Chapter Tri

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2:55 a.m.
As all students were sleeping soundly, the faculty members were wide awake due to the abundance amount of coffee they drank prior to coming to the meeting hall. Students were always told to sleep early, so that the students could become heroes and be a part of a Faction in the near future.
All superheroes all over the world had be in a faction; it is mandatory. There are six factions.The popular factions were these three: The Protectors, the daily life superheroes that one could see inspired from comic books, the Shinobi, stealthy assassins that could handle any situation at hand, or the Meisters, tasked in handling magic-oriented missions. The least popular ones, however, were the Vanguards, a somewhat twisted version of the Protector faction, the Hunters, who hunted frightening monsters, and lastly, the Wreckers, they were the titans in the six factions. Many in Surwick chose Protectors because the influence of the No.2 Hero: Chief Apex.
The crickets chirped merrily, bats squealed in the caves from far distances but one could hear it due to a large horde was flying up top Surwick and other nocturnal creature did what they pleased. They donned these black hoods, where even the outline of a face wasn't shown.
All of them, 400 members were quietly waiting for the Principal; Lino Saon. The door opened itself telekinetically when a quadrupedal being enter the room. It wore a brown hood, with a pink star on the top part. All of the faculty stood up quickly as the little being was walking through them. It showed that the brown hooded figure was the leader of the meeting. It was the Principal Lino Saon;
The Number One Hero of The N.U.S.N. And quite possibly the world.
The Symbol of Power and Authority.
One figure stood up and walked towards the center, it was presumably Cobalt Comet.
"The Soundproof Wall Spell has been activated, sir. Lino, we have pressing issues to disclose with you." Cobalt Comet said, Lino sat on his throne, the one that was in the center of the council room. "Very well, Mr. Henshaw. What are the "issues" you are trying to resolve?" Asked Lino, another faculty member stood up from her seat, she took off and revealed to be a radiant girl with auburn hair and catlike green eyes. Her skin was pale, and her face was slim. "I speak on the behalf of everybody in this room alone—Can we get on with this quickly? I was fighting a big chicken in my dream and I would very much like to get back to sleep!" Yelled the girl, she was a bit childish.
"Be quiet, Haruka Uteshiki!!! Please continue the problem you are having, Mr. Henshaw." Ordered the Principal as Haruka pulled her hood back on her head angrily.
Cobalt Comet cleared his voice and began to speak as the rest were waiting. "Yesterday, on Sunday where all of our students were either resting or studying from the upcoming exams, Akina Willoby shows up all bloodied from fighting with Sarbello's men. She carried this with her," He showed the whole council the Heartz' Prism. "That's not the biggest problem; she brought a transfer student from Raven River who is a Heart-Bond, or so she speaks!! Handling one who has experience over their power is not one to cast aside, but where I can feel a roaring cascade of Aether coursing through his hand." Explained Henshaw, the crowd gasped in horror while some were indifferent.
"So?" Asked a deep, burly and manly voice, It belonged to one of the hoods sitting close to the Principal. "We can teach him or her or them on how to control their powers better. I'm an expert when it comes to Heart-Bonds. Many members of the Heart-Bond tend to be more solitary: As long as you don't mess with them or the people they love—you get out of their path in one piece."
"Mr. Kresh," Said Idris, "with all due respect, I am not saying you do not know on how to handle them, but this kid—I'm bloody worried..."
"What about Jordyn? She is a Heart-Bond." Mr. Kresh questioned Idris. "She has extreme experience when it comes to her powers!" He yelled at Mr. Kresh.
Lino was one of the people who could handle Heart-Bonds with ease. With Lino being a immortal that has been living for more than six millennia years, this talk was beyond pointless. He did not digest this unneeded topic. Back in the 15th century, people used to kill others if they were suspected to be a Heart-Bond.
He pulled a cigarette out of a Marlboro Special Light 100% out of his pocket and also pulled an old lighter to ignite the tip of the cigarette with his own mind. He smoked a puff and exhaled fumes of it as Another Hooded Figure spoke. "Heart-Bond. I ain't scared of no Heart."
"Not unless they know what they are doing? Some of these Heart-Bonds: They destroyed civilizations, desecrated empires and are, in fact, one of most potentially dangerous species out there from an article I read.." Said a feminine voice, she had a more serpentine body.
