VOL 2: Chapter Dva

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Chapter 34——— Training 'Em When They're Ripe [2/3]

Surwick, in all its glory, boasting it to be one of the largest and prestigious schools in the N.U.S.N, having a dozen elevators currently operating.
Akina Willoby had seemed to have forgotten about the elevators and darted down the stairs. She was late for training with the No.2 Hero.
With the No.2 Hero waiting for her to come.
Just Akina alone.
She was making a bad impression in being late for their training today. All because she was overthinking again, it was one of her weaknesses.
Oh man, oh man, oh man. Her thoughts were parallel to that of the white rabbit when he went down the rabbit hole to Wonderland. Akina was indeed late.
I'm gonna be late! I'm gonna be late! I'm going to be late!
As the duel pink colored haired girl was rushing herself to the location, as she turned to a corner too quickly. She wasn't thinking right now: All of her she was thinking on how to
She was going too fast where could not stop herself, another quick step like this and could go right through the wall.
Akina had bumped into another student with a non-lethal speed, rubbing her forehead and cursed profusely to herself as the other one did as wellX Dammit, about eyes on the damn road next time, dude!! Or dudelette? She complained mentally while the another student recovered and offered to help her get up by reaching out and lifted her up with no effort.
"Sorry-y for that-" Despite her being in a rush and being a bit upset, Akina sill had manners. She was raised by a family where etiquette matters and triumph over everything. She tried to say sorry but realized that the person who bumped into was none other than Regis Luxulric; the Prince of Somnus.
Even she thought he was quite handsome, but then Akina remembered: This was the guy that Marcus told her about; the showboat who defeated him with no effort. You....You. She remembered him. Her palms became tighter as reminiscing how they first met.
It was around the second week when they met in the cafeteria where Jordyn was tormentIng her and her brother. It was the usual mimicking, throwing food at them and calling them names. Regis came to their aid, for which Akina was grateful at first.
That is, at first.
As it turned out, he was much more worse than her.  It was that condescending tone that makes him a jerk, a egotistical prince with a demeaning attitude towards people like Akina.
All that anger became apparent to him as her hair once again stood up and was a bright pink yet again. Regis simply lit up as she spoke fiercely. "You're Regis."
He paused a bit before smiling at her, somewhat pleased to meet her. "And you're Akina Willoby. I hear that you're quite really strong-" Regis tried to complimented her, but she had enough of it. "I'm sorry but I have to go to the beach!" She angrily told him before running off to the the exit, puzzling him before he shrugged.
I thought she's the shy girl who stutters; not the one who stares at people menacingly and tries to bite a person's head off? He thought. Who goes to beach anyway after school? Who are you, a desperate This realm is hella weird anyway. And just like that, he went on with his business in the hallways.

———Three Minutes Later———
Just a few more blocks and I'm there. She murmured as she ran to Memorios Beach, hoping she didn't waste any more time of Chief Apex's.
Memorios Beach.
Memorios Beach is one of most beautiful beaches there is in the N.U.S.N. The skies are always clear when she comes with her family, she spent two of her birthdays here.
The seas are to die for; they were so clear and so pure, a person could see a memory in the waters.
Purer than most seas these days. Legend has it, that a great Aeon inhibits in the depths of Memorios Beach. Otherwise than that; nothing out of the blue. People relax and enjoy themselves like they should while being on the edge of Navotitlan.
However recently, there has been an abundance of green algae and dead fishes that was brought over from the tides changing.
There he is; Chief Apex. He wore a black polo with cargo shorts, Akina could tell that he was at the beach for a while due to his sunkissed skin on his arms and legs. Enapay was in his normal form in public, so that hungry eyes did not suspect him to be the N0.2 due to him being in his "Clark Kent" disguise.
He waved excitedly as Akina got closer to him, there was not another person on the beach, due to the over accumulating algae living on the sand and blue oceans, not to mention to the recent smell.
Chief Apex began to speak, "Hey kid! I see you got the location quicker than I thought! Sorry if I'm late."
Wait. I'm the one who's late....Why is he apologizing? Akina thought before she came more curious. After thinking about it, what are we doing here on the beach? Shouldn't we be at some type of gym to train or that one mega-gym where some of the Heroes go to? I need to ask him.
Akina tried asking him by mustering up the confidence she needed in order to cease her stuttering. "Sir? What are we here? On the beach-ch?" She was shocked at the end of her sentence when it surfaced again. Wishing that she didn't have her stutter, she had no confidence in herself; Akina wanted to be in that form of hers.
She wanted to feel that adrenaline again.
His face changed. "I have a quick question, Akina: Where do we come from?"  He asked in a serious tone. "Us Ultimen, I mean." Chief Apex added quickly.
Then one thing dawned on Akina, that one part when she was unconscious and talked the spirit, it was:

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