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Psst. This is old and my writing was less developed so chapters are shorter. Standards aren't as high as my fanfic UD if that's what you were expecting.

Still, thanks for clicking on this story, enjoy the read <3


All i saw was crimson.

"We're gonna have to kill her" The tall scary man looked down at my small frame.

I had been out at the shop only a moment ago before i was pulled into the back alley way. Originally i thought i had been caught by the shop owner since i had been trying to steal but turns out, he had already been tied up across from me.

"Why kill her? she did nothing wrong" A blonde girl around my age asks.

I stay on the ground against the cold, jagged edged concrete as i look up at them. As well as the girl who had just spoken, there were two teenagers. One was fairly tall with white, spiked hair. He had several burns on his skin which made me cringe as i look at them. They must hurt. Another had terrible posture and was slouched, his hair somewhere between teal and a white-grey. His own skin looked rough and itchy.

"She's seen him and our faces now" the man with scars says, referring to the shop keeper on the floor.
I stay silent, not really sure what to say as i watch them. I dare not breathe as they discuss amongst themselves what to do with me.

The one with dry skin turns to face me, causing me to hold my breath as he walks over.
I cower into the wall of the dark alleyway as he get closer.
"You look like you're struggling out here, little girl.. what are you out here for so late at night?" he intimidates me, glaring into my soul with his eyes.
"I- I just needed to get some food for my family" I squeak out as they look at me.
The man thinks to himself briefly before coming up with a solution.
"If you keep this a secret and join our little group, we'll help you feed your family... is that okay?" though his presence was something to be scared of, for a stranger he's the kindest i've ever met.
I nod though i'm still shaken "yes- yes please"
"Welcome to the crew, little one" the guy with white hair says to me "but look away you might not want to see this"

"Can i actually do it this time? i promise i won't mess it up" the girl with blonde hair asks excitedly, balling her fists up tightly as she grins.
"Yes, Toga, you can"

I stare at the girl who i now know as Toga as she pulls out a knife almost as big as her face.
Her eyes glimmer as she takes steps towards the whimpering worker on the floor. His mouth had been tightly taped shut and his eyes looked at us all, pleadingly.
The white haired man glances down at me but doesn't stop me from watching the scene that was about to take place.

Toga lifts the knife into the air and swings it down onto the man. All the air from my lungs is whipped away as i watch with frightened eyes, tears welling up in them. I cant move or run away but at the same time, i don't want to. I couldn't take my eyes off of the girl stabbing the man multiple times, didn't seem to matter where exactly.

"Stab, stab, stab" she chuckles to herself as the crimson liquid began to leak from the mans body, coating the street in the fluid that i had never seen before. My eyes lingered on his as the life faded out of him, a single tear dribbling down the side of face while red poured out of his previously taped mouth.
The image stuck in my nine year old mind, playing on repeat. At first, the view was stomach turning but it was also mesmerising to my young mind...

However, even now, i still felt sick everytime.. But, when you're in a bad place in life, self torture is what keeps us sane. And so, ever since that day, that feeling has become addictive.

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