"What's so scary about an endangered specimen? I would wreck it if you want me to, Lino."
Cobalt Comet stared at his fellow members and commented, "Brandon, Yumiko, Wulfuric, you don't know what troubles follow an unexperienced Heart-Bond. He could bring the destruction to all of humanity!"
The Principal had lost his patience as he screamed with unbinding anger. "Enough, Idris!!"
Even Haruka backed off, the Armored Protector silenced himself and went back to his chair. He realized of what he did was unnecessary and took a deep sigh.
"I understand your concern, Idris. I do, but I wish you weren't so frightened about a child. It's only a kid—kid who wants to be a hero. However, Mr. Henshaw, you are right; people should not underestimate a Heart-Bond, for that they hold great power. This child, Ryoji Kazama, I, too,  feel large amounts of Aether coursing his own veins. But if his intentions hold true; if he truly wishes to become a Hero, then he has come to the right place." He said, he looked at one Hooded Figure and ordered him politely. "Sora Minami, I ask of you to watch this boy from afar. Do not let him know your presence. If he senses you: Retreat back to the shadows. Do you understand?" He asked Sora.
Sora Minami is currently one of the most skilled ninjas there is in the world of Heroes. Also known as the "Psycho Ninja", he has the uncanny ability to read his opponent's mind through a limited time. Another notable Shinobi would be Kamakura the First, who despite his old age; still has the capacity to overwhelm seventeen platoons with no efforr. When he was younger, he was a guardian to a Summoner, powerful priests who travel to ancient sacred temples so that Daemons; fiends of the night, can stop infesting the Earth that we live in today. The Summoner he was with, her name was Lulu. She died after the pilgrimage had ended its course.
"Yes, Mr. Saon, I completely understand." Sora answered, Lino nodded back and told the faculty that the meeting was adjourned and faculty went back to their classes, personal chambers, etc. Sora walked in the massive hallway by himself, wondering on why Lino wanted him to watch over this kid.
Him over anyone else?
Why me? He thought over as he shook his head, revealing his windswept periwinkle hair. It was unkept, and he had an angular face. His mouth was concealed with black mask with patterns reminiscent of a oni, a Daemon species native to Japan. He wore Ninja gear, with shurikens and all the tools you'd need to brutally kill an enemy.
He stopped-he heard footsteps stalking him. He had an idea on who it could be. Sora caught the stalker and pinned them on a locker with his hands on their arms, they yelped but he couldn't tell who it was.
It was Haruka, she seem to in a little pain. "When was the last time you pin me like that? A year ago?" He immediately let go and looked away in embarrassment.
"I cannot believe you're an actual assistant principal who works here..What do you want? Have you come to laugh at me?"
"As a friend, of course. That's what friends are for." She stated, she held out a bottle of Daiquiri and minutes later they were on the rooftop of his house, they used a teleportation spell so that they wouldn't get in trouble.
They reminisced on the good times, when they were on Lulu's pilgrimage; when Sora, Brandon (Mr.Lewis), and Haruka were three of six Guardians she had. Although the other three have chosen different paths, these three were never separable.
Haruka started on ruminating the past. "You ever wondered if we could've save her?" Sora took a long time to answer that eerie question, she quaffed the Daiquiri and waiting impatiently. "Why are you asking about it? My answer won't change the past and you know it."
"I'm asking you because you used to have a crush on her, and this is the best time since I'm starting to become un-sober, so hurry up!" She started to hiccup, evidence of her starting to become intoxicated and reckless.
"Wait a sec, were you drunk the all time-"
"Don't hit me with a question right after I asked you
"Honestly, yes, I think we could've. She was my everything, a beauty lost too soon in the cruel world. She would've done wonder, it is what it is. But nowadays, all I can do is be with the ones I still have. I now prefer being with you now than ever."
After hearing that, she hugged Sora, who blushed wildly as she babbled nonsense.
She began to cry and confessed. "I feelz zomething from inside.. Iz that love I'm feeling?''
"Nope, that's the need to vomit." He answered as she puked violently, it took a while before she wiped her mouth and fainted. Sora sighed in relief and he disappeared into the forbidden night without a trace with her, like any exceptional ninja would.
