Chapter Dvadeset i Četiri

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Chapter 24——out of the frying pan.....

———At The Entrance———

The students that weren't participating currently were simply watching Team B and Team F fighting against each other, all to get a 100 for their grade.
There wasn't a participation grade for this training procedure, so everyone was on edge.
If the bar was set so high at this time; all of them had to break their limits to even the odds. It was time of the Salamanders to shine brightly.
Everyone was watching the big monitor in a decently sized room where there one big monitor and six little monitors showing what everyone was doing: Kadoku attempted to melt a hole in the ice barricade, Su-Jin kept Akina safe by manifesting a bed of thorns to protect them from Funka's explosions, and Ryoji being on the receiving end of her blasts.
Marcus stood with Taig who was wearing a white T-Shirt and green camp pants with many firearms holstered to his hips, to finish it off: He wore a green hard-cap. It was quite nail-biting for them to see their friends fight each off, even the bout between Ryoji and Funka was frightening. "Broooo, I had no idea Funka had it in her to attack like that......" Taig marveled, having his hand over his mouth. "I thought she was the opposite of that." He has not known Funka for a while, yet still: the sudden personality changes were.....So...Sudden to see.
Marcus agreed with him as he spoke more about it.
"Me too, Taig. Me too. She has some sort of beef with him, so as long as Akina's okay: I'm okay."
Eventually, Sera joined in, wearing an elegant, pink dress with large ruffles and a small, silver wand in her hand. "This whole fight is making so worried for them: It's getting worse and worse!"
If you think that's bad, trying playing the game that made the ESRB in the first place. Taig thought, knowing full well that Sera Bishop never touch, let alone played a video game before.
"What's with the wand?" Marcus asked his acquaintance, being insightful to his surroundings.
"Oh, this," Sera looked at her hand, which she gripped the silver wand tightly. "Even though I'm decent in magic, I'm nowhere near Lino's level to conjure spells with just my mind. I used D.A.M. spells without it, but if I have to use offensive spells or higher ranking spells: I need a form of a Magic Relic, like this wand for example."
"That's a nice wand you've got there, Sera...." A boy their age said in a West Country accent, a rough one since he had lived in the N.U.S.N. for a couple of months.
Kemp Kingsley, the "British Black Bloke" that Marcus respected. His greasy, chestnut hair was combed back, his voice was already low-pitched and the teenager was growing chest hair everyday and it showed. It made him feel conscious about it, always buttoning up his white shirt in his hero uniform.
His pale blue tatted with checkered patterns attached on the side of them, his shoes were made for fighting in them.
His fighting gloves also had a capital "K" in each middle swinging around his neck. "Hello, Marcus. Sera. Taig." He greeted everyone pleasantly except Taig, who he looked at in disdain.
"Howdy." Taig returned the favor, mean mugging Kemp as Chief Apex was watching the students from a distance; making sure that no fight was to occur.
"Hey BBB, how are ya?" Marcus questioned him.
"Watching the Heart-Bond and Berunji scrapping with each other. I just want to go back at me house and train a bit."
"Wait....That's not Cockney, that's.......It's on the tip of the tongue, yet I cannot recall it. Where're you from?" Sera asked kindly to the rough individual. Kemp didn't mind questions as long as those questions did not piss him off.
"Well, luv, West Country'll do to you."
"Cornwall?" Her interest was piqued, since she visited last summer there and reminisced
"Oh, I went to Cornwall last summer: It's very nice there!" Sera gave his home country a compliment.

