VOL.2: Chapter Sedamnaest.75

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Chapter 48.5———BEIGE BEAST, Infusco

Winning a harsh battle and now thrown into the beige jaws of death, Ryoji Dragomir Kazama is having the most bittersweet day in his life.
On one hand, with his Heartzschwert, he easily annihilated Yami's Masamune, who claimed that it was the strongest blade on this planet. Ryoji crushed her confidence like how the skull of Oberyn Martell from Game of Thrones it was a small pea.
Easy peasy.
It was good to feel to break that overbearing confidence of hers.
However, the Beige Beast known as Infusco came down to feast on Ryoji. An assassin with precise killing blows and cunning that is unmatched, Infusco was not to be messed with and Ryoji heard horrifying rumors about him.
How this thing that was once human sold his soul to the demons, how he enjoys a nice liver now and then, with even sources he enjoys it because of how "toxic" it is and fills him with twisted joy. If Ryoji could possess the ability to fear or acknowledge it, he would be stricken with the terror of this creature.
To kill the Faery Duke of Faroe Islands is a great feat and Ryoji wondered how Infusco could kill one.
The late Faery Duke was well-versed in the arts of magic, but that did not help at the end of his long and beloved reign as his heart was stopped in one crunch by Infusco.
This guy was easily stronger than Ryoji, even in his bonded form. Hopefully, his son will lead the Faery community better than he did. What was his name again?
"GILLIOSA CORCORAN. THAT'S HIS NAME IF YOU'RE WONDERING." Infusco told Ryoji, unlike Yami—-Ryoji knew that this abomination needed no crown to read his thoughts. All that he had to do was one quick slash and Ryoji is done.
Infusco's' neck made a sudden crack noise which made Ryoji's spine tingle with worry. Then he smiled at the Heart-Bond, showing his differently colored teeth.
"A RAVEN...IN SURWICK. YOU'RE THE LAST OPERATING ONE, YOU STILL HAVE YOUR CODE ON YOUR FOOT." Infusco realized as his red eye, the one that looked like a pomegranate, opened wildly. "NOW I WILL ENJOY THIS JOB A LOT MORE."
As if Ryoji was going to confess his backstory to a stranger. "I don't know-"
This monster has no conscious——I'm not going to let him get away by eating 16.2 Million! Ryoji thought as he interrupted his monologue-ing. "Stay away from the N.U.S.N!!!" Bonded-Ryoji warned him as he proceeded to attack the mercenary with a stream of fire that he emitted from his fist but was thrown to a fair distance before he could even come up with a counterattack in case Infusco would counter his fist, yet; he knew his movements better than Ryoji did.
Infusco was a talkative individual, looking like this has pros and many cons. People were repulsed by his appearance and yet this young boy wasn't. It perplexed him. So, he went to talking more in between his attacks with his elongated arms.
Infusco was interrupted with a drop-kick to his face by the one person he didn't pay attention to her and her name was Funka Berunji.
Both her arms were ignited in pink explosions.
As her feet came into contact with the large maw of the beige monster, one could hear his jaw making an unpleasant sound from it and he flew far away from them. It was the sound of his jaw becoming crooked and obsolete.
Funka landed with a tomboyish grace, looking at Ryoji with her sharp, pink eyes that were sharp enough to deduce that Ryoji was hiding everywhere and she. Even for the fight of her life;
she could not hide her disdain towards Ryoji. He wanted to smile yet he couldn't since Funka didn't trust him. "The hell are you looking at? What? Too high and mighty to say thank you?" She badgered Ryoji, who even in his Bonded Form, blushed out of embarrassment and terror.
"I'm sorry! Thank you, Berunji! I appreciate it!"
Her eyebrow moved up. "No need for the formality, man. You're already starting to piss me off...." She said with an annoyed sigh, changing her focus on Infusco's lifeless body, and smiled promptly at what she did. Hah! One dropkick and you're already down to the ground! Pretty pathetic!!! Funka was still arrogant, she had no clue who was dealing with.
Akina woke back up after getting thrown by Yami Shinra, and appeared alongside Regis, Tsurugi and Kadoku as her backups. Her hair was a bit messed up, all over the place but her adrenaline was doing the talking for her. They were impressed that Funka managed to knock an eight-foot-tall madman.
"And I thought I was ugly looking," Kadoku said in astonishment.
"You still are." Regis always had to say something last, it was usually an insult but even Kadoku agreed with the prince. "Yep. Can't disagree with that."
Tsurugi stared at Kadoku, confused about how he went along with how he deemed himself "ugly".
"I don't think that you're repulsive, I think you could attract a flytrap or flytrap or two."
Jesus...He just insulted me and he thinks he complimented me... Even the Vanguard, Kadoku Haritoka, pondered on how many of his classmates was with robotic parts and which parts were human.
Funka's hand was opened up, with her usual pink powers as she looked at the guy, pride overflowed her body. Funka smiled haughtily at his lifeless body before he went to grab Funka quickly.
Funka would never let her guard down.
Wait...Did he just say Counter-Rejuvenation!? Regis thought, his eyes widening with fear as Funka repeated what Infusco had said.
"Counter-Rejuvenation?" She was confused about why he would say something like that.