8:20 a.m.
A rustic but advanced alarm clock woke Ryoji up, much to his dismay. He had forgotten how velvety and silky and actual bed should feel, He didn't wanted to get up; just sleep throughout the day. The journey he partook lasted most of his days living, all what he slept was an air mattress.
Unfortunately, that wasn't gonna happen for him, as others ruined that. "Hey bro, time to wake your ass up!! Today's Monday!!
Marcs yelled triumphantly as he took the blanket away and then shook the living hell of the protagonist, Ryoji's eyes shook sluggishly after he stretched.
Akina and Marcus had their school uniforms on, the colors of the school were black, purple, gold, and maroon. She kinda look good in it from Ryoji's
perspective, he wanted to have a school uniform already. He has never even worn one before in his entire life, due to him being a former assassin, and he always enjoyed the thought of being in a private school filled with heroes-in-training. She smiled at him and said a pleasant "Hello" before she resumed on tying her shoes to where they would exactly the guidelines.
"Marcus, it's time to go. Ryoji, go to the main office and meet with the assistant principal: Ms. Uteshiki. She'll link you up to the supplies room, where anything a student like you needs for their first day. If the principal is there; don't be shy and just introduce yourself." Akina said, before adding, "One more thing, you're probably going have to eat the Rice Krispies, I wanted to make my signature pecan waffles but I didn't have enough time...."
Ryoji was very forgiving towards her. "No worries, Akina! That's very sweet of you but I'll survive." She smiled to him warmly as she waved goodbye as she left. Akina was followed by Marcus exiting the room, giving him a thumbs up. They were both walking in the hallway where anyone else tried to rush to their classes.
"What'ya think of Kazama?" Akina asked her foster brother.
Marcus took a while before answering, "He's chill. I'm still glad that he saved you." He felt as if he was forgetting something...yet, could not think of what it was.
"Me too, bro. By the way....Did you do the homework for Sushi Dragon?"
The sudden realization that he was supposed to finish the homework last night, instead he was listening to the Top 100 Songs in the U.S.A on Apple Music. "Awwwww shit, Aki!!!!!!! Whatever.." He sighed in frustration, "I'll just wing it.."
Akina lectured her "brother" about his slothful nature. "How are you gonna become a great ninja if you have F's across the whole board?!"
"DON'T 'whatever' me!!"
While those two were arguing back-to-back, Back in the apartment, Ryoji was alone once again. Only him, his Heart and his thoughts were there with him as he sat on a chair in the kitchen.
Ryoji managed to find the cereal those two were talking about. He quaffed the Rice Krispies, but slowly drinking the milk with pleasure. It tasted very saccharine when it came to his taste buds. When he was done, he carefully placed the cereal bowl in the mini dishwasher.
When was the last time I cut my hair? He thought while examining his long wavy hair in the Victorian styled mirror. He used a large knife to slash the wavy hair off, gently with ease. Pisses me off when everybody thinks I'm a girl with this hairstyle...Let's see how they gonna react to my haircut.
When he was finished, his hair was now jagged with a hint of pure handsomeness. It was short now. He looked twice in the mirror, he thought after all of this time; he thought he looked good with long hair. He cut it like how a professional barber would.
"Man, I look good." Ryoji said in an amazed yet narcissistic tone. Ryoji could feel that he had a large boost of confidence.
Struggling to withstand the intense warm water as pouring down his spine in the shower, forgetting the clear liquid embraces, not repel. The steam was good for his breathing—he could feel his lungs were getting better, Ryoji enjoyed it now for another four minutes.
After the shower, he brushed his teeth like any 12-year-old normal boy would. He spits out the toothpaste, his hair still drenching wet. Then it dawned on him;
He had no clothes with him. All what Ryoji brought was his whip and those rags he wore when he rescued Akina from Sarbello's men.
And that boy? Who was he? Ryoji thought curiously while he opened the closet, look for a matching outfit.
After almost two minutes of attire searching, Ryoji Kazama found the perfect fit; a dark blue and red hoodie with zippers to zip up.  As he looked at himself again in the mirror, he felt his parents' pride inside their son. And also; his Heart.
"Hey Ryoji! Let me out!" His Heart screamed inside his body. Ryoji was on the ground, groaning in agony as his heart bounced back and forth in his heart.