———Six Minutes Later———
Kemp was telling the trio a little story about him and why he enrolled here. "Backalong, I used to believe that I received the short end when the doctors told me I couldn't do Magic..."
"Now?" Taig asked.
"Still do. My parents're Keepers of the Realm, Marcus. Keepers of the Realm. They went to Surwick for
"What class?"
"Class of the Kraken."
They all marveled at him suddenly. "Bro: No way that you're parents saw the Pegasi in action!" Marcus exclaimed, making Kemp a little embarrassed. "Yeah, they saw them in person."
"Yo, Akina is killing it!!" Taig beamed up after she dodged more attacks. "What?" Marcus asked, confounded by what he said. Did he say.......She's killing it?
"I said, she's—-"
"Dead weight." A girl interrupted Taig as she was  behind Marcus. He knew her: It wasn't Jordyn, this girl had a Finnish accent that slipped out, monotone as she said those two words. Two words that came out of her mouth when the monitor showed Akina from a far distance.
She was shorter than Kadoku, her eyes were a nice amber color, a beautiful amber to be more said. Her hair white as snow with dark brown specks that were throughout her hair. Her pale skin always made her feel cold in summer through the start of autumn. She always . What was extraordinary about her though was her white wings on her back that reached a twenty-two foot wingspan. The feathered ends touched the ground and seemed as if it was dancing on the ground.
Her black jacket was a fluffy one, with large cutouts for her wings to be functional, with mountain boots that had large metal clutches attached to them, resting. Her pants were white camouflage pants.
Marcus looked at Cecilia, his anger was getting higher than ever, this was the second incident with her. The first one was in May, where he almost attacked and was suspended for a week even though she "started". Now she wants the smoke after now this time...
"What do you say about my sis?"
"She's deadweight to Surwick." Cecilia proclaimed, her voice was still monotone; it didn't have any emotion in it. "They kept her because they felt pity for her. They felt pity for you as well——Since you're dead weight as well."
He was sweating in anger, even some students were on his defense.
Kemp Kingsley was the first one. "Oi, Cecil! Don't you think lambasting the poor girl in front of her brother is a bit extreme?" He scolded her to no avail, she was still defiant in her claim. Her wings unfolded, a strong force of gale flooded the room.
"No, it isn't. Even the Prince agrees with me: This school is supposed to be for the strong, and there should be only the strong."
"The bloody Prince?" Kemp looked around for the Prince. "Where is that spoiled little brat?"
"In the bathroom. For now." Cecilia answered back coldly.
"Pretty weird that you know where he's at. Sera," Taig looked at Sera, wanting her to finish his statement. "What was it called?" Sera gladly jumped in.
"Invasion of Privacy. I heard that Surwick doesn't like perverts like that, Dakarai is different since he's actually dyslexic." She finished, feeling triumphant as she fist-bumped Taig.
It was amazing to Marcus that these people were backing him and his sister, yet Cecilia was only becoming more aggressive. Her pupils became smaller, her nails were slowly elongating for them to see.
Let's see if you have courage........Cecilia thought, ready for blood on her hands, she grew a light smile. "IS something the matter here?" An actual adult by the name of Enapay Walker finally came to their rescue, seeing how Cecilia was getting to fight.
Jesus, Miss Harmaajärvi was going to cause a fight with them? She really has no fear....And I'm thinking that she wants to hurt people..... He analyzed, diffusing the situation by saying: "Look at her attacks instead of talking——you should learn from them in case you're next!"
"I'm not trying to start drama with you. I was being honest and I thought I could tell the truth." She clarified, her wings folded back as Marcus kept on listening. "I apologize if I offended you." She half-heartedly apologized to him, bowing to him in a mockingly manner. "I'll do my best in mincing my words for you next time."
Marcus ignored her fake apology, going back to his friends and his acquaintances.
"Thanks for backing me." He thanked each of them.
"Whatever, OAN."
"I can't stand people like her."
"Besides, out of the frying pan and into the." Taig
"DON'T jinx it, man. Just don't." Marcus warned his friend, his anger was still there.
They easily get mad for someone telling the truth, they're kids with a mindset of sheep. Cecilia thought hatefully.  Even the Heart-Bond looks weak.......Haruto was the strongest and died like a rat in the streets.....Saving another's skin.
So pathetic.

———Track 24 Ended———

HEIGHT: 5'5"
LIKES: Her Heritage, Her Confidence, Potato Dauphinoise
DISLIKES: Bigots, Escargot (Many tease her that since she is French)


Helen Beaumont has the most normal and relatable childhoods; her parents are normal, she's the only one in her family that has a power, and loves Hip-Hop.
One of the more normal students in the Class.
Also has an incredible power that will be showcased in the later chapters.

She's vegetarian——eating tofu and other meat substitutes.

HEIGHT: 5'0" (Wingspan is 21.5 feet)
LIKES: Winter
DISLIKES: Summer, her family, everyone


A cold heart that even Father Christmas would shiver, Cecilia Harmaajärvi doesn't care about anyone and anyone knows she'll stab her mother in the back if it was beneficial.
Her family, Harmaajärvi, known as the Hero team "The Pale Ones", are very famous.
Her older brother, the Pale Rider, is the strongest hero in Finland and the leader of the family.

She's very prominent in this story.

HEIGHT: 5'7"
LIKES: Beatboxing and boxing, Checker patterns
DISLIKES: That he can't use magic


Originally this guy was much nicer, I thought that would be boring. So, I  gave him an impatient and hotheaded demeanor.
He's a Cornwall native and both of his parents can use magic and yet; Kemp has a recessive gene restricting him from conjuring magic spells.
He definitely has some Billy Butcher vibes but many objections in killing.
Has the charisma of Billy Butcher.

(Discontinued) CORHEIM Year One Volume 1: The New Heart in TownWhere stories live. Discover now