"CONFUSED, LITTLE BERUNJI? HERE IS A DEMONSTRATION FOR YOU!!!!!!" Infusco shouted gleefully, turning his entire body into pitch-black before transforming into bright energy slowly but surely. "I don't know what you want from us—But do us a favor and LEAVE us alone!!!" Akina, in her transformation, stated, ordered him before releasing a strong gale to push him away from Funka and Ryoji, much to their shock.
All that from her punching the wind...Regis: Remind yourself not to piss someone like her off... Regis thought as he summoned his phantom swords with him.
Damn! When the day the Skirmish comes, she's definitely on my team!! Every time Kadoku saw Akina in action, he couldn't help but develop more respect for her abilities. She was, in his opinion, a "marvelous mare". His looks and his attitude made him cold-blooded, but there was an ounce of humanity within that draconic ruffian.
And she's my species' rival...It seems as if she's getting stronger by the minute...Maybe Lino has some knowledge on how to achieve more power in a quicker way than her...I would love to finish this bastard once and for all... Bonded-Ryoji was trying to plan without thinking since their enemy can read their minds.
What could they do?
All they could do is react with the body instead. Of course, these tweens could not think of that.
How did she get so strong? One day, she's depending on you for projects and to fight her battles...Now she's powerful to make the air around her shiver. When she did become so...Powerful? Funka wondered as she looked at her friend, a problem that Rosedale from within.
Her problem was how Akina seem to be this Wonder Woman. She saw now as this weak girl became the strongest when Akina was only in the beginning stages of her life, Akina is only 11 and Funka compared her friend to one of DC's Trinity, a fictional character whose legacy is 77 years.
This life...What if...She's meant for this life and I'm not? I wanted to reveal the truth about how some hero schools are crooked...I don't think that our school is crooked in that way. It's old-fashioned, but not corrupted like Raven River or other schools. Funka questioned herself before redirecting her focus to Infusco. She'll be damned if she was going down without a fight.
"Stop!!" Regis yelled to Akina as loud as he could, he couldn't hear himself due to the wind pressure. "If you keep on attacking him, he'll..."
Explode. If they had only listened to him, they wouldn't be blown away from the shockwave Infusco generated. Regis, however, kept them safe from it because of his phantom swords.
The Counter-Rejuvenation Spell. It's from my home realm. It's a powerful magic spell where the user can take some serious punishment and then reflect it on the enemy. While it sounds so simple, it does, they also become an Aether-absorbing sponge. Over time, if they use the spell so much: Well, chaos happens...
Regis was remembering that spell does. This could explain why he can consume so much of our Life-Forces all over the damn place...Where the hell did they find this monster anyway?
None of the five could think that Infusco had many tricks up his sleeves.
Luckily, Ryoji took Funka with him and ran with her without her consent, Regis with Kadoku, and Tsurugi with Akina. The ones who could fly or hover in the air took the grounded ones, even though Funka does fly with her powers; she still had an immense fear of heights.
There was green blood around his mouth area,
He licked his mouth so repulsively. Even Funka, whose own bravery could be at fault at times, never felt this...feeling before in her stomach. "WELL NOW......IT seems as if...." Infusco started as his hands started to become burned blades.
Oh shit... She froze up in Ryoji's arms as she saw the green saliva coming out of his mouth, she was still a thirteen-year-old girl and she would never imagine it.
"YAHWEH HAS GIVEN ME MORE CATTLE TO SLAUGHTER!!!!!!!!" He announced before swinging his arm at an impeccably fast speed, leaving nothing but a cloud of dust and his towering silhouette. His red eye glowed as he looked up to see a prominent Heart-Bond holding Funka in his arms.
Infusco swiped the clouds of dust away where everyone could see the two struggling in the air with her slapping his face.
"Ow——That stings!!!" Bonder-Ryoji yelled at the person who tried to escape his rough hands.
"Then let ME go!!!!!!"  She exploded at him as she started to use her explosions on him as a means of "let me go" repellant.
All before flipping her and she was the one to propel them higher into the air.
Eventually, they were alone in the sky with the smoke beneath them.
"It sure is peaceful here," Bonded-Ryoji said while he held Funka in his arms, both suddenly peaceful where Funka had eased herself. "Yeah." She agreed with him for the first time. "It's peaceful here."
Much to their dismay, he leaped into the air and was close to them
His hand reverted to its natural form. "OF COURSE, THE HEART-BOND IS STEPS AHEAD OF ME!!"
"We gotta admit, Infusco, you've been giving us a bit of a challenge. Since you can read our thoughts: Tell us how I managed to move faster than you."
As Infusco used his Aether to perform little wall jumps in the wind to get his opponents.
"Get your stinking hands off me!!!!" Funka yelled in fear while blasting his armored face all the while, giving Infusco some bit of pleasure from watching them squirm.
I barely moved in time to save Berunji and I still get the heat for saving her. Escape is the best strategy for this guy!!! Ryoji thought while struggling to keep Funka, the one girl who hates his guts so much, in control.
