VOL.2: Chapter Sedamnaest

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Chapter 48———Ifrit's Heart

Power should not be defined by those with influence or money, but rather with talents and those driven by a need to help people.
But what I want never comes to life.
The corrupt and greedy are on the top of the ladder while good-natured people are getting kicked to the bottom of the ladder. I'm tired that people can still be slaves in this life, how I was a slave to the Assasins Guild.
When I was nine, I saw my life slipping away in there. The battlefield was riddled with blood and I saw some of my friends die for people who didn't care about them. For our enigmatic overlords, we
we're just weapons they wielded and discarded when we live our usefulness.
I knew that I didn't want a part of that life anymore.
I was lucky that I managed to slice the arm of the Thundercracker so that one enemy would dare to touch me until Dolle.
Not even her. The one who caused me pain and suffering throughout my years.
I know that I have hatred in me. Too much in fact but it will never outweigh my need to protect those at any cost. I will make sure to protect those that need it.
Yelling that name did wonders for me as I was surrounded by a harsh light. While my appearance did not change much aside from my armor having regenerated and looking more polished, I had noticed that my flames went from a small scarf to a large cape of searing-hot blazes. I felt stronger than ever.
But I didn't care how I looked——I cared how my blade, the one that I carried to this battle, looked.
The first thing I saw was that I no longer held a rusted, shabby blade. It was now a weapon I had confidence in. I would swing it gladly now like an idiot.
Ifrit's Heart was such a radiant blade, something from out of this world.
The blade was now golden and came with it beautifully detailed engravings on it. The tip of the blade was a brilliant flame that burned maybe 1600 Fahrenheit, and I felt my flames increasing their temperature by a split second. And the vents were now completely open; now there were four small tinders at the side of Ifrit's Heart now.
This was the fabled Orichalum Metal I have heard so much about.
"It's expensive-looking, Ryo!" Iggy was shouting at how shiny my Heartzschwert was.
I think it was never on for sale, Iggy...
The handle sat in my hand perfectly and I wanted to move around, but that would be too weird since I do have an opponent to fight with.
And she was looking dead at me with those icy blue eyes of hers.
"I cannot read your mind. Why? After all that work and just to lose my hold on you. I wish you had just accepted it. Now, I have to hurt you."
I did not answer her question, I was not aware of her disadvantage until now. Stupid tramp.
She changed the subject. "I see your blade has undergone a great overhaul to its design and it is shining ever so brightly," Yami complimented my blade yet I felt a "but" is coming, "but it will fail against my blade. Make no mistake, boy."
I'm no one's boy but my parents.
As expected, Yami did an unladylike thing and cracked her neck before staring right at my soul. Yami did exactly what I wanted her to do; just falling right into my trap and she wouldn't be able to get out of it.
Charging at Mach 1 now, I could see her now coming towards me. She was ready to swing that mighty blade of hers with monstrous strength. This Regalia Husk that Yami spoke so highly of seems stronger than a weaker level Heart-Bond, but I am not weak. She's fast—but I'm faster.
Yami swung her blade violently and carelessly as if she found a stick and pretend like she was a world-renowned samurai, which she wasn't and I kept blocking and countering gracefully as they taught me in Ravenskreig. Our blades clashed for the first time—yet I could feel her katana was about to break, due to my blade crushing the ice that protected her Masamune from harm.
That's her weakness...She's putting too much thought into her blade. Why on Earth would you so much fate in a weapon? I figured out her weakness: She's only good in the arts of swordsmanship.
That's no good.
Why? The only things that matter in the heart of combat are your skills, having an excellent plan, and never underestimate your opponent. No matter if your enemy looks like the biggest runt on the battlefield: They still can be our worst nightmare.
And I know these things.
I fight dirty while she fights more honorable. Isuse Maria: She believes in honor and all that ridiculous things. A fight to the death has no honor in it——only death for one and another survival
Punching her in the face with my spiky hand felt good, her cheek was scratched up and bloody from it.
Our blades crossed paths once more. She was running out of Aether, yet I thought her Regalia Husk supplemented her more amounts of Aether; not draining it altogether.
"Why are you struggling, Empress? I thought your Regalia Husk was invincible? Your Masamune, made of Indian Burcraycium, was crafted to be unbreakable?" I had a bit of anger in my voice as I was jeering at her, it was a bit of condescension and to break her pride. "Well, you can't read my mind, Yami Shinra, your invasion of the Rescue Garden Facility is moot," My anger made the flames of Ifrit's Heart begin to burn hotter than ever.
All before my large cape engulfed my blade and it felt great to unleash that anger.  "All to make your daddy proud of you?! How goddamn pathetic!!"
"Woah, Ryoji———That's cruel. I thought those days were behind you." Igneus, from his tone, was scolding me.
As if I was his child.
I ignored him and continued with my assault on her. Her Regalia Husk was failing her and my Heart was making me proud of him.
"How weak of you. How patronizing of you to scare me and my classmates! We are but kids and you're getting your ass handed by a twelve-year-old! You are but a shadow of your father!" To hell with jeering, I was insulting her lineage and everything about Yami Shinra.
My blade became searing hot and there was an explosion of light, one that blinded me and everyone around.
After the light had been quelled, it was now done—Her blade melted with ease from the fires of my newfound sword. It was now clear to her that it is Orichalcum, not Bucraycium, that is the supreme metal. If I saw everyone opening their jaws in amazement, I would lose my focus and she could attack me.
Just to see Funka Berunji with her jaw on the floor by marveling at my strength would be the best feeling.
"It's not possible..." She fretted, her blue eyes became more frightened as she dropped her toy as if there was no other use for her sword now. Without her blade, she's just as useless as a slug: She had no training in hand-to-hand combat, and I was. Pummeling her and leaving out no way for her to attack was satisfying to me.
It was my ASMR: Hurting those who hurt others, villains like her and I was the "hero" who was saving the day.
The irony of it all.
"No: It's necessary." I finally started as she was standing all bloody, she couldn't move to defend herself.
If I want to stay at this damn school and not my cover, then I got to act like my classmates. And if I have to shout the name of my every attack before it executing it——So be it. I thought, making a promise to not blow my cover and doing this "special move" that I made on the fly.
"PIERCER!" I announced my attack; A one-inch punch infused with my Aether to make it one percent powerful. I used my left arm like a catapult that was throwing an asteroid twelve miles away. A flame formed on my hand as I was finished.
To see her unconscious body flying to the end of the entrance to the Rescue Garden, I was proud of myself.
Without Akina, I managed to do this quickly and efficiently and without her help.
"You sure that was heroic of you to do that to her? You straight-up just murdered her, like a Raven. You're supposed to be a hero in training." Igneus felt horrified at what I did to my enemy.
I didn't. I don't feel like the others. Why should I feel ashamed of what I did to her?
I told you...I'm not a hero. I'm a Protector—Sworn to help those and defend the innocent from the corrupted and malevolent...By any means necessary and I need you to help me... I justified my reasons to him.
"Not like this, Kazama. We need to be better." Igneus was stubborn in his beliefs, pretending that he didn't have a row of razor-sharp teeth to rend his opponents. That's what they had in mind for him when forced the contract on us.
Though, I was starting to become more lethargic than earlier.
Wait...That means...
Shit...That beast was on the mountains a while ago. How did it?
I faced an opponent in a sword fight and now I have to face an assassin with the same rule set that I share...

———Track 48 Ended———


Ifrit's Heart
A Heartzschwert, or what Corheimr used as weapons back in their warmongering days. Its tremendous firepower brings that good luck and its weight is subtle. How Lino Saon retrieved this weapon is unknown but treats it well. 
[Attack] *****
[Magic] ****
[Firepower] *****
[Weight] **
[Block] ***

A blade of Indian Bucraycium. Once was able to unleash strong gales of wind but is destroyed with no chance of restoration. The previous wielder was Yami Shinra.
[Attack] ******
[Magic] *
[Firepower] **
[Weight] ****
[Block] **

(Discontinued) CORHEIM Year One Volume 1: The New Heart in TownWhere stories live. Discover now