"No....Not yet...."
"Why not?!!" Ryoji's Heart frantically asking his Bonder while laying still. Ryoji did not respond as he walked to Lino's Room.
"Answer me!!"
"I....don't know your name..."
He felt his Heart growing with rage, "My name is so easy to remember!!"
"It can't be if I don't remember it."
"You're such an asshole!! You want the power, yet you don't to even consider relying on me in the battlefield!!"
"Don't be ridiculous. I'm not gonna be in a battlefield anymore, so why do I need to bother?"
"AARGHH!!! You're a literal thorn in my ass!!"
"Well, now I know you have an ass.." Insulted Ryoji, he stepped out of the closet room while sweating profusely and grabbed everything he could.
He closed the door behind him, he was now in the hallway where he saw so many footprints on the floor.
It took 26 minutes to find the Main Office. This whole place's like a maze!!! Ryoji complained inside his thoughts as he was starting to feel short out of breath. "They could have gave me a map at least...." He kept on complaining until he came to the Main Office.
Finally, upon entering the Main Office, Ryoji sees it as more of the Oval Office in the White House, or somewhere alongside it. It was very nice to even enter without wiping one's shoes against the purple carpet. He saw a boy his age sitting on a chair, impatiently waiting while Mr. Saon was attending a conference with a manly figure. Apparently the Assistant Principal was out of her office, but why?
He was slim like a number two pencil and an angular face. The boy had short but pointy blonde hair with turquoise eyes, he wore a short-sleeved tracksuit of the colors light blue and orange; similar to the color of a pumpkin. His right arm was sleeveless, you could see his defined muscles. His left eye, there was a small scar running across his eyelid. He had also a bandage on his right cheek. The emblem on his back was a red volcano erupting dark blue lava, his face showed disgust and he folded his arms. His two regular shaped wrists had metal spiked wristbands on each of his wrists. He had also four light blue tails, it was anything that he has not seen before.
Nevertheless, the Heart-Bond was indifferent and decided to sit down next to the boy. Ryoji sat down close to the angry boy as the boy scooted further from them.
"So, do you like the school so far?" Ryoji asked politely, the boy ignored him. Despite traveling across the world, Ryoji has always been respectful towards everyone. "Why? Why do you care?" The boy asked rudely, our faithful protagonist smiled as the boy stared at him.
"I'm asking because I'm new here. Name's Ryoji Dragomir Kazama. I wanna become the first Heart-Bond to be a Protector in history. What's your name? It'll be super awkward when a people tells them their name but the other person doesn't, now does it?"
The boy looked at Ryoji and answered; "The name's Takeo! Takeo Fukuazan! And I want to become the strongest ninja there is, so I can get up on the hell outta here."
"Why? Surwick seems so peaceful.." Ryoji asked him curiously. Immediately, Takeo stared at him, disturbed of what he just asked. He chuckled for a second. "Man, you really are new to this school, huh?" He asked Ryoji as he point to the Principle's office. "Lemme tell you something, Ryoji Dragomir Kazama. You see that man the Principal's talking with? Every Monday they talk in confidence. In exchange for a hefty amount of cash, that guy keeps his mouth shut about the true motives of Surwick."
"About what?"
"So damn naive....Whatever. Ever since Lino's significant other, Lada, died twelve years ago, his vision of training heroes been....a lil warped. We're actually his soldiers-in-training, not heroes-in-training. We are his pawns to a game of chess with the Devil. You came to the wrong school, buddy."
Ryoji nodded. What this Takeo brief stated was very interesting, if not making him sound like a conspiracy theorist. Keep believing that story of yours, bucko.
"I understand where you're coming from, but is there another reason why you came to the school?"
Takeo gazed at Ryoji with a vengeful fire in his eyes. "Another reason? You want another reason? I'm a monster, rookie, a fiend. I enrolled in this stupid school so that I'll become stronger: I want to become more powerful, so that people can stop looking me as a monster and more like a hero who's trying to rescue people!! I want everybody to look up to me and thank me for being a good person, especially you!"