Even though he had more power from his sword, Ryoji can still feel her detonations from underneath his armor. He couldn't take it anymore—so much a Heart-Bond can take.....
Oh, if there is a lord... Ryoji pleaded to the lord the students believed in and not him. Please help me and my peers.......
"Ryoji, Throw Funka to me!!!!!" A "Lord" has spoken to him in the form of a dusty rose-haired girl whose stuttering was not present at this current time. Bonded-Ryoji looked downward as Akina had her arms ready for her friend, and felt good to him that he no longer had to hold a walking lithium bomb.
"I guess God has answered your prayer." Despite Ryoji being a devout atheist, Igneus believed in a supreme being that governed above all other beings. He was no catholic, yet he would love to study some religion.
If Ryoji allowed it, of course.
Šuti! Ryoji quickly said in his thoughts.
Actually—This was now a temporary paradise for him as he started to widen his shoulders now.
"Don't you dare throw m-" Ordered a terrified yet extremely irritated Funka, whose own fear of heights has ascended to a new level: The fear of getting thrown at the speed of a missile.
"I'm sorry for this!!!" The Heart-Bond apologized, immediately throwing her to his friend with her face being blurred from the pure speed, cursing his name as she cut through the air.
Eventually, after five seconds, she had fallen in Akina's arms, Funka was quiet as a lamb.
"Why...This is—is nice?" Funka said her thoughts aloud as her best friend Akina clarified. "Because you're with me and I will keep you safe."
There would still be another six seconds before they land, and time felt slower than usual. Out of harm's way.
Akina's eyes caught a glimpse of a beige dot before it became bigger than Infusco. "PREPARING FOR LANDING SO SOON, ARE WE?!" The Beige Monster asked the two girls, with his gaping mouth opening to reveal his downtrodden teeth yet again, Akina began to panic as she flicked the air at him. Even though the air that Akina can produce can shatter concrete walls, she has had a little bit of training on Memorios Beach. Little was known that a being such as Infusco does not go down without a fight or two.
"I AM NOT GOING DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT, YOU ULTIMAN!!" He shouted sadistically, opening his elongated mouth to swallow them whole. Every second, his mouth elongated more by the second.
Akina closed her eyes but then she realized something: Infusco grunted and Tsurugi heard while standing with the boys.
Tsurugi, with his cyber enhancements, could see from seventeen miles away. Akina Willoby couldn't do an attack—No, No, wait for a second—His jaw had been shot by some object so destructive! It's just like how Akina blew up those trees but this one was more precise to it. It was like a bullet of sharp, heated air!
Analyzed the cyborg, all before it dawned on him.
Whenever Tsurugi's thoughts became more exciting, he would mutter to himself. "Same moves, same attack pattern, and her hands were full from carrying Berunji. Then that means—"
He was interrupted as Infusco was disrupted by another strong squall, this time it was stronger than the last wind——stopping anyone and putting them to the ground in the Rescue Garden Facility.
Ryoji unsynchronized, landing with an eloquence that only a skilled assassin like him would have while Akina landed on the ground rough and almost fell if not for Funka's assistance.
Meanwhile, some of the students could not help their compatriots down below, for their feet were once heavy with fear.
Light exploded from the door and thus began.
Horror turned into hope.
Tears of fear were now dropping down like tears of joy, giving in to the force of good.
It was Chief Apex.
Their Symbol of Justice and Valor has arrived in a nice suit and stood tall and firm.
"DON'T BE AFRAID—FOR THE GOOD GUYS ARE HERE." Chief Apex, the No.2 Hero, announced his arrival. He wasn't smiling and bared his teeth, angry at his enemies.
Behind him were two other students from Surwick, except that they were fourth-years and provided a lot of experience in the field of heroism and criminal justice. They were the strongest in their respective class.
Tears fell down Sera's face, the sudden relief rushed in her body as her healing powers caused her hands to dry up quickly. She applied hand moisturizer on herself and a smile appeared on herself.
It's Chief Apex...And Silverion and Auruma! We're saved! Sera exulted inside her thoughts as even Takeo beamed.  "HELL YEAH!!! You villains are screwed now!!"
Even Yami, who was unconscious for a while opened up her icy blue eyes and saw that her plan was still ongoing. "Apex...He's here..." She smiled before she fell unconscious, perhaps when she woke up: Her hired killer will hold the head of Chief Apex in front of her, besmirching the Superhero community.
"FINALLY A CHALLENGE.." The Beige Beast Infusco, cackled like some demented, disturbing version of how hyenas would laugh if they were nervous, excited, or curious.
There was no fear about the N0.2 Hero and was not exactly curiosity—There was only elation in fighting Chief Apex and potentially killing him. He stood up to let the students be.

———Track 48.5 Ended———

HEIGHT: 7'8"
LIKES: Blood, Death
DISLIKES: A weak opponent
Threat Level: Omega-Level (Take Extreme Caution, Call fifteen heroes or a hero in the Top 10 Hero Board)

Memento mori.

(Updated on 4/5 2022)

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