VOL.2: Chapter Devet

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Chapter 41———The Tundra Garden (25%)


Holy pink shit on a stick: My day just got better.
As my eyesight was a improving, but it soon came to me that it was none other than Beri Alliyma Sosa.
Of all the people, he was still kicking in the snow while dragging some fish as he needed some help with it.
"Beri!" I lit out a hopeful beam, getting up and hugging him. "What happ-pen? Where a-are we? Is anyone-ne okay?" Then I remembered that I have the potential to level a mountain, so I decided let go and could him gasping for air.
The boy closed his eyes from the cold air . "Man. I'm glad you're in one piece! I saw you falling from the sky and I thought you'd be dead
I'm glad I'm not dead, either. I thought to myself as he continued on.
"I think....This is the Tundra Garden, we all got teleported by that kid...."
"Yeah, it's getting bad by the minute. My watch says it's 5:45 p.m. We came to the Rescue Garden at 10:20. Maybe someone from our class contacted the police at 5:19, I heard a lot of sirens earlier so maybe. They could be in the main garden but they need backup. From on that hill over there," He pointed that snowy hill carefully as possible so that he didn't drop the fish. "There's a military camp here, infested with Shinra troops."
"Wait. Why is there a-a military camp here-re? I thought ZiON made pharmaceuticals and stuff-ff." I said curiously, confused of how Shinra managed to put down a military camp here. Then again—I had the feeling that ZiON were a shady company.
"Don't know, maybe they got one of our own or jamming the signal; I need your help. Trust me—If I had the power to do this on my own: I would have. But I'm too weak to do it and my power isn't suited for offensive purposes.
Those words....I'm too weak.
"I'll help." I did not shutter when I said those two exact words. That was strange of me. And it felt great. "I wanna....help-p you."
Damnit, I spoke too soon.
Eventually, the boy I kinda knew grinned bigger as he reached into the abyss o this yellow satchel and grabbed two strange devices. He was shivering too much  from the sheer cold of the Tundra Garden, though I could really feel it.
The cold....didn't never did bother me.....Nope: I am not finishing that one.
"These two things are my own creations. This one is a scanner that scans the person's vitals, power level, magic level and Aether level. I like to think it as Vegeta's scanner from Dragon Ball Z; but in the style of fashion savvy glasses. I call it—The Omni Scanner."
He gave me a set of Omni Scanner and I put it around my neck, where they would be safe at. He showed me three lighters.
I thought that Beri Alliyma Sosa, the most innocent kid in the entire school, was entirely innocent.
If he likes to experiment on things like smoking, I have no problem.
Like Sera Bishop.
Beri's cape flapped into the cold gales of the blizzard, whereas my hair constantly got in the way of my vision. He accidentally dropped eight of those lighters and I jokingly said, "So, is-a a l-lighter or a taser-"
"No," Beri said before moving his hands in circular motion, "It's a hand grenade."
"Shut-ut up."
"Oh yeah—-they are. They're just as powerful. Just press the blue button on the left and it'll explode in five seconds. I made eight of these in case of an attack would occur." He explained while having a smile on his face
Thank god for him. I don't know what else to think right now.... I thought as he kept blabbed about things.
How could I think?
I am in a frozen hell where my only friend is the guy who's best friends with a non apologetic pervert, not to mention I have too much in my head.
Of everyone to team up—I never thought of Beri and I being on a team together for survival. Hope he was in the boys scouts at one point in his life, I can try to make a fire.
I was struggling to get on my feet. Luckily, someone helped me to get on them.
"Don't overdo it, Wiloby."
"I'm not-ot. Let's do-o this." I assured him, he stood by my side as we now venture across the icy, barren wasteland.
We're leaving the cave—our point of no return.
I'm glad he saved me in the nick of time.
I could've died out there.
Being dinner for the hungry wolves wasn't the way I'm going to lie down for good. I would put up a good fight with Maybe.
I don't know.
Eleven minutes later, and we barely made any progress.
The setting of the Tundra Garden grew intensely bitter by the minute, blowing air colder than the depths of outer space. We kept our eyes peeled for the Empires' post, to bring order to the ZiON sponsored buildings.
I knew that the pharmaceutical mega company known as ZiON were always fishy to begin with. Everyone knew that about ZiON.
From what I could recall during my own brain freeze from the winter storm, the company was founded in 1973 by Gen Mauryama because he saw the prices of medicine were beginning to skyrocket.
Especially potions, he saw it as his treasure.
So, he decided to create his own. The very first of his creations were Potions; the very first advanced potions that Heroes use when they're in extra danger.
Ones that didn't smell like horse pee but roses, comes in a glass bottle. In order to be healed by the restorative item, you must break it. Don't worry; the glass isn't your typical glass.
Rather, it's made out of a black sand material called Hakrionium.
Hakrionum is a non-metal, it has healing potential, belongs with Chlorine in Group 17. While I prefer science over math, because my learning disability to learn math and keep it inside my brain, that's all what I knew about it. That, and Bucraycium.
If you were to go quests, potions are the number one thing you needed for an adventure. Not really pricy, cost from 2 a piece to 400 for the Holy Potion. You can try to get them for free when you completed a mission or hunts. One of the hunts I participated in, the only one I have successfully completed so far, was a Giant boar rampaging the Kimana Wilds. Instead of good items like Potions or Aether Recover, I was instead received a cheap gold sticker for it.
Oh well. It was just a gigantic version of a pig anyway.
No B-Ranked scourge of society.
I needed to ask him if he had any restoration items. "Beri," I called Beri sweetly as he stopped in his tracks. "Do you have any-any Potions?"
"I do. I only got three of them, sadly. If we were to execute our plan-"
"We'll have t-to do it sneakily and make sure we don't get hurt." I finished his saying while my teeth chattered. Our footsteps became one with the snow; doing so where our feet crunched the air despite the blizzard raging on. No bears were hunting, no caribous were prancing around, only the trees were here with us. It was a ghost town.
Or ghost Garden..Whichever one worked for Beri.
Beri was going through it the worst. Stumbling three more times before coming to his knees, I am worried for his sake.
He was smaller and weaker in physical strength than I am in my base form. I stopped walking to check him out.
"Hey. Don't be-be doing too much!"I kindly ordered him. I wanted him to take it easy, but he shook his head in answer and recovered on his feet.
While I admire his courage, his hero costume wasn't suited for this weather.
Heck, even the schools' uniform can't protect me from the cold forever.
We need to reboot the tower as fast as possible or else—we'll die from hypothermia.
I continued to walk, but more on speed-walking. "Okay-y Beri; get on my-y back."
After I said that, I've never seen watermelons become so red before, blushing wildly. "Huh?!?"
I did not have the time to argue with him, it's to ride or die.
"Listen to me, Beri! Either you lose all modesty you have and get on my back—or we die from this damn blizzard! Your choice and you better hurry up!!!!" I snapped harshly at him, I felt that I was going in my powers already, due to me not stuttering and more prone to being angered by dumb decisions.
He reluctantly climbed on my back, choking me from behind. He's kinda heavy..... I thought while crouching down, getting ready for takeoff.
Alright, Akina; you got this. Just transfer the power to my calves, and I would be flying in the frigid air, easy peasy.
Feeling all the raw energy coming through my legs, I got ready to glide through.
I'm ready.
Let me make some magic now.
——Track 41 Ended———

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