VOL.2: Chapter Cetrnaest

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Chapter 46———More Terror From Other Gardens

Normally when someone gets into a fight, it's either to survive or you got your feelings hurt easily. When I fight, it has to mean something for me——I don't get my feelings hurt as easily.
Alright. There was one exception to that and that is something I should not have done. I hope to fix things with those two.
Right now, I just want to survive this ongoing assault.
It's the second one in a row! Ayari didn't have this much action in her first year from what she told me. She told me the most action she had was when a B-level villain crashed into the Homecoming Dance and flashed the entire school and then fought with them.
At least that sounds like fun.
I rather dance than ever step foot into a Rescue Garden again.
Everyone is gonna have PTSD from this. Or maybe not, since we're kids.
Being in this Garden that's called the Raid Garden, where the three things I have to worry about are killer Viking androids, villains that were teleported from Japan, and dealing with the ever-annoying Tsurugi has given me a headache.
One of them got my gauntlet messed where the damn thing almost exploded on me. Screw the headache: I was just pissed. I just wanna leave this place, I don't want to be he.
Looking for a way out with Tetsumaki has been the hardest, the stress was getting to me like the summer heat.
The clouds were as grey as my soul right now. I gotta have to give props for how real all of it is.
Also, cost a lot of money for ZiON to make a Viking-inspired Garden. I hope they are gonna get hit with a fat scandal about this. They deserve it.
But I don't want our school to get with one, even though I know the school is going get another scandal once again.
First, the Reapers invaded the school, now the Shinra Empire declaring war on us?
I wouldn't surprised if the school had to close after all this...I would be the saddest person on Earth if Surwick closes down their doors for good.
Although I'm thinking about that Heart-Bond, I can still multitask by beating the living crap outta these bastards. It felt good beating them out, I needed to get out of my system.
I have had too much anger inside for quite a while now, I can't go into the gym since I got no one to take me since everyone is occupied with their jobs.
When it came to fighting styles—I preferred up and personal while Tsurugi was more of a zoner, utilizing his fancy devices like that bird-shaped hand cannon of his.
Every time he fired it, the beam of radiant plasma grew larger by the second. He was having fun firing that cannon by laughing every single time.
I could hear him muttering "Oops" after taking down most of the villains in one single blast. I'm not shocked to see his strength as he is the brainchild of a world-renowned mechanic. I think he was Japanese-Greek or a weird combination you wouldn't see in a mixed kid every day.
I wondered how that happened.
A full set of soldiers coming at us.....Lemme do the technique I've been working on. I thought to myself before spinning at a speed I couldn't figure out how fast I was going. I did, however, know that I was doing was summoning a good-sized whirlpool of My power.
Soon after, it was a full-grown tornado of pink-colored explosions.
"BURNING GRENADO!!!!!" I screamed from the top of my lungs as I was finished with my tornado, throwing those soldiers and two villains away from us.
I was dizzy as well as nauseous from spinning so fast. I needed to be tough in front of him, so I regained my senses a few seconds after. I couldn't look weak in front of the machine.
That was easy, I murmured while he fired his Penguin-Buster off against five other villains with ease.
Now, there was no more bad guy to fight. I started to breathe in. And out.
In. And out.
The air here isn't really good, we need to leave now before more of these villains come. I thought.
"Okay. We're finished here. Let's go and help the others." I said to him with my back turned away from him, I wasn't in a mood to talk to him. I needed to make sure that everyone was all right: even Akina. "Hold up for a second, Funka."
"What?" I was fuming and worried for Akina, her new powers could have been on the fluctuating side. She's like a little sister to me—The sister I never had.
"I don't understand why your tone was very aggressive just now—"
"You don't understand.....Are you serious? Are you goddamn serious? Of course, you don't understand: You ARE an Android. Not a human. You don't have any organs, no actual emotions, nothing!! All that you are is a machine, programmed to be an unbearable, extremely annoying Boy Scout of a lab experiment. Of course, you don't understand what I'm worrying about: YOU are programmed like that."
His friendliness is starting to piss me off, someone can't be this nice if they wanted something in return. His obliviousness was rubbing me off the wrong way.
And I have a feeling he knows that.
Still, I knew I was being too harsh on the Android
"I understand that you possess some acrimony towards me due to my nature." Tsurugi inquired before continuing. "You can trust me, Berunji."
I don't have that against you, Tetsumaki. I saw too many movies about artificial intelligence. I trust you when you mean it.

—End of Funka's POV—

Ahh...The Sahara Garden: one of the more radiant yet radiant Gardens.
Instead of it malfunctioning like the rest of the Rescue Garden, it could not due to it a majority of it being a biome.
Scorpions hiding in plain slight, pairs of oases scattered across the deserts while fennec foxes burrowed. It hid because of all the fighting taking place there. Normally if this facility had finished up construction, the Sahara Garden was dubbed the "most real" Garden facility.
The only heroes in the Garden was none other than Dakarai Theron, Sanda Machipaku and Haral Khatun.
Haral Khatun's costume amplified her love of the gothic culture, with her wearing black all around, a white corset, punk-looking boots, and a choker with a speaker attached to it. Her Make-up was amplified with a black star covering her left eye.
And who were their opponents?
Just a small coalition of Shinrai soldiers and two Scorpiotaurs at their disposal. The Daemon equivalent to the Centaurs, who are now officially recognized as a Demi-Daemons, Scorpiotaurs have the human torso and head, with the lower body skin to that of a scorpion.
Also, since their black hairs are naturally long since birth, Scorpiotaurs kept their long hair in a luxurious ponytail.
Their conception began in 1200 B.C. in the Middle East when Sultans of that period needed a bodyguard that was stronger than twelve men. They were natural-born warriors: learning to defend and fight when they are sixteen days old.
If Shinra has more Scorpiotaurs than feeble foot soldiers: then the strength of her army would increase tenfold.
The three heroes tried to do stand their ground by fighting, but retreated to the rocks; to take cover from the heavy gunfire.
If we were to escape these guys and get out in one piece, we need a distraction...But what exactly? Haral pondered before an idea popped into her head. And all she needed was the perverted boy from South Africa.
She poked him to get his attention, which was easy to do. "Hey, Dak."
"I have an idea."
"You do?!" Sanda squealed excitedly as he protected his head from the rocks falling on him.
It was hard to have a conversation when soldiers were firing at them, so Haral had to speak a bit louder.
"Dakarai, tell me more about your powers," Haral asked as he cleared his throat to begin his short explanation. "I can steal anything that weighs no more than 100 pounds and I can see the item. That is if I can see what is I want to steal. Otherwise, then that, my power isn't the best when it comes to frontline combat."
"Does it revolve with magic?"
"Yes, but no", Dakarai held his finger up, "I can use magic to steal items far away from me, but normally I don't use it. I don't have a lot of Aether to do it all the time."
Lightbulb. Haral plotted their way out of here as she smiled at him, he paid attention to it and was happy. He had a mild attraction towards her and he believed it was mutual.
Little did Dakarai know—he will be a major asset to their profound plan to escape.

—Five Minutes Later—

"Oh hell no!!" Dakarai screamed while his facial expressions were a bit exaggerated. "You want me to be a bait to the Scorpiotaurs?!"
Luckily for them, Scorpiotaurs didn't have the best hearing of Demi-Daemons; preferring to hunt game by sight.  It was quite the irony: How Scorpiotaurs were one of the best bodyguards for hire and yet rely on their eyes to follow their duty.
Dakarai managed to get the Demi-Demons and the Shinra Troop's attention by waving his hands and running in a circle.
All for them to fall into her little trap.
It was good to hear that little pervert scream in fright. Oh, what a joyous sound to Haral's ears.
Not for his and their enemies in the upcoming.
Haral pushed her classmate Dakarai away as Sanda did it easily and warned them as she prepared her stance. "Take cover!"  She warned them, closing her eyes...Letting the magic do its thing as she screamed.
Her scream was a potent burst of a high altitude and made her enemies fall in pain and dazed from her power.
The screams of Haral Khatun can go decibels where her voice can manifest a destructive scream of high altitude where she can shatter rocks easily and able to put a large dent into tungsten. And she couldn't drive a car yet.
A true scream queen.
"Stay with me and I'll make sure to give our enemies a scream."
The two boys looked at one another. They thought the same thing: Staying with her.
They provided her backup. One with electricity and the other one with the thief.
She provided their safety as best as she could.

———Track 46 Ended———

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