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Chapter 28———First Results

Each and every eye were weary from the battlefield, one were a tired exultance after they have winning. Another were ones of defeat, as Funka Berunji, Kadoku Haritoka, and Helene Beaumont accepted in their defeat. Knowing full well they have lost, despite putting effort in trying to win.
Team B, which consisted of the Heart-Bond Ryoji Kazama, the newly crowned Ultiman Akina Willoby, the Demon Weasel-Fox Boy Takeo Fukuazan, and the Chloromancer Su-Jin Nieswurz, managed to defeat their opponents.
Team B had won the training exercise today, albeit with their one of their members incapacitated, one needed intensive care immediately and the other two were decent. In Akina's case, everyone was still processing on how the weakest link in this class was able to punch through force fields and leap very far.
Chief Apex, the No.2 Hero of the N.U.S.N., his mind was blown.
Her powers were the exact same as his, they shared all except one: She was able to fire off lasers from the palm of her hands. To Enapay; she was a different breed, higher up than what he ever could. Eve
So.....She's like me——She's an Ultimen like me...... Chief Apex thought while the kids were marveling about the outcome.
The underdogs have won against the apex predators; everyone loves a good comeback story and Akina Willoby is the new Rocky now. With her charm in her pink hair, it is the inevitable that she'll fetch me more with the teenager demographic. Maybe I'll offer her an internship for Valiance......Maybe when she gets better.........New Glory plotted her involvement if her time, knowing full what she was.  It was not rocket science to him: Even Ace knew about Ultimen; his friend was one of them.
Enapay first gained his powers around 2004 when he was in the business course, during a dodgeball game. His throw manifested into a sonic boom, destroying half of the gym back then, and this girl was using high energy beams to attack. Another goddamn Ultiman. Lino is going to have a field day with her future; not unless I get to her first. America's Sweetheart clenched his fist tightly as he finished his plot silently, his ambition began to unravel.
The rest of Team B and now awakened members of Team F walked in the monitor room with the rest of their peers looking at him as if they were gods, including Akina, who laid on a stretcher. She was resting from using all of her power.
Immediately on instinct, Marcus tried to comfort her
until he was stopped by his idol Chief Apex, who was still processing. "I know you want to be with your sister, but you're up next. You can go to her afterwards. Okay?"
Without giving a fight, Marcus acquiesced and stared at his sister sorrowfully. He was regretting that he wasn't there yet he felt proud of how his sister, smiling a bit. Her hair color on her right side
had brightened a hue of pink, it was noticeable to him. Damn. That Super Saiyan transformation was really cool, Akina. I just don't think you should do that again. Marcus thought, placing his hand on the metallic rod of the bed.
I've already contacted her parents...When she recovers——Then you can ask her about how long she knew about her lineage, Enapay. Remember that. Chief Apex coached himself.
Akina's lifetime bully and fellow Heart-Bond, Jordyn Himasaki, was aghast of how her victim, once so weak; had the potential in defeating her. Is she stronger than me?! Wait: When did she ever have the strength to leap high and shit? HOW did this even happened?
It was the wrong time for Helene Beaumont, who had recovered unexpectedly and poked her in the arm. "Hey Jordyn, apparently Akina got superpowers. I had no idea that she had them in the first place. What do you say——" She teased her 
Jordyn blew up on her friend, the one friend who was not scared of her. "SHADDUP! No way she has superpowers......No way....." She tried to assure herself that nothing about Akina changed, she knew that deep down, she was lying to herself.
"Now, now, Miss Himasaki." New Glory placed his hand on her shoulder before he took it off of the heat in her. Her skin felt scalding hot to him, even for him. "Use that anger for today's challenge. After all, you're going to need it."
"Look at the right side of her hair: The color's lighter than the other side!" Sanda pointed out while wearing urban street clothes as his hero uniform.
