looking place, but if there was food then I did not care one bit what it looked like. When I walked in it was packed with dirty looking men and women who were sipping on something in paper cups. I didn't look any better, all cut up and covered in dirt from being in the woods.

I told one lady wearing an apron and standing behind a counter I was hungry. She barely looked at me, just pointing at a large silver bowl with a ladle in it. I saw the same paper cups the people were sipping on next to this bowl, taking one and then taking off the lid from the bowl. A delicious smell escaped out of the bowl that had a yellowish looking soup in it. I filled the cup up to the brim, walking to the very edge of the room and gulping the piping hot soup down. It felt incredible having food in my system again. I wanted to go for seconds, but was told "only one meal per day."

I looked around me again, seeing the other homeless individuals heading into a back room of this building. I followed some of them, which ended up with me standing in an enormous hall which was filled with even more people, some laying on the floor in sleeping bags and some socialising in circles. The smell was horrible, it was really stuffy in here but the only thing that I cared about was that it was warm. I stumbled over some sleeping bodies when I spotted a vacant spot at the end of this hall. I sat down, pulling my knees up to my chest and restraining myself from crying.

— Time Skip —

1 and a half years had passed since that day I ate the soup in the shelter. It was my permanent home for most of the time. The workers there kicked me out once or twice, threatening to call social services. Part of me wanted them to, hoping I could maybe end up in an orphanage or even better, an actually kind family. But then I thought that perhaps they would send me back to the Dursley's again.

Whenever they kicked me out, I usually spent the nights roaming the streets. Every single time something happened. One time someone who was clearly high on drugs tried to forcibly stick an injection into my arm. Luckily some man noticed and pushed the other away, this causing a fight between then to erupt which ended very bloody. Another time I found what I thought was a cardboard box which did not have an owner. Oh how wrong I was. I tried taking it, but then all of a sudden felt the impact of a fist to my face. That person was definitely upset I tried taking it from them. And yet another time I was kicked out, a large group of guys exiting a club approached me. This was most definitely the worst experience.

"She's so dirty though." One said while another of the guys licked his lips while looking at me. "Don't matter to me." He breathed. He put both of his arms on my shoulders, pushing me up against a wall. I knew what would happen, some people at the shelter had told me this kind of stuff goes on in the streets. I didn't know what to do, so I just let out a high pitched scream. The other guys suddenly scurried away, but the one who had me pinned against the wall just put his sweaty hand over my mouth. I tried screaming again, this time it was muffled. The mans eyes grew wide as he looked above me. I couldn't see because he was towering over me, but he looked terrified and followed after his friends. I quickly spun around, trying to see what scared them. But nothing was there besides me and my trembling body.

That is when I decided I couldn't spend nights out in the streets anymore. I headed back to the shelter. If they called social services, then so be it. But they never did. They kept warning me like they used to, but the whole summer I was able to stay there without any trouble. That was until one night, exactly one month after my 11th birthday, a strange looking man awoke me from my usual restless sleep. He startled me, causing me to jump up and stare at his peculiar appearance for a few seconds. He was tall and thin, very old judging by the silver of his long hair and beard. His blue eyes were light and sparkling behind half-moon spectacles.

"You look different to how Hagrid told me Harry described you." The man said. How the hell did he know Harry? Well I mean he was right, my hair was still black because I kept dyeing it with hair dye I bought with the money I got from begging. I know I should have probably gotten myself better things, but here at the shelter I had food and I really didn't want to go back to my red hair again.

"Who are you?" I whispered to him, not wanting to wake the other sleeping tenants.

"How about we go out for a bit and I explain things to you?" He offered me a hand, which I declined by taking a step back. This man wearing long robes is really expecting me to just go with him? He is probably high as a kite judging by his weird appearance. Nevertheless he does know about Harry somehow...does that mean I can trust him after all?

"Fine." I eventually muttered, walking out of the hall and out onto the streets with him. We walked a whole ten minutes without talking when I realised he was bringing me to the park.

He took a seat, offering me the spot next to him. I did so with strong hesitation, my brain telling me I deserved whatever was going to happen next because I followed a weirdo outside and was all alone with him now. 

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