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Chapter 22——The Next Lesson

Today is the day.
Today is the day where I, and other kids of Class C-2 will do our first training day, and New Glory and Chief Apex will be watching our every move as we try to win it. The pressure is real.
And it's felt around us.
Everyone I saw walking were either excited about it like Kadoku and Jordyn, or extremely anxious like me, Takeo, Su-Jin, and everyone else I know.
We all can feel it in the air today.
Something extraordinary.
Something powerful.
The feeling of how everything is gonna to change on this day. The clouds were thinner today than ever, and so gloomy that Tim Burton couldn't imagine his atmosphere.
I also kept on thinking how my bed broke. I keep replaying the night when it happened the next day.
Was it a person?
Was it the weather?
Or did I get in contact with the Lightning Thief or something like that?
I wanted laughed at myself then I remembered that this school loves to eat up the crazy and weak. The school can easily eat up dozens of people like me.
Twenty minutes. I thought as my iPhone had a timer to prep me for the Training today. Twenty minutes until the final countdown begins for Armageddon arrives.
I ate nothing but good food to get me going, and it's kicking in. Scrambled eggs and lean meat without grease while having some coffee, which I will never have again, and I slept good yesterday so I'm as ready as I ever be.
Marcus was with Ryoji and everybody else as I was walking with a bunch of strangers in a big crowd.
I was by myself.
The feeling of loneliness, where the mind just wants another person to cuddle or talk to; I didn't feel it right now. My mood currently was "determination", I'm refusing to back down.
This is my moment if I want it to be or not.
I'm gonna do my absolute best.

———Fifteen Minutes———

We were waiting for the guests of honor as we were either on our little screens or sleeping tight on our backups like Cade was.
A snorer he was, even gaining the attention of my mortal enemy Jordyn as she slowly grabbed her book and slam it on his desk, waking him in the process. "Oww!!! Did I do something?" He asked loudly, wiping his eyes and yawning. He must've  made modifications to his Mecha last night, he said something about it before I left.

"Everyone is going to be all ready if their uniforms and me and Inugann haven't been prepared!"

His words still echoed in my head, I never had the patience with machines and mobile suits.
"Yeah," She looked at him in disgust before looking the reflection in her nails. "Your snoring was making me lose my focus on my nails." She wiggled her fingers up and down as she had new acrylic
I would normally be scared of what she had in store for me, but my seat was next to Kadoku Haritoka. He wasn't as bad as people made him out to be, just a bit cranky.
If I didn't have any legs; I would be cranky as well....
"Yo, Willoby. Don't speak," He said to my ear and told me not to speak as he could not understand my stutter. I didn't blame him. "but what do ya think what we're gonna do today?"
Well, you told me not to speak and asked a question, kinda ironic if I thought more about it. I didn't say to him but I shrugged. I had no clue what this training procedure is going to be——I wasn't too worried about that
He agreed with me even though I didn't speaker him. "Yea: Fo sho, I agree to what you're saying: I dunno what we're going to do but I know it ain't gonna be easy."
"Another question: You hate Jordyn's guts too?" I shrugged off again, this time slowly than last time, making him nod back.
"Heh. I hate Jordyn Himasaki too."
"DID I HEAR MY NAME COMING OUT OF YOUR MOUTH, BUSHFLY?!" Her yelling caught me on guard, then he stood up and yelled back as I saw green spit coming out of his mouth.
"YES YOU DID, YOU BRACEFACE, PLASTIC ASS BITCCHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Then those two scuffled with another.
"Oh, boy........Here we go again." One girl said to herself as she also sat behind me next to Armando and I heard the two talk.
"Have you heard: We're doing bomb procedures."
"We aren't doing that." She had a slight Finnish accent whenever she spoke to people.
"How you know that?"
"I have a hunch." She said those four words, I hated being noisy in general, but whenever she spoke: I had to listen
Her voice was smooth as honey.....
You got all of that from a hunch? Man, I wished I could have a hunch like that.....And you could probably see my pulse just going up and down.....I can't really see her right now; I'm hoping her hero costume is better than mine.
I thought romantically as everyone stopped being so rowdy and disrespectful to each other. Our teachers walked into the room, they were feeling dandier than ever, with smiles on their face.
Well, Mr. Lewis's face. "Good Morning, class!" Mr. Lewis greeted our class happily while Mr. Minami casually said with a deep voice "Yo."
"Okay," Mr. Minami started to tell us the information. "I'm positive that you all know what is going to happen, but let me give you a reminder to be—-"
"Are you ready to shoot the rockets or what?!" New Glory interrupted your flying onto the room, just prancing in the air. Everyone except a few cheered for him.
"Uh—Good Morning Salamanders!" Chief Apex greeted us softly and waved his hand in a way that combated the more energetic tone with
I immediately rose up from my sit, for he was here.
Chief Apex is here! OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG! I was freaking out from the inside since my favorite hero—my idol, my HERO since I was five, was standing right in front of us.
In front of me, looking at me as every kid in the classroom whooped for him.
He's so tall!!!!! The Character Profile Card got for me said he was six-two; uhhhhh—but I beginning to think that card had a misprint now.
"So they are teachers this year!" This one kid, Armando Ayala, yelled out his thoughts completely out, he sat behind me and he wasn't a bad-looking guy. If he did not doubt constantly——He could get some respect for even that one girl from the Griffons.
Then again: Who am I to talk? I could speak a word without me stuttering.
Armando made New Glory grin a bit.
I know he's supposed to be one of the good guys and he's known to be Chief Apex's best friend, but there's something off about him. Beneath that smile of his, he's definitely shady. Those blue eyes of his, they just have bit of a.......shadiness.
"I'm pleased that your teachers are allowing us to monitor and analyze what the next generation of heroes can currently do under our supervision." Chief Apex said, he was standing taller than ever.
I guess it was where they worked together———speaking in a duo. "I'll let my old friend New Glory finish this off before we get into the good part."
"Alright, kids," New Glory took over once Chief Apex finished his part. "What we need you all to do is get changed and meet us at Entrance F.1, you have about twenty minutes!"
And we followed their orders so unhesitatingly.

(Discontinued) CORHEIM Year One Volume 1: The New Heart in TownWhere stories live. Discover now