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Chapter 08—Be Careful, Or Else The Light Will Never Come.....
After the fight with the Reaper, it has left the heroes a bit drained, refraining them from containing onwards. Ryoji knew, if they ventured without resting first; they could die, not because of their prowess, but of the horde of those wretched monsters could potentially overwhelm them. This was the thinking of a child-soldier. War has molded him into a tactician, albeit a ruthless one if that.
He gives out the command; someone who disagrees—he will root the weeds right there on the spot.
"Guys. We should rest here." He suggested it, some of the volunteers like Akina and the others immediately put down their things but
"Hell no." Funka defiantly said, placing her foot in the ground. There was the root that needed to pluck, yet he could not do it harshly. There need to be gentle handling first. "What was that? Can you repeat that for me?"
"I said 'hell no'. We keep on going, we'll get there in time before the Heroes get hurt or worse."
Ryoji let down a sigh. He did not want to be the bad guy, he did not want to hurt her feelings. Okay, I guess I'll start on being the bad guy now. He commented, "Listen, I got more experience than you. We're drained of Aether, and I'm pretty sure that Bishop," he pointed at Bishop, who then waved at her group, "has some protein snacks and restoratives for us. We can't make a campfire." He quickly added, "I mean the smoke detectors are still probably on, and we don't have any logs either." She felt extremely bothered by what he said. It was more of the way he made Funka feel when he said, "more experience than you". It perplexed her for a quick second, she is the daughter of a relevant hero who has had his position for a while. Funka knew the laws, did this guy?
She didn't like this feeling: The feeling of feeling insignificant when it came to others. "What makes you say that you have more experience than me? I thought you went to Raven River? From what Akina told me, you're a first-year like the rest of us. You talk as if you're older than us, more mature than us...Are you lying that you're not a wolverine?" She asked him, this was about heat up into a whole war of words.
"Wolverines are known to be quite untrustworthy and will attack any living thing that steps on its territory. I am completely trustworthy, I'm also quite peaceful if need to be." He informed Funka.
Her eyes became to fill up with disgust. "Peaceful? PEACEFUL? You nearly beat Takeo for him being for he is——he's just a gruff loner who likes to be alone!"
"Then he should've left Akina alone and apologized for the way he acted." This comment alone, made Takeo to turn around; but he had no anger when he was mentioned. No, it was regret of what he did.
She is right. Something must have happened to Takeo prior the courtyard. Akina thought. He's usually doesn't talk to people much. He gave up a long time ago. Everybody thinks he's some kind of demon. But he isn't like that.
"Do you always like to-"
Akina stepped between them, her dusty pink-hair was in the way of both their faces. "Enough-gh! There's no need to f-fight! Ryoji's right-t! We-e-e need to rest, that thing-ng gave us a hard time. But Funka also has a point-nt. We stay in one place-lace; we'll get hurt-t, or even-en worse! So, let's rest a bit then keep on-n going-g." She proposed her idea before smiling nervously, followed by Takeo taking her side.
"I agree. I'm drained from using too much of my powers, and I easily can get frostbite from my own powers." He seemingly changed, he distanced himself from Akina; yet he took her side. Her side.
"Same here," Sanda agreed, "I'm kinda starving. I forgot to eat breakfast since I was rushing for the graduation."
Funka and Ryoji, were completely silent and stared at each other for a brief time; one reminiscent of which people who he needs to watch out for, and the another had even more suspicious of the boy. Ryoji simply shrugged and accepted Akina's proposal, Ignoring Funka as he spoke. "That's a great idea! Great thinking, Akina! Alright everyone, we'll take a twenty-minute break and we'll resume."
Funka sighed. "......Fine. We'll stay put. And even if we had a little campfire: don't expect me to sing "F is For Friends"....." She walked away from her group and stood by the purple lockers.
"What is that she's talking about, Ryoji?" His subconscious, also known as Igneus, asked him.
You're expecting me to know what popular culture she just referenced, then you should've asked Ebony if he was here.