"Me? What did I do!?! I respect everyone I meet!!" Ryoji silently screamed, holding his hands up as Takeo returned to this folding his arms, Ryoji stared at the boy in response as well. As three minutes passed, the unexpected happened; "You look like a kiss-ass, Kiss-ass. Also, you look like a snitch. I despise snitches." Takeo responded, Ryoji nodded slowly in frustration.
I only met you for only 5 minutes, and I already starting to hate your guts. I'm no snitch, and in the live of Assassins—you'll get your tongue cut off and thrown into the pits of dragons. Wyrms, to be exact. Ryoji thought while Takeo was called to the principal's office. He sneered at Ryoji and Ryoji gave him the middle finger back, The rude boy slammed the Main Office's door with all of his might. He heard bickering and yelling as loud as Equipment of construction workers, and stopped. The boy ran out the office, his hands were made to a fist and evanesced to whatever hole he came from.
"Come on in."
Ryoji was reclusive to enter, but he couldn't be scared. It was the inevitable;
He will succeed and overcome any obstacles that stand in his way.
He has won.
He has already won the fight in meeting the N.01 Hero.
I never really seen him in person or on TV or basically any media: What if this Hero, Lino Saon, is bigger than Chief Apex; the No.2 Hero. And everybody knows how big those guns—big enough that they can be on warships! Ryoji thought as he turned the knob counterclockwise.
The Heart-Bond was in awe when he witnessed the room, for it was a beautiful office; something that originated from a world renowned painting. The flashy office had a mini library going on, with some books on his desk. A normal sized dachshund sat in his chair, he was reading a book titled; "To Kill A Mockingbird". His hide was of a combination of red and hazelnut, his soft brown eyes were wise as a hermit from the 1970's, and under his eyes were dark half-circles. He was reading his e-mails on his highly advanced lab top he had received for Christmas by his best friend.
Hold up... Mr.Saon, the Number Hero, the Symbol of Power and Authority, is a Wiener-Dog?!? Ryoji exclaimed in his thoughts, the dog discontinued his reading and looked
Yes... I am a "Wiener-Dog", please sit down; Ryoji Kazama. Lino telepathically answered him as Ryoji said; "I'm really sorry about my thoughts. I never thought that my thoughts can be so discerning sometimes."
"Nonsense, child. No need to apologize, you've made an amateur mistake: Underestimating the villain when there are lives at stake." His voice was somewhat smooth and contain satire in it. "But I am no villain and there isn't any lives here that are at risk. I take it that you are new here, tell me your name, young one."
Ryoji cleared his throat and began speaking.
"Well, my name is Ryoji Dragomir Kazama, and I want to become-"
Lino politely interrupted him explaining. "The first Heart-Bond to become a Protector. I heard that before many times by students in the past that share  your special talents, yet; they do not do anything about it. They have a life of simplicity and had no worries about the Ten Realms."
"I'm different, sir."
He had only looked at him, his eyes were quite big to be the Number Hero of the N.U.S.N. "So you say. You know, I have lived for more than 6,000 years, and I seen more malicious Heart-Bonds than good ones. You do realize that, there is another Heart-Bond?"
"I...I have been notified by a fellow peer of mine: Akina Willoby."
Lino shook his head slowly. "Hm. You're very informative and seem to be getting some great information by Miss Willoby. She has potential, despite her below average test scores on the practical exam but her extremely well score on the written exam. Her name is Jordyn Himasaki, and the Himasaki Family are exceptional Shinobi. In it came to war, their purpose is to infiltrate an enemy's territory with perfect techniques that only the Himasaki clan developed over the millennia they have been on this Earth. She is the only Heart-Bond in her family, which frighten people, unlike you; she has perfect synchronization with her Heart. She knows what her Heart's name is, but you do not." After he finished on what he said, Ryoji gulps loudly. The Principle smiled at him, nothing more, nothing less.
"No, I'm an exchange student from Raven River."
"Raven River? From Switzerland? That is a long way from here in the N.U.S.N."
"Yes, sir." Ryoji answered silently, he continued as Lino looked at him curiously. "After the large Titan came and annihilated the school, its name was unrevealed at the time, and we couldn't do anything."
"How long will it be until it's rebuilt?"
"There's no foundation, Mr. Saon. The Titan blew it to pieces—leaving nothing but a large crater in it. Everyone lived and evacuated on time."
"I see. Do you have any documents with you that has your orders from your previous school?"
