Chapter 4

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"L/N" a name calls out as i approach the large building of UA. I decide to ignore it, knowing it's the frazzled cucumber i met just a few months ago.

He catches up to me "L/N!"
"Hey, broccoli" i grin the best i can, slightly turning my head to face him. My eyes widen as I notice his figure had bulked up a bit. This kid worked hard...
"How are you feeling?"
"Good" i reply bluntly, slightly speed walking ahead since i'm already tired of the conversation, hoping he'd leave me alone but of course he had to follow me like a duckling does with it's parent. As he does so, he continues to ramble. Of course, i'm not processing any of the words, not paying attention to try and suppress the rising anger.

I feel my blood boil as he continues talking. Can't he see i'm not listening? Is he that fucking blind?

At this point Ive decided that hearing his voice is one of the most irritating noises in the world.

I spin and face him, an angry look plastered on my face.
"Can you shut the fuck up for just one second?" i ask in an exasperated tone. He looks at me in fear for a second before quickly walking past me, avoiding my gaze that could burn holes in someone.
"S-sorry" i hear him mumble as he leaves.

Welp. That wasn't a good idea but at this point do i even need to be nice?
Fuck that shit.

I sigh as i enter the theatre taking a seat next to someone, it doesn't really matter who. I throw my bag down on the floor and lean back in the seat all while i look downwards towards a man in front of a presentation and behind a podium.
"HELL YEAHHHH" he shouts which makes me jump.
"Fuck me" i growl under my breath from the sudden shock. He's too fucking loud. He better turn that shit down for all our sakes otherwise there won't be any hero wannabe's left that are capable of hearing.

We get given the written test papers which i fly through without an issue. Half this shit i've already been taught by Dabi who apparently went to UA to do the entrance exam for fun before making his name known as a villain. He told me he wanted to see what it was all about considering his dad went there and supposedly so will his younger brother.
I sigh and close the paper, tapping the pen against the table.

Once that's over, it's onto the presentation explaining the practical exam.

I zone out through most of it, knowing i'll be fine. I have been training with Toga since i was 12 after all. I've got the experience.
When i zone back in i realise there's something on the large presentation board at the front.. my names under battle arena A or something. I yawn and stretch out my arms, waking up my body for the practical side of things.
"Were you even paying attention through any of that, fucking bastard?!"

Oh for fucks sake.

I turn towards whoever's talking to me and see someone who sort of looked familiar but i can't remember from where. Those half-familiar crimson eyes impaled my e/c ones. I just shrug and sling my bag over my shoulder, turning to walk out of the lecture theatre.
"Hey, shitty bitch!" he shouts which makes me do a 180 to face him. "What?" i hiss, not in the mood. He's clearly never had that reply before and it takes him aback.
"Do you remember me? I was beating up your brother a few months ago." he says boldly.
"Ohhh, it's you, blonde toilet brush" I pat his cheek and turn away again which makes him let out a loud yell.

I'm the first to get suited up and head to the battle arena. I scratch my head as i walk, feeling kinda sluggish. I didn't really want to be here and i'm surrounded by wannabe heroes and already pro-heroes alike. It's draining. And gross.

I begin to stretch out, sliding gracefully into the splits. I already know i'm getting in so i don't bother stretching much.

Just as i finish my bow and arrow stretch, broccoli boy walks up towards the large gate. I avoid eye contact with him, remembering what i had said this morning. At least he's shut up now.

I smirk to myself and drop my leg from my hold. I can't wait to watch all these normies fail. It will be beautiful, the look on their sad faces. This would be the perfect opportunity to wipe out the next generation of heroes but unfortunately, if i even tried to kill them i'd just get restrained immediately. More so, even if i escaped they would recognise my face and have my name on file.

A dark presence surrounds me and i barely turn around. Cant be bothered.
Alas, an angry hedgehog has appeared. He takes steps around me so he's stood in front of my frame.
"What a lovely surprise, evil-sonic" i grin mercilessly at him which only makes his anger rise.

I blink slowly at him, waiting for something over than rabid growling. I guess i'm not getting anything more than that.
Turning around, the gates finally open up and i sprint inside. After all the running away I do from pro-heroes my stamina is great.

Ta-da the first robot.

I use my Mental to Physical quirk and turn my anger into a physical force, crushing the robot to bits.

-I technically have a mix of my parents quirks. My mum had the quirk "ghost" meaning she can levitate, teleport, make parts of herself tangible etc. Unfortunately, i only got teleportation from her. However, that's made up with my dads quirk.
My dad has the 'mental to physical' quirk meaning he can turn the emotions he's feeling into an actual force. Happiness, healing. Anger, crushing things or people and shit. You know... that type of thing.
Considering i have a lot of anger, it comes in handy when a pro-hero is on your ass. I wonder how many limbs i've crushed now?


The robot is compressed into a metal cube. Kinda like in that movie with the robots and there's one left on earth who's job is to clean up the trash after the humans ruined the earth.. you know, WALL-E.
I throw the cube to the side and continue onwards. I hear explosions in the distance and get curious, following the sound around the false buildings.

When i peak around the corner, i eye up the boy who was trying to intimidate me a few moments ago.

"Woahhhh, blondie's got strength" I watch him exploding the robots around his with ease. His agility is also incredible. My eyes dart as i follow him.

I nod. I'm pretty impressed, i must admit. Within the next second, I destroy another robot, adding a tenth to my collection of metal cubes.
I kick it around, playing a bit of footie (soccer). As you can tell, i'm not very bothered about getting into UA let alone trying my hardest. I'd be too far ahead in winning i feel like it would get suspicious that way.

If an 18 year old showed up and knew how to use their quirk so easily in a world where it's illegal to use your quirk in public, i feel like you would catch on that they've been going against a few rules.

Finally after what felt like years, the time was up. I sigh, feeling satisfied about all i did today without much trouble at all (aside from the people there).

Aren't hero's meant to be all-good and that shit? Most of them are as much of an asshole as me. Appears that heroes and villains really are cut from the same cloth.

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