"I miss our original friends."
Me too.
Everyone sat down on the seemingly durable floor, and conversed with another. This would be the time to do so since they were not sure if they were to survive the outcome of this daring crusade.
Sanda smiled as large as day, he wanted to start a conversation with Takeo, who considers him to be the "coolest" guy in the room. Since Takeo was quite socially awkward, he ignored him and kept on looking down. "Heh, you always play hard to get?"
Takeo looked at him and finally said, "You sure talk a lot, don't cha?"
"I like to say I'm a comedian...."
"Comedians are funny. You aren't."
"Man," Sanda stopped as if he had a pause in this thinking, "you're the blunt type! I knew you were a 'chill' person to begin with!" And I could smell that you're an annoying person to begin with, Machipaku. What a lame ass last name. Takeo thought, meanwhile Akina went up to her friend to ask her something. She went up to Funka who looked at her before keeping a vigilant eye on things. "That Kazama—he's really suspicious."
"Okay. Anybody you don't know; you're so paranoid of them."
Akina sighed, looking at her friend with confusion. "I trust his word."
"I don't."
"And why?"
"The guy comes here, shouting that he's a Heart-Bond, beats up one of my friends, seems to be lying every time when I speak to him. Ryoji Dragomir Kazama is hiding something. What if he's a villain?"
"....Are you serious right now?" Akina fumed, looking at her friend, who was acting weird because of Ryoji. Her friend just kept on looking at her. "What do you mean?"
Akina put her foot down, she did this one more with her friends rather than people did not. She always felt insecure with herself, as she did not love towards her. There were many things she wanted to change about her qualities; she wanted to have more courage, which served as an ulterior motive to the whole "being back the generators online" plan.
This was to prove herself to her classmates; that she didn't need help, that she can handle trouble all by herself.
"You need to stop being so mean towards him! What did he ever do to you?"
"..........It's one thing that he said that rubbed me the wrong way. More experience than me, Aki? Something's off about this Kazama kid.." She finally answered, letting out a deep sigh. Geez, she got such a thing with this guy.  I'm keeping an eye on you: Ryoji Dragomir Kazama. All what Akina could do from this conversation is to either say something that would anger Funka or simply walk away from her.
Akina chose the better option of the two and went towards the others, which she saw Cade and Ryoji conversing with another. From the looks of it, it seemed that Ryoji was more the extrovert and Akina acted more of an introvert; seeing how she could interact with other people yet they would have a hard time understanding her stutter. This was one of the many insecurities she wanted to change; if she could engage into social gatherings more often, then perhaps the chance of her speech disorder would diminish in time.
And the rest of the group could be her way of trying.
Ryoji and Cade were conversing with another because as Ryoji wanted to talk to new people. Everyone he was acquainted with was apart of the Ravenskreig Assassin's Guild, and they were all striving to survive. The friends Ryoji had, the majority of them have either died in combat or their current whereabouts are unknown.
He knows where some of their locations, yet the ones that posed a more severe threat to society. No, it was really only one individual that even he; a boy who has seen so much turmoil and war, is absolutely terrified.
The more he thought about it, the more he painfully realized that he was genetically modified to fight and kill criminals or whoever the superiors, or Magpies, have ordered a hit on. He never loved that life.
Everything so cruel he has done this far has made his vision crystal clear: The worlds were built on conquest and death. If Ryoji could make the world a better place, he can do so by becoming a hero.
"So Ryoji, you're pretty a big thing going on right now in school, but where are you from?" Cade asked. He used a dust cloth for his googles, the Heart-Bond answered as best as he could, "Pasadena, California. I think it's Pasadena. I dunno but," Ryoji seemed to pause for a minute before the thoughts were returning to his mind. "My bad. I just had a major brain fart all of a sudden." He sudden lit up, remembering on what he wanted to say. "Oh yeah! I used to move around a lot back then! I'm what you might say a military brat!" He lied so perfectly. His lies were so perfect, a con artist such as Bernie Cornfield would have be impressed. Ryoji did not enjoy lying or using deception to protect those around him—he has done it for such a long time. So long, it has became his first to-go instinct.
