Chapter Trideset i Dva

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Chapter 32———Choose
//Ryoji & Akina//

———Ryoji's Time———

A day.
Many people tend to take advantage of it, of living. Ordinary people are so lucky to have days given to them, for me——It was a luxury.
Back when I was a Raven in the Orpheus Unit, I wasn't sure if I was to live to experience another sunset. I had to not care about enjoying life; I had to care about surviving.
It is a blessing to be alive currently. To be walking with honest people, be in a school where I have to strive to be the best.
And all for six years until I'm 18, then walk out and figure out everyone for myself.
A new day and things have changed for better or worse....
As I expected, Akina and the rest of us were surrounded by idiots that wanted to swoon over her since her strange power-up. Or Power-Ups, if she gets flight or whatever hitting the jackpot.
I always knew there was something about her and she didn't even know about it in the first place.
Everytime when I'm surrounded by a large amount of people, flames are about to consume the living, people attacking left from right and I'm standing with my weapons of chaos. The good thing that day was me throwing those blades to the water, I will never touch them again.
I have PTSD, stemming from what happened in Dolle. Fitting, for how my mind went numb from all of it each time I was thrown back by nostalgia.
Too numb where Igneus had to put me back into reality.
What is it?
"Angry orange hair girl is behind and keeps trying to push us....." He pointed out to me, the force was getting stronger and stronger.
Compared to me, Funka's more of a brute than me.
"Jesus, if there is no nobody in your way, JUST GO ALREADY!!!!" Her yelling pierced my eardrums, and my feet couldn't touch the ground. Her pushing me towards the classroom's entrance felt like a jet and I'm the nose cone.
.....somewhat satisfying to say the least. Her powers are impressive for her age, I couldn't fathom how strong she'll be when she's in her twenties. Thirties. No matter.
She'll get there.
"Such a dumbass....." I overheard her, cussing in her breath and shaking her head. Going to her seat as Takeo followed her as well. I was confused as to why he patted my back, and he didn't bother on telling
me what that was about.
I couldn't in between those blue eyes of his. Such a mysterious yet obnoxious boy.....
My desk was waiting for my arrival, sitting on the cold chair made of exquisite material was no different than sitting in a regular one: A person can sit in one to rest your legs or a lazy king would as well.
"I HATE HER." Igneus proclaimed to me as I was getting my supplies ready.
Berunji? I asked him curiously. Hate is too strong of a word for her. Although she can be crude, I do respect her powers and her attitude towards life, as well as her fighting prowess for her to be just a normal girl.
I held no spite for her; just a mutual discontent with another.
"No——HER." I could feel him pointing at another girl and my face turned into disgust. "Her! She's so mean and psycho-y......You get what I mean!"
The pompous girl with the wings like ashes. Cecilia Harmaajärvi, now there's a person that no one likes.
Feeling's mutual, Iggy. The feeling's real mutual. The impulse was too strong to control and I just
You know what? I feel like bashing her in a bit.....
"Hold the phone, why?!"
Because I hate her family.....Where were they when the Ravens sacked Polvasto? What were they doing when we needed them? I questioned Iggy, who couldn't think that well since he slept late, watching TV.
".......I'm not good at guessing."
I figured. They had an interview while actively supporting the Guild back then, even having a live therapy on the television. It grew a backlash; it was completely wrong and inappropriate to have a live therapy session, then their promise was unraveled.
It was a promise: You try not to break them.
My anger was getting higher and higher, my fist clenched so tightly, all while I got out of my seat and approached Cecilia.
Selfish pieces of shit, each and every one of those Grey Lakers. Living in their two mansions and drinking martinis in Finland.
I doubt that there is one person that can tolerate her
There she is: Reading some nonfiction book in her mother's tongue, minding her own business.
I guess I'm going to be the perpetrator today. I thought to myself, not caring the weight of my actions today and who will it effect.
She sighed as she point down her book, readying herself.
"Tell me something, do you have feelings towards me? It seems like you always want my attention." She bluntly asked me, which I answered quickly.
"No. I don't. I don't find you attractive." I wanted to spit at her face, and I will if she pisses me off further.
According to half-baked gossips, she cannot feel the sensation of pain anymore ever since she developed her powers.
"Tell me: If Someone would pluck every feather from top to bottom of your wings: Would you feel it?"
She chuckled from my question out of exasperation, finally standing up.
"Such animosity! Coming from someone from Raven River.....I thought they taught you people how to respect....."
"I don't have respect for spoiled specimens like you." I denounced in front of everyone, they immediately clamored behind us as the two teachers here yet. I took on the boy who caused 2006 and overpowered him. I thought as her and I locked eyes. A girl with wings should be easy to defeat.
"Knock it off, you too." The prince of Somnus, Regis Luxulric, commanded us two.
He always has a streak of arrogance to them.
What about the Prince of Somnus?
I never cared much for the Somnui since they did all nothing but sit on their asses and do nothing until war comes.
"It's not your place to intervene." A warning was needed for Regis coming from me.
The prince backed off, but say one last thing before sitting down. "Okay: I don't need it to be a war zone....I'm just saving you two from trouble."
Soon, the microphones were disrupted before an announcement came.
The Announcement was this:
Ryoji Kazama, please come to the Principal's Office.
"Oohhhh, you're in trouble......." Igneus jested around in my head.
No. I AM not in trouble.
"Come on, dude!" Marcus yelled out in disbelief, putting his hands on his face as he continued on ranting. "I know this guy is telepathic and all, but how does he know that a fight was about to happen?!
I agree with him: How is that even possible?
Does he have precognition or something that helps in predicting the future?
Before I left, even Marcus wanted to ask me something. I didn't mind him——he's a good person and his mom bakes some great...Blondies.
Yeah, that was the name of those heavenly baked goods.
"Damnit man, why do you have to bug her of all people?"
I packed my stuff up and looked at him.
".......To screw around with her." The words slipped out of my mouth as I left to go to Lino's office quickly by taking a scenic route through the stairs.

(Discontinued) CORHEIM Year One Volume 1: The New Heart in TownWhere stories live. Discover now