Ryoji reaches all of his documents that he managed to hold it in a tiny, paper rectangle, Lino reached for the documents telekinetically as Ryoji gave him his social security number and personal files.
As the Principal analyzed his files, Ryoji nervously bit his fingers because he wants to be accepted in his somewhat dream school to get into. Although Raven River was considered a academy for Protectors in training, it was not the same. And that girl with the black wings, he was terrified of her. Her amount of Aether was tremendously high, higher than the height of Mount Everest itself. Not to mention, she is  the newly-appointed Summoner. Even in his thoughts—he lied in them. He used them to cover his true backstory.
That was 2 months ago, Ryoji. He reassured himself as Lino was finishing reading his files, finally he said; "Hmm, it seems you are an exceptional fellow. You scored an 96 of the standardization test, you are nine points shy away from having a perfect score on the test. You could achieve B-Rank if you wanted to. This was in Raven River... Now here you are, sitting in my desk while I am staring at you. I think you're a good kid, so I will permit you  to join this highly dysfunctional family of ours. I know that I seem to be "chill" for all the students in this school, however; I have a great weight on my shoulders. I am the Number One Hero in this country, and it is my duty to uphold the law and enforce it to those who don't agree with the law of Heroes. I cannot appear weak at any moment......You saved Akina from Don Sarbello's men, I mean you could've just left her there."
"No, I wouldn't leave a fellow student getting beat up into a bloody pulp. Why would I? It's cruel to even think that, Mr.Saon." Ryoji commented, the Principal nodded in agreement. "It is indeed cruel, Young Kazama."
"Welcome to Surwick, Mr.Kazama. Next week you are start going into classes but until then; enjoy yourself, explore Surwick for a little bit." Lino welcomes Ryoji as he formed a paw out of pure Aether up, adding: "I won't bite." Ryoji shook his paw carefully and exited the Principal's Office, Lino's secretary told him that it is break period currently. The Assistant Principal, Haruka Uteshiki, has more pressing issues to handle. He asked her in curiosity what was this Break Period even about. She answered that a Break Period is an hour and 22 minutes of pure relaxation, you could study for a important test, or spend time with your friends. After wandering in the regal halls of Surwick, he found the immersive courtyard that Surwick was known for.
Statues of the greatest heroes stood there. The emerald grasses cuddled the feet of all students alike, and in the center there was a oval of a quote saying; "Only the most powerful of all heroes comes from a humble background, and only my mercy and love will trump over wrath and envy; nothing more, nothing less." Ryoji smiled as he saw Akina and Marcus training together, the stuttering kunoichi stopped her dueling and darted across the courtyard.
"Ryoji! You're-re back!" Akina exclaimed as Marcus walked at a fast pace, Marcus grinned as his hand were on his head, evidence of his laidback attitude towards life. "Yep, and guess what?"
"I guess the Principal liked you so much, I guess you're officially in now." Marcus guessed with no effect.
".... I guess you ARE right!!!" Ryoji exulted as he begun on explaining that he would be starting next week but for enjoy the life of Surwick.
They laughed and talked about today, an jealous tween boy stared at Ryoji and Akina. Her anger increased every second as he saw Akina laughing from Ryoji's jokes. Takeo was becoming boiling hot, even to the point where this forehead exerted heat. Despite his cold pumping heart, he always wanted to feel affection, and Akina; he felt butterflies in his stomach each time he saw her eternal beauty, his heart warming from her shining complexion. But Ryoji, the way he carried himself; he didn't even want nothing to do with him..I only met him today, and he's already starting to piss me off. He's so fake, he probably killed more than he could count. And now this? Ruining my shot with Aki, oh hell no he won't! Takeo thought while he disappeared from his spot to confront him, He teleported between Akina and Ryoji.
Ryoji jumped, Akina's eyes grew big with worriment on what was about to happen. Takeo closed his eyes as Marcus prepared himself of things to come.
"Ryoji, Marcus; my beautiful Akina. Care to add a foursome to your threesome?" The cold-hearted ninja joked as Akina made a gesture of her finger pointing at her tongue at Ryoji. She did not reciprocate his feelings and thought of him as a cold-blooded guy.
"Listen bro, I don't know who you think you are but you don't ever talk-" Marcus was interrupted as he got punched in the groin by Takeo, he flew a far distance. Akina went after him, Marcus struggled to get on his feet. Takeo scoffed at him as his attention switched to Akina, he walked to her so that he could give her flowers from his back pocket; but a swift punch on the back of his blond head by a Heart-Bond made things worse. At first, he was tumbling but landed by sliding his feet together on the ground. Takeo Fukuazan groan in pain as he swiped his head, blood bleached the back of his head. His anger grew into what is known in this world, and realized that it was the new kid who punched him on the back of his head. "Cheap shot, ya bastard..."
"This doesn't need to happen, man. Just say sorry to Akina and that'll be it."
No...Not today, you won't ruin my chances with her! Takeo murmured inside his head as he stood up, smiling devilishly as Ryoji was in a fighting stance.
"Listen Takeo, don't-"
"Don't what? Hehehe....Hahahahahaha!!!" The boy laughed hysterically, Ryoji's balled his fists. "Think that just because you're the new kid, that I won't go easy on you. Stay away from Akina, she's mine."
"Yours? Yeah, here's the thing; I don't give a damn if she's even yours to begin with, man! Don't be like this! Just say sorry and that'll be the end of it!!
"I can't. There's a large crowd looking at this way.." Takeo stated, everybody stopped on they were doing and look at the two kids who were about to fight.
"Fine. You want to give the people a fight: Let's settle this, one-on-one. If I win; you apologize to Marcus for punching him in the groin and to Akina for disrespecting her and referring her as your girlfriend. If you win...."
"If I win, you have to clean my laundry for a month and you have to ask Nepthtys out for a date, as well minding your business about Akina and I. How does that sound: Ryoji Dragomir Kazama?" He proposed, Ryoji said yes reclusively as Takeo licked the blood off his fingers, he felt sick to his stomach as the fight had just begun....

———Track 03 Ended———

LIKES: Akina (has a major crush on her) , proving himself, fights, his ice powers.
DISLIKES: Snitches, rules, being called a monster

Takeo Fukuazan got a lot going on. When he was born, both his parents died while in combat trying to protect their own baby from an ancient evil and the resident doctor of Surwick, Red Alert, adopted him since. Maybe that is why he has a crush on Akina, due to both being adopted and having lost their parents at a young age. He's got a fight in him, yet his stubbornness is his one big con.
His favorite food is Pineapples. Don't ask.
He's inspired by shonen protagonists on how they love a good fight and love to eat. He is a polar opposite to Ryoji and is eternal rival.
He can use his ice powers with good use, unlike some students in Surwick.
Ryoji has a tough fight ahead of him!

N0.1 Hero of the N.U.S.N. and the Symbol of Power and Authority
HEIGHT: 14 inches (from ground to head), 2.5 feet long
LIKES: Food, Mid-World, Surwick and the people in it, His sleep, Being Good
DISLIKES: The bloody past of Surwick (Mainly the years; 1426, 1762, 1978, 2006), losing his partner, smoking, the Realm of Heartz

I based him on my dog because I love my dog. He's my baby. I based him on that you shouldn't judge a cover by its cover, and by him being the N0.1 Hero of this country and quite possibly Mid-World proves this.
No one knows where Lino comes from, some think he is from the Realm of Heartz, but he proclaims he was the weakest of eight: He was the runt of the litter. Maybe the dog form is not his real form? Who knows....
There is a reason why he is feared by any villain who is foolish in facing him. His telekinesis has immeasurable power, he knows everything of old and new. his telepathic skills is unmatched and Lino got many tricks up his sleeves.
Easily one of the most complex characters, if the most complex character in this series. Everything he does—there's an ulterior motive behind it. The motives aren't bad, albeit a bit warped nowadays. Deep down, he is still a good dog—person.
He used to do his hero work with a positive outlook and giving an effort, but now he finishes every battle with no effort. He is extremely bored these days.
Lino sees Ryoji as the future N0.1 Hero of the N.U.S.N. Doesn't want to tell him this as he told someone this long ago the same thing, and they betrayed him in the end. It hurts that he remembers everything that happens to the world he love so much and the people cannot.

(Discontinued) CORHEIM Year One Volume 1: The New Heart in TownWhere stories live. Discover now