"Or, you could'a said, 'I have been traveling the world, seeking answers on who killed my Mom's side of the family, including my Dad as well. But now, I decided to become a Real Hero and attend to Surwick. And You?" Igneus said condescendingly. Despite the little insult about lying, Ryoji decided to warp it a bit.
"Actually, I don't want to keep on talking about myself," He proclaimed, "so why don't you tell me where you're from."
The young mechanic scratched his head, thinking a way to explain his origin.
"Well, I used to live in one of the underground villages in Japan. But a large group of those things, what you called Reapers, uh, they came and destroyed my entire village. I only escaped with the clothes on my back, my older brother, and this weird ring." He held up a necklace with a peculiar dog head-like shape. It wasn't anything he had ever seen, nor anything that resembled something a human has made.
"Kobayashi County? That's far south in Japan, right?"
Ryoji scratched his head, as if he was trying to remember other details about the Kobayashi County incident.
"If I remember correctly, there was something about...a Mecha on the news. Not a false Mecha like the one from the Seoul incident, one that operates solely through the use of an ancient trick. You got one?" Questioned Ryoji, the boy grew increasingly more nervous, sweat started to excrete out of his skin. He knew he got under his skin.
"I guess he's our meal ticket outta this trouble, ain't he?"
He sure is, Iggy. Ryoji talked to Igneus mentally, feeling the anxiety stemming from Cade's desire to avoid this. So, Ryoji, being the ex-assassin who loves to ask his questions, started to interrogate more out of fellow peer. "Do you know how to pilot that Mecha?" Cade began to lie. "I don't know what you mean." He repeated his words again. "I don't know how
"Well, We think we know what'll hurt those damn robots.."
Meanwhile, everyone else were having a conversation with one other. Funka decided to be social and hop into the conversation.
"So, I think that Ryoji is very attractive for a guy like him. I thought he would be Don't you think?" Stated Sera, the two other girls rolled their eyes as Sanda came in. "What about me, Sera-kun?
"You are cute, Sanda. I admit that, but I don't have any feelings towards you. Sorry."
Damn, you just got friend zoned! Akina marveled as Funka laughed at the boy who generates electricity. She did not snort, but rather it was as if it was a princess laughing.
"So, a fellow delinquent and a honest student come face to face..."
"What the hell do you want?" Angrily asked the demon lynx fox boy as Reza calmy said, "Why do you want to be a hero?"
"Nunya business." He simply stated, he went on about his life, although not entirely as Ryoji and Cade came up to the group. Gleeful, he opened his mouth before Funka pointed at Ryoji and yelled out
More enemies have  appeared right in front of them,  yet they were of serious threat when in hordes.  Their shape resembled that of small mischievous beings. They had pitch-black skin, however; they possessed visible mouth. They had two ruby eyes with four black squares, thirty of them stared at the kids, readying themselves to feast their Aether inside of them.
"What the hell are those?!?" Igneus thought as Ryoji responded. Don't worry about them, Igneus: they're only small fry. We can't avoid them per say, but they are easy to defeat. They're call Nightcrawlers. It's their cousins where you have to watch out for.
"M-More of them?!?" Akina yelled out as thirty more Nightcrawlers came out of the blue, lunging towards them quickly like an opportunistic, meek predator trying to eat the bigger target.
Yet, Funka actually countered with a quick blow to the stomach of one of them before triggering a chain reaction. The rest were ultimately extinguished by Ryoji, who smiled confidently in his Bonded Form, the rest of the group managed to catch up with. "Are you all right? Are you injured? If so, I have a red aid kit with me!" Asked Reza as Akina answered a quick no as he was persistent in checking to see if she has a wound.
Oh, he's just really serious about people in general.
