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Chapter 10—Pest Control

Thick smoke had enveloped in the once peaceful, immersive courtyard of Surwick, with the statues of the Principal's late wife desecrated before his very own eyes. Many orchids and flowers beds, chosen of his beloved wife, rotten from the mechanical abominations known as Reapers and Daemons. How dare you....... The anger of the Principal had started to reach new lengths, as kept on attacking the forces of evil with such ease; engaging in long range combat due to the Reapers lacking in ranged attacks. They almost had to attack in close quarters since they could not steal Aether by whipping their tentacles, like an anaconda, coiling their victims in the end.
There are two outcomes: A bedridden coma or being cremated by a machine.
Although seemingly immortal, it would takes days for Lino to fully replenish his strength if a Reaper actually gotten ahold of him. Yes, the Reaper could potentially explode due to overloading from Aether consumption.
42 days, forty-two days for Lino to regain his absolute strength, to be exact. Until then—he would have to be in one of the most important rooms that only a few selected knew about: The Aether Regeneration Chamber. There, the process of regaining back Aether takes less time than usual, with the addition to enjoy some peace from the hectic life of being the N0.1 Hero of the N.U.S.N.
He wants to take a nap and let his Assistant do his errands——but his students are his number one priority: That puts his students above his needs.
No one thinks otherwise, albeit is a warped dedication to his school.
"Whoever sent has you fiends to attack us: you will pay with your life!" He declared as he sent his blade to destroy at least another two squadrons of Reapers. Following afterwards, his Wayfinder's Spirit began materializing a fiery aura around it and destroying anything not a hero.
All the while his faculty members were handling the hordes quicker and easier than the students inside. Then again: they were professionals. They can handle situations like these—it's their jobs.
To the students—Reapers were invincible cockroaches. Cockroaches that did not have weaknesses to exploited upon so easily.
Yet, for the staff—they were more like puny maggots to stomp on; they were insignificant to them since these heroes have netted many years of experience.
Gosh.....Sora thought, intimidated of how Lino decimated so many of those Reapers. I really wish I could do that........ He did not even look behind and countered a Daemon with a swift punch to the the face, there was barely any effort in that punch and yet it was stronger than an average human strike.
Ah... He began on reminiscing on the old days of traveling with Lady Lulu. Those were the days when I did not have any care in the world; all when I was just a kid living the life. The life of a guardian..
Surrounded by another horde, yet this time many Nightcrawlers and undefined ones came circling around him. Despite them being perceived as mere pests, a rookie would make the biggest mistake by underestimating them.
Huh? More of them? Feisty little bastards.......Sora analyzed his current situation, he usually kept a good eye on things, including how easily this horde can defeated by a non-lethal technique. Killing you guys will bring more of your kind like how wasps do with their pheromones. If I could convert some Aether and just turn into a concussive wave..........
And so he did with ease, as he was being proficient in channeling his Aether into anything he needed for the situation. He felt if the school had Mosquito or Chief Apex or even that heroine back from the days of the Cold War: Truly no one would really dare to attack them or else.
Especially that Cold War heroine, the posters that are still being sold to this times. even reckoning that five of them were being auctioned during these dubious times.
His Aether was gleaming with a blue hue, increasing in strength each second. The horde simply closed the distance slowly before He finally released it.  It had simply blew all of them away like leaves by the autumn breeze. The concussive wave was more of a nerve agent that was more effective to daemons than humans in general, since they contained different nerving systems due to them originally made from the remnants of carcasses of any living organism.
Sora had looked a bit sad for the Daemons, uncommon for a man in his occupation to feel pity for it. He always had a soft spot for them, extremely aware of how many of them were born by non-supernatural means.
Wish I could do a prayer to pacify your souls, I truly am, however, I'm still on the job. Sora thought, before looking at his fellow colleagues in the far distance south from him, another squadron of super heroes fighting the forces of unwilling evil.
They were enjoyed themselves. Even going so far is that they reveled in exterminating all of them in the midst, a far outcry from Sora's ideals.
"120!!" Yelled out a menacingly, huge man with the head of a furry walrus with albinism, smashing one large Daemon into bloody bits with a hard swing from his spiky hammer. The large man wore a heavy cape made from the smooth pelt of a polar bear, and his hero suit had norse themes to it. He even wore a small Viking helmet with his Hero Suit. His face was bloodied up from from the Reapers, numbing his face because of it quite numbing for his face. As a brave Reaper came across him, he managed to quash it with one swing, all of its organs over his body, as his body was the canvas and the blood the painting to fill the canvas up with extravagant art.
But he didn't mind on how bloodied he looked.
He mattered if these "bastards", or how he perceived them to be, posed a threat to his students and he was indeed correct.
He was simply brushing off the entrails stuck onto his hammer.
That man, the man-made warrior, whose skin was Wulfuric Waxweiler, or also known by the moniker "Wrecker Walrus".  A Wrecker with unmatched power.
"I could do this all day, god damn it!!!! Hey, Lewis," he called Mr. Lewis by his last name as he did with everyone else.
"Uh, I think it's 57 now!" He announced his kill to Wrecker Walrus, performing a hefty kick that managed to defeat several daemons as if they were butter at room temperature. While he did not really enjoy slaughtering these creatures (since the odor excreted from their pores were extremely putrid), he did like it as the anger in him was subsiding within every swing of his blade, within every counter.
His temper needed to be quelled, intensifying from every time his coworkers'  provoking. "Oh, I'm disappointed in you, I thought you could do better than that, Nevaeh! Weren't you the Horseman of Light?" He could feel his blood boiling, it was inevitable until his anxiety overtook his rationality. Before all those terrible things happened...... The memories permanently etched into his brain...... Negativity affected his powers, evidenced by his armor gleaming a deep orange color.
No....Today isn't the day to lose it!! He had coached himself, and instead threw a large beam of light, destroying more unfortunate enemies that were caught by them being nothing more than ashes. That felt good. That felt extremely good, in fact.
"80! One hell of a difference ain't it, huh, W.W.?"
"Sure, if you consider a 23 point difference impressive—then good for you!"
"Still to believe that you're a teacher that specializes in math...." Brandon Lewis uttered under his breath, followed by another kick to a Daemon's jaw.
"WHAT?!" Wrecker Walrus yelling to the top of his lungs as he ripped a hulking daemon with his bare hands, more blood spattered on his body. A psychotic smile was once again present on his furred face of his.
How in the Sam Hill did this Norse god worshiper  managed to even become a teacher in the first place? Brandon Lewis thought to himself. He was incredibly dismayed about how this math teacher for first-year acted in combat. If I was the Principal—I'd checked the resumes three times over  before accepting him into the school.
"I'm joining this game now!!!" The Assistant Principal, Haruka Uteshiki, shouting to the top of her lungs while bashing some heads before noticing the number. Every day when she thinks the day could run smoothly, events like these appear randomly. Yet, unlike the two of her friends: She can fully adapted to the hectic lifestyle of a hero. She is the one who can truly lose it all, not batting an eye when it came about her position as the Assistant Principal or the strict rules when it came to heroism. She was surprised on how Lino has not fire her yet despite her imperfections.
Her electric guitar was still in top shape, making a melody of pain as each swift bash caused agony for an unlucky enemy of hers.
Along with her adaptability, Haruka Uteshiki was extremely efficient when using magic that involved weight control, which prove useful when it involved a rampaging, hulking Daemon that stood about two meters tall choosing her as its next meal.
The color of it was common for the lower ranking Daemon, a dull brown as the stronger Daemons exhibited more vibrant colors and articulation that of a human or even superior to a human. Its forearm were barrel sized and lime-green, on top of them spikes.
Its attempt on picking up one of the statues made of marble for a weapon was feeble. It needed a bludgeoning weapon, to be exact. Since one of its arms was completely crushed after a brief skirmish with Wrecker Walrus, it was a struggle for it at first. One attempt made the Daemon look like a fool. Second attempt made the Daemon look determined now, groaning in frustration as the pain made it unbearable to wield such a stature. Even Haruka was galvanized by the creature's willpower, her eyes were shining brightly for a fight. "Hey, ya big sack of shit!!!"
Its immediate answer was at first staring at her with its emotionless face. Its pain was no longer relevant , as the Daemon was concentrating into a desire to consume her soul at any cost. It started to pick up slowly from the ground, uprooting in a slow, drastic pace.
It wanted to eat her soul quickly and painlessly.
Sorry to make things a bit "heavy" for ya!!!! Haruka smiled, feeling extremely proud of herself despite the quip was made in only thirty seconds. So Proud of herself that she will not go down so easily to a simple Daemon like this one. All it takes is one spell.
And she knew just the thing, pulling out a little rod of bramble and a single flick of the wrist, she said the word, "Pinguis!!!" She yelled out the magic spell, taught by Lulu herself, this magic spell, as what it meant in Latin, could make anything living or non-living light as a balloon or as heavy as osmium by enchantment or heavier than a mountain range. A rather simple explanation for a magic spell that took rigorous training to fully perfect it. Unauthorized use or failing to do the spell correctly will result in releasing a small black hole, tearing the planet from inside out.
It looked confused, the hulking Daemon, floating now while the statue was on the top of it, also on how it was floating away from her. It reminded her of a hot balloon, floating adrift in the air, having no care. Although the Daemon attacked first, Haruka did not have to toy with it, she could have ended its life the humane way. There was a reason as to why she was playing around, seeing how as some of the Daemons were doing the same with Lulu, her friend mercilessly. "I notice something: Ya don't like the pain—not even a little bit?" She asked, her wrath was becoming more apparent as she even began to torture by twisting its limbs slowly, excluding the head in every direction.
"Look at ya, can't even do anything, just floating in the air like a damn cockroach."
Mrs.Uteshiki: Don't dig up all that hate from the past, you're better than that. The Principal's voice was ringing inside her mind, persuading what she was doing was similar how a sadist would act, communicating with her from a far distance. What she was doing reminded him of his past. The past that caused him immense trauma.
No. Let me torture this pest. It needs to know pain. What they did to my friend was not playing around with her..... Haruka always had sadistic tendencies since se was born. She walks on the path of a hero, only exposing her morbid side to those truly evil by nature. Or simply the misunderstood.
I am quite aware of what happened to the great summoner Lulu. It was a tragedy that day, I did not hire your services not because of your to kill your enemies, but rather your expertise when it—

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