New Glory walked to Sanda, Marcus, and his friends and saw it for himself as well. "Excellent observation, Sanda!" New Glory yelled out, he held his tongue as he really meant to say "No, Shit." to the kid. Children talked tongues while in the locker room and he learned the first time to curse.
"All of it doesn't make sense. Didn't the people said she's just ordinary?" Reza asked Sera and Kemp.
Sera answered back kindly. "There was always something different about her whenever she walked into a room......"
"Like a feeling that a goddess walked in?" Kemp guessed, it was her pink hair that made her unique in the first place.
"Yes!" Sera pointed at Kemp and explained further. "I had no idea about that she can do those things. Maybe she's an alien who——"
"Okay kids, that's enough theories. This isn't Game Theory or your average YouTube series about conspiracy theories." Chief Apex brushed their theories out of the way and the two teachers had huddled everyone who was conscious as Akina was sent to the Medical Wing of the school, everyone looked puzzled. "So, tell me?" New Glory asked his students. "Who was the MVP on each team?"
Hands immediately jumped in the air to be called on, and New Glory chose Sasha Arkhangel.
"It can't be Kadoku because of he severely injured Ryoji." She inferred, who wore a shiny, navy blue, sleeveless jumpsuit and lightweight boots.
"He was attacking Funka and I was just tryna——" Kadoku defended his actions, he did not mean to hurt him out of spite.
What good would it do when no one in the class likes him? Where they hate his guts for his past mistakes? ".....Nevermind." He dropped his defense and left to go to the west side of the room, pouting of how no one listened to him.
"For Team F? That's obvious: Helene. She did everything she could to ensure her team's victory, even though they didn't succeed in the end——She did her absolute best."
"In reality, the MVP in Team B would have to be.....Su-Jin and Takeo since she did her absolute best in making sure her teammates were safe and sound, the other two did but Akina should've known her limits. She could've hurt her opponents." Reza took over the question, fixating his glasses.
Takeo exulted as his face grew a smile and pumped
by his side.
Yippee! I actually did good this time around! Su-Jin also was happy that she won the MVP along with Takeo yet kept her enthusiasm inside herself. People already think of her as "creepy" or "weird", and her love for the flora is overbearing. Not as good as Takeo though. His walls of ice were really a marvel to see.
"Alright, Team A, or Regis, is still nowhere to be seen and for Team E: Get ready! Because you are up next!!" New Glory announced to Cade, Sera, Jordyn and Marcus; all four members of Team E.
They all went to the entrance, feeling uneasy of what is to come.
Cecilia walked to Marcus, half-heartedly apologizing to him for the things she said about Akina. "I'm sorry about me saying those things about your sister. Your sister has a lot of potential. I was wrong about her——-"
Marcus didn't pay attention to her kissing up. As long as it ain't my sister, I'm good. Otherwise, I got things to look forward........And I don't need to hear anymore of her..... He kept on walking with his group, following behind New Glory.
Now I need to kiss more ass to get I need...... She thought, caressing her snow-colored hair once before going towards Ryoji and Su-Jin.
"So, you're Kazama. You're a legend around the N.U.S.N. People talk about you and spread tales." She said in a condescending tone towards him, her wings slowly opening.
He knew this tactic: This girl was trying to intimidate him by showing his insecurities: Ryoji hated appraisal.
Especially false appraisal.
"I didn't know that I was a legend around here. I consider myself to be quite normal, just like everyone else." He disagreed with her quickly,
Cecilia smirked at him, her amber eyes couldn't pierce through Ryoji's ordinary, brown eyes. "Well, you aren't everyone: Heart-Bond."
"Are you done?" His blood was boiling as he also hated brown nosers, even Su-Jin got a bit scared.
"I am. Now I am." Cecilia finished, going somewhere to make people boil.
"Who was that bimbo?" Igneus asked his Bonder curiously.
Bimbo is too nice of a word for this Finnish kurva. Her name is Cecilia Harmaajärvi, she's the little sister of the Finnish premier team "The Pale Ones". Ryoji told Igneus politely.
"The Pale Ones? That name sound so heroic."
They aren't heroes. They are more akin to that of morally grey celebrities that can do whatever the hell they want, she probably has killed people before she came to this school......I need something to punch. Ryoji explained to Igneus.
"There was your chance."
Then I need someone to talk to. Someone that doesn't piss me off and one who isn't too shy. Like....Beri.
"Hey, Ryo! That was one hell of a match!" Yelled out a kid two years older than Ryoji, sitting on a sofa while writing down notes.
Beri Alliyma Sosa: The son of the late Yanta Alliyma Sosa, legendary teacher who taught the Class of the Pegasus, killed in the 2006 Incident, as well as his Uncle Uchu and his Aunt Marli.
His father was Half Quechuan and Half Afro-Dominican on his side while his mother has Nigerian ancestry, his deep purple eyes showed bravery, as if he could stand up to the tallest shadows there was.
He had long, dark purple hair that stood up and tall as a hairstyle that wasn't common to compensate for his short stature. People called him a dwarf despite him not hitting his growth spurt yet.
His intelligence was not to be lightly off. Not to mention, he was built skinny and wore a purple suit with a berry symbol on the chest. His yellow gloves came with adhesive that he could turn off by a switch in his boot.
The reason why it took Ryoji and Su-Jin so late due to them traveling to Plum Creek, a neighborhood close to Zanark Town.
They helped him find one of his neighbors' pet turtle who was found swimming in the massive pond Plum Creek was known for. They talked with him for a bit before they left to go to Zanark Town.
"I can't wait for yours, Beri."
"Man," Beri retorted. "I got Texan and Nepali Death Metal on my team, it'll be decent."
Noticing the book he held, Su-Jin was interested in what was going on with him. "What are you writing?" Su-Jin asked, she knew Beri for a long time and was casual with him. "Is it por——"
"Notes," Beri answered before taking a deep breath. "Every battle I watched——I write down the tips I need in case for the Skirmish. Since that's around the corner, I need to—-"
"You? In the Skirmish?" Kadoku came out of shadows, cackling by Beri's claim. "Don't make me laugh!"
Another Vanguard? I hope he isn't as annoying as that Harmaajärvi.... Ryoji grimaced mentally.
Kadoku stopped his cackling and went on with what he wanted to truly say. "What a match! I hope to say, but y'all were decent when it came to the fightin' part. Ryoji——-"
"You were subpar at most: You merely ambushed me instead facing up close." Ryoji chided.
The clapback though! Beri thought, closing his notebook to cover his mouth.
Kadoku brushed it off. "What so special about the girl? She's got super strength, Fire energy beams and that's it-"
"Uh, the girl can catch bullets too." Beri interjected in between Kadoku's observation of Akina's new powers. Kadoku loosen his mechanical leg.
"Hold up a second, Sosa——Don't tell me you believe in that rumor!"
"Of course I believe it: I was there." Beri responded and thus he told his story that involved him.
It was the second week of school after spring break, since Surwick has the entire month to relax and I was in "Physical Self-Defense Against Villains" course with the fourth years.
Don't ask.
The teacher was Hans Blaustein, an expert on the martial arts. An eccentric person. Really crazy at times but the man knew the material he was teaching.
Akina was a student aide since she could do whatever the teacher told her to do, from shredding papers to helping him conduct the training ring and cleaning it.
There was one thing he wanted to that caused an uproar the next day with the Principal.
"Can you catch this bullet for me, Miss Willoby?"
I won't be describe anyone's appearance because you guys know who they are.
"Sir, maybe that's not needed," Lenora Fuentes told Mr. Blaustein, but he didn't pay attention to her.
"Nonsense! It's a rubber bullet, after all——If I believe that Akina Willoby can catch this: She can catch it."
She stood in the middle of him and he raised the gun, lowered the hammer of his guns and slowly pulled the trigger. Akina was shaking in her boots and everyone could tell.
A large bang sound rang around the room and even with the earphones we wore, it didn't come from the bullet leaving the chamber———It was her hand.
She caught it with ease.
A speeding bullet. Caught in the middle of her palm, there was no blood when she caught it.
"Holy pink shit on a stick." She uttered those six words, it was as if she didn't know herself.
My gut told me that day afterwards, that she will get strong.
It's just a matter of when.

"And that was that!" Beri concluded his story.
Everyone was astonished by his story. "If she can catch speeding bullets and leap into the sky at this age; then we all need to catch up." Ryoji stated, marveling of how she's already stronger than him and he's a Heart-Bond.
"I agree wit you, Kazama." Kadoku agreed with him, already looking forward in fighting her again.
"Yeah. We have to get stronger if we want to be pros. We need to." Su-Jin conceded.
"Wow, I never heard you speak more than five words before, my sweet little flower." Upon hearing Kadoku's little flirt with her, Su-Jin immediately left their presence, leaving Kadoku, Beri and Ryoji by themselves sitting on the sofa.
Beri was trying to contain his laughter inside while Ryoji was unsure of what happened.
"Oh, I didn't mean it like that! Suzy——Come on!" Kadoku begged her to come back since he had a crush on her.
"I don't think the feeling is mutual, Kadoku. Plus, your power is sort of a turn off for girls like you." Beri jested with Kadoku.
"What's your superpower again? I don't think you never told anyone in this room before?" Kadoku deflected back at him.
"I'm a healer of sorts..." Beri responded looking around
"What kind of healer?"
"The healer that heals people?"
"No one likes a smartass!!"
"Ace Ventura. Verbal Kint. Bugs Bunny. Bender."
The noise became muddled for Ryoji, who was lost in his thoughts.
If she had this powers in the first place, then she would've been able to defend herself against that Mario fellow......What happened to him since he failed his task? Was he thrown to the gators? More importantly: Where's Don Sarbello hiding and what is Akina? She is not a human. I need to go to Babel after this.......
And then, the sole member of Team A, the prince of Somnus.
"There he is——Look at the prince of Bel——Oops, wrong franchise and wrong time era." Beri played around with Regis, who looked at him.
Purple, sleek hair awkwardly hangs over a round, tired yet attractive face. Small golden eyes, set low within their sockets, watch vigilantly over the armies they've disassociated with for so long.
A large French braid gracefully compliments his eyes and cheekbones and leaves a bittersweet memory of his home back in Somnus.
This is the face of Regis Luxulric, a prince to the people of Somnus. He stands graciously along with others, despite his slim frame.
People from Somnus dressed much more formal than ones, he was accompanied in wearing ivory and gold, he was more suited for go to the ball instead of fighting in those clothes he wore.
Regis, the Prince of Somnus..........That alliance seems so fragile. One mistake from either side and it's all over. The People of Somnus need that alliance. Ryoji observed him from a distance.
"Heya Prince!" Beri wanted to spark a conversation with him since he never got to speak to a Prince before.
"Apparently you're up next!" He told him and slapped on the back or at least attempted to before he was stopped.
"Don't ever touch me." A threat happened as hundreds of metaphysical blades circled around Beri, who seemed to be unfazed by it.

———Track 28 Ended———

LIKES: Video Games (Older ones are his favorite), Los Tres Golpes (The perfect combination!)
DISLIKES: His small stature, Allergies


I love this guy like you wouldn't believe. He will be prominent throughout the story.

Believe it.

HEIGHT: 5'5"
LIKES: (Not Interested)
DISLIKES: (Not interested)


He's human yet inhuman. A prince without morals. A hero with flaws.
He's a beast. He's a feast to hungry eyes. His name is Regis!!! (A catchy theme song with a few bars!)
Watch out!

(Discontinued) CORHEIM Year One Volume 1: The New Heart in TownWhere stories live. Discover now