"So Tokanharu, what's your power?" Asked Bonded-Ryoji as Reza fixed his glasses into a comfortable position, answering, "I can harden my muscle tissues to where it is the ultimate shield and spear. Yet, there's one catch: Doing this actually decreases my speed notably. I know that you're a Heart-Bond, so I'm aware of your power." Ryoji has reverted back to his regular form, yet his hair was floating for a bit due to the side effects of de-synchronization. A rather tame one, if that.
"You should be! I'm know I'm pretty strong myself, but I'm sure you guys are too." The Heart Bond looked the ground and add something to the group, "Oh yeah, I completely forgot: Cade has a secret Mecha in his room!"
The eyes of the young mechanic widen with anxiety as the group stared at him.
Unable to tell the truth, Cade lied about the situation.
"No-o I don't have a secret weapon, he's just joking around! Right, Ryoji? RIGHT?!"
"Come on Cade, tell us the truth." Sera spoke her mind towards as Cade chuckled sheepishly, before she closed in to look him in the eye. "Please tell them the honest truth."
He sighed and shook his head. "I have this Mecha. It's called Inugann. I dunno where it came from, and I haven't really gotten it to activate. But how if we have to help in getting the generators up and running; we need to use anything possible and impossible to be on the better sides of history. Trust me."
"Where is your room at?" Funka asked kindly, all of their undivided attention was at Kade now. They were being patient with, this was a first for Kade: people actually paying attention to him.
"Downstairs." He promptly answered, he walked quietly afterwards. "I'm guessing that there's more of them, so it'll be best if we're quiet."
"Okay." Takeo stated.
Well then, let's jump in the belly of the beast now, shall we? Akina thought as she scratched her head in dismay, there could have been an easier way of going downstairs. Nonetheless, she complied and hurried along to catch up.


In the classroom, many of the students left behind were barricading the door and windows with their desk and anything else they could find, and with Sasha Arkhangel in charge—they were in capable hands for now. Jordyn wasn't normally one to follow orders, but since this is a current crisis the students were currently facing; she did what she had to do. You're lucky that I'm feeling shitty today, Sasha, or else I would've sent you to another planet....Jordyn threatened Sasha mentally, who in return, smiled at Jordyn back, obliviously.
East behind her was Marcus and Taig finishing up with their side, as Kadoku and a "friend" of his had accomplished.
"Hey Marcus."
"Do you think they're gonna....they're..." Taig was struggling with his words, as his laidback nature had been overtaken by paranoia. Shortly after, Marcus slapped him on the back and scolded his good friend for him worrying too much. "Hey man! Don't worry about them: They're safe hands in Funka's and Ryoji's!"
Taig stretched his shoulders for a bit before continuing with his doubts about the boy he met recently.
"Okay, I get Funka. She's strong and fast on her feet, this Ryoji guy whatever? Is he even that strong?" He doubted Ryoji, the boy was still foreign to him. He wanted to know how strong the guy was.
Maybe he wanted to prove himself.
Marcus snorted, he couldn't believe on what his friend said. "Strong? The guy's in a league of his own. I think he can handle himself."

If he's right: Bring them back home safely, Ryoji, oh shit, what was your full name again? You know what, don't matter cause I wanna challenge you one day.

———Track 08 Ended———

LIKES: Being on top, ordering people around
DISLIKES: Akina, Those disrespecting her


As Ryoji doesn't have really anyone who's being a thorn in his side yet (I would not count Funka as she overprotective of Akina and her friends), Jordyn has been a pain of Akina's side for as long as she can remember. She's everything Akina wants to have in her: Confidence, flawless, and pretty good at everything. She's pretty much a Heather.
Akina isn't really sure why Jordyn abhors her so much, it was in the past when she decided to hate Akina's guts. She does everything in her power to avoid Jordyn but to no avail.
She got in Surwick due to recommendations, yet; I'm pretty sure she got in due to her family being a prestigious family of Shinobi.
Jordyn is also a Heart-Bond like Ryoji, however, there are two differences between the two; One, she has a complete understanding between her and her Heart. Two, her form is not reptilian. It has a humanoid shape.

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