Chapter 18

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I enter the lunch hall, feeling good.
Todoroki notices me from across the room and he's already in the queue for food. He waves at me sweetly and gestures me over. I smiles at him and make my way over, grabbing a tray as i do.

"Hello, L/N" He looks down at me "I'm glad we could be in the queue together"
"Thanks for letting me in" I laugh slightly, feeling my stomach yearn for food.
"Would you like to sit with me, Midoriya and the others?"
"Oh, