Chapter Dvadeset i Sedam

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Chapter 27———DEUS EX AKINA [2/2]

Reality is sweet to be deal with; But not when your new powers jumpstart your whole body again after making yourself into a living battery and dusted your own bed.
What also didn't help was how I was on edge while I woke up with my hand on Igneus's neck, squeezing it tightly. My strength was unbelievable: I was choking a being that couldn't get choked: Unbelievable. So I got stronger now........ I thought as I amazed.
I realized this and stopped immediately. "Oh Gosh! I am SO sorry, Iggy!" I apologized as I let go of his orange neck. I thought of him as "different", maybe it was how eccentric he acted always. Made me think if Igneus is the true personality, then Ryoji would be  as weird as his Heart.
"I'm good, I can't exactly die or get sick but I ain't a masochist, so I'm glad you let go of my neck sooner."
I didn't know what "masochist" meant, but I'm going to just nod my head to make him stop.
"Dig the look." He complimented, even making me more confused.
"What look?" I asked him, I shouldn't look that different yet I'm acting different. I feel....more braver than ever. Another feeling: I want to prove myself
My "birthright", as the spirit called my powers, I feel different and I don't see a connection of how I changed. Yet.
"Take a look." He gave me his mirror and I took
My hair......It's lighter now...Once the dusky rose color I knew, now gone and now a brighter shade of pink took its place. It was up like a Saiyan, and there were strange patterns around my face. Crescent shaped markings on my nose and cheeks, only that the ends on the bottom and top were star-shaped instead. My eyes were still the same color, although they were different.
The uniform's a lil busted.. It's nothing I can't handle and my lips are bit cut since I fell face first into the dirt but I'm not complaining.
"Get on my back: It's our time to shine." I told him, he quickly followed orders. He smiled before getting on my back. "Okay, will do!" His voice was higher than a kite.
You weigh nothing to to be a small dude...... I thought to myself as how he was a lightweight and so easy to carry. I needed to know, as anyone who had never seen Heartz in person before: I have to ask.
"How much do you weigh?"
He got flustered just how I got flustered when I got with the Female Spirit, his pants got hot to the touch yet his suddenly heat didn't hurt me.
"We Heartz don't exactly have weight and sometimes we do. If I have to make an estimate——Why do you have to ask this question?! It's hella awkward?!"
"Because you don't ask about someone's weight! How would you feel if you're asked the same?"
I sorta of shrugged as he looked at me back, annoyed. "Doesn't bother me like it bothers you." I answered.
I skipped "One" and immediately let all of my strength push the ground, closing my eyes to properly experience this.
My "Birthright".
I opened my eyes slowly to savor this moment.
The air feels so amazing and seeing the clouds..........Clouds?! My eyes widen as I realized something: I'm in the blue sky, freefalling.
Wow, I leaped that high!! That's way too high!! TOO high!! I was screaming in my mind, I saw everything from the clouds up.
The walls of ice that Takeo made to defend himself, the explosions from Funka's hands to break that said ice walls, exotic-looking trees I've never seen them before. Those belonged to Su-Jin, a girl whose shyness triumphs over mine.
I can see them more clearly now than ever.
I can see at least far to make it seem that everyone was a small dot in the forest.
Superhuman Leaping? This is amazing! What else can I do besides leaping so far?
I can't fly, so I need to do something to keep me from going splat on the ground. What to do? What to do? I kept thinking as I was gaining momentum too fast, my cheeks were going all over the place.
Perfect! I felt great as I knew I was going to do, what every hero does when they fall gracefully in the sky. OKAY: I'm gonna do a superhero landing!
"Hold on, Hold on, don't land, don't land! DON'T——" Igneus begged me not to fall and land. He probably never heard of law of physics.....
Ow......My knee? Then I realized: I got Super Durability.
Super leaping, super durability and what else? Superhero landing could have went better
Now I'm ready to whoop some ass. Lemme do the badass neck cracking That didn't hurt me at all
Everyone was shocked to how I entered the scene and how fierce I looked upon landing except Ryoji, since he was laying there in pain.
I came to Ryoji as quickly as possible, so quick that I didn't feel the breeze. "I'm fast as well, where people can't see me as I move faster than they can understand."
I said under my breath before grabbing Ryoji placed him behind Takeo and Su-Jin.
"You should've been listen to me..." He murmured so quietly that no one else heard him, I could hear every word he said.
If I listened to him earlier——then we would've lost already. He was on the ground, on his stomach with aloe vera on his back. That says a lot about his experience.
My other teammates stared at me with puppy eyes, looking at me as if they never seen an Ultiman before.
It was strange to be looked this way, a look of fascination to something they didn't know about once their shells are cracked open. "What's the plan, Akina?" Takeo looked at me, his left eye was a bit busted and Su-Jin looked at me for answers as well.
They put me in a tough spot. I have never been a leader before, always been a follower.
As my mom tell me before dancing lessons, or she used to until I became too good to go to them: Give 'em hell. I was really good for a ballerina that age.
Those three words can make a difference or rather boosts confidence level up, my mom always said before doing papers.
"......Give 'em hell, folks!" I command them, pointing at our enemies as the first person that I wanted to fight was Funka Berunji.
Fighting against a friend who has been there for me as long as I can remember is hard.
This is a training exercise, so it's not personal or I shouldn't make it out to be personal.
We both looked at each other, Funka looked so worried of what was to come.
She was pulling her attacks as I was dodging them. No effort. I felt so amazing right now.
You like these so much.....what happens when I break your little toys? I analyzed the ovals in her gauntlets to be green, she was ready for another explosion. She can only ignite two of her limbs at a maximum but with the gloves and boots, she can use much more.
"What're you——"
"Sorry, but you know this is all a procedure, sis. No hard feelings."
All like a glass bottle, her equipment was destroyed as I demolished them with one punch to each glove.
I love Funka the most, but her shoddy attitude today really got me in a bad attitude and I'm filled with adrenaline.
Her puzzlement was the second best thing today, the third best thing was throwing her to a far distance.
"Yo, Willoby!" Kadoku finally had his slight on me and stretched a bit before walking. Part of his visor was broken from a block ice shattering his visor yet he didn't seem to mind. His lopsided grin reminded me of the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland.
"I definitely saw that coming, but I wanted to see if your blow was gunna make my face sting and it hurts a bit. But hey! Not bad; Willoby!" Complimented Kadoku as he walked towards me, touching hands and acid went through the ground.
I was too fast for him to even comprehend, I caught him with a sweep kick that wrecked his left leg.
His mechanical leg was easy to crush, even easier than Funka's gauntlets. Had no effort in throwing him away to Takeo and Su-Jin, who had escaped his eyesight. He flew and proceeded to fight them as well.
Funka looked so angry, a side of her was shown. She  cursed from a distance, moving her lips and grabbed a large boulder with her left hand—her pitching hand.
She can lift large rocks like that with one hand? Even I was surprised, I thought she wasn't as strong as I remembered.
"Let's see if you can CATCH this!" She challenged me, throwing that rock so fast that a punch couldn't reached without pieces falling at my teammates. What can I do? What to do? What to do? I asked myself, all before feeling a tingling sensation in my hand, glowing a bright yellow as it grew more intense.
Hold up, why is my hand glowing now?
I see you are very impressed by your new powers...Are you enjoying them currently?
Now she has time for me.....She could have told me about my powers sooner than later.
You're speaking to me now as my friend has thrown a giant hunk of rock at me?  I talked back to her inside my mind, I didn't want to be the "freaky girl from the Class of the Salamanders".
Brute strength isn't the only thing you possess. Sometimes, throwing fists aren't the answer to every fighting situation.
I wasn't sure of what the ghost meant, that is until my writing hand was getting  Go on. Th and let's see what happens!!
With a flick of my wrist as passionate it could be, a power surged through my hand and a large beam of energy ran through the boulder,  completely vaporizing that rock that Funka threw towards me.
A KAMEHAMEHA?! I just did a kamehameha! Holy pink shit on a stick!! I freaked out, my mind was absolutely blown away from it.
She's moving fast as well, using her pink colored superpowers to get by, I need to stop before she sneak attacks some area of the body where she knows to put me down.
I wasn't thinking and my hand flew to her stomach area and applyed too force that sent her flying
Oh no.... I didn't mean to punch you that hard on the stomach! I thought as she went down.
One punch?! I seen you fighting Ryoji and you took all his blows like a champ; but when you face me, you fall down in one punch. Maybe my name should be "One-Punch Girl."
" hella punch....You hit above your weight......" My best friend, who I considered to be the sister, the second strongest girl I know, fainted while feeling proud of me. She went peacefully and praising me in the end, a good person to the end.
She has anger issues and problems that stem from how her birth mom being dead, I know that feeling.
Kadoku was a mad man: he wanted to beat me by hopping on one foot.
This guy's tripping......
"Okay, my turn—" Kadoku was ready to take another beating from until a dozen of roses ensnared him. Su-Jin stood behind him, her hand out.
"Nope, nope, nope, nope. Stay down and stop fighting, you guys lost. We have a Wonder girl on this team." I never heard Su-Jin utter a complete sentence before in my life and we went to kindergarten together. She was as usually the one who say one-liners and make people a little awkward by her tending her plants, but Su-Jin is good.
Once you get to know her: She's a real pleasant person to be with.
"Go. We make sure that 'Fly-Boy' here stays put." Takeo made sure Kadoku was captured by putting him in ice. Seriously.
I didn't know how many those Androids they were talking about earlier, were still functional.
In a quick swoop, I knocked all of them down easily with their heads off.
There she is..... I plotted to attack, rushing ahead and all of a sudden; something pushed me away from her and made me tumble.
She began to talk as I was trying to recuperate (did I use that word right?) from her counter.
"So you heard about my powers. Force-Fields made of strong kinetic energy that can push you away every time you strike: That's my power. I don't care how strong you are, how fast you are or how bad you can beat me down to a pulp: all what you have is a Deus Ex Machina and nothing changes that."
"Give up, mon ami. If you want to break my fields, you need to hit me with the force of the entire Eiffel Tower falling down." She bragged about her power, also informing me about her drawbacks.
Did she say I have to Break her force fields with the weight of The Eiffel tower? Then I got to go beyond my current limits, even if my bones will break! I declared mentally. "A Deus Ex Machina?" My breath quivered, I was getting weaker.
It's Deus? Not Deux?
I forgotten about it, Akina. We all make mistakes. The spirit apologized, I didn't mind it and I wondered why she was saying sorry.
Every punch I threw was getting weaker and more heavy as opposed to earlier.
I won't give up! Not yet while I got some fight in me left!
"No——I prefer Deus Ex Akina. Get the gist?" I taunted her, attacking in a combo where her force fields were getting weaker and weaker, I figured out she can cast force fields onto herself and others. I'm getting tired of people mistreating me, pitying me; I am sick of it and I will make quick work of you——Helene Beaumont. Her force fields were starting to fold: I'm getting there.
An opportunity arose: A large dent presented in her force fields.
"I got one word for you, Helene——IMPACT!!!!!!" I yelled out my special move as my kick with the power with all my remaining strength, broke through her force fields and pushed her away. She was conscious.
We won. I want to win unanimously, or getting all the objectives.
Man: I AM a Chief Apex fangirl. I need to think up better special names in the future if I want to be a hero with her original moves....
She's down too, only difference is that I'm broken now. That kick broke me.
A few more steps and I'm in the hut...... I was limping on that foot, and soon everything else followed with it
Crap. My right hand is busted up and now my foot feels as if it got crunched up from a hydraulic press, pushing me to the dirt in pain. No.....Not yet........
A hand reached out for me and pulled me back to the physical world.
Ryoji? What is he doing here? His face was all bloody and now it's clean, out of the ordinary. If he had time to wash his face from who knows.
He was walking as if that acid didn't happen in the first happen.  I wish I had a healing factor like that......Aloe Vera doesn't heal a acid burn that quickly.
"You deserve to win this, Akina: Sorry I doubted you in the first place."
It didn't matter anymore: all what did was getting that piece of machinery and sticking up in that chalice's ass. "It's ok. No problem."
"I'll stay here and make sure that Helene Beaumont won't be having plans to thwart us. Go. You did good." He convinced me to finish this training exercise.
I left him alone without looking twice, entering the room where the chalice, it was surrounded by a bunch of moth and goat statues all over the place. What's up with that?
My arms were killing me from me trying to place the device onto the chalice, I went too much on my ankle on that kick. I should have thought about going easier on myself.
Where is the device? I tried to look for it, patting all over to find it.....There it is. I sighed in relief as I found in my first aid kit, grabbed it and slowly reached for it.
The device leeched onto the chalice, breaking it into a hundred pieces and a small smile grew on my face.
"TEAM B HAS CAUGHT ALL MEMBERS OF TEAM F AND DEACTIVATED THE CHALICE!!!! TEAM B WINS UNANIMOUSLY!!!!" Chief Apex yelled out loud from the speaker phones that everyone didn't know about, it ringed in my ears so loudly.
We won....... If I jumped in glee, I would have broken another bone as my entire body was in pain and shaky.
"Did you see that, Jordyn? I won........Suck my di......." I almost finished my sentence, but I guess I used too much Aether in the end. I just wanna sleep now........
Again with the fainting. At least I can rest since I did what I wanted to do..
I finally won at something.
I accomplished something other than being the sister of Marcus Duncannon.

———Track 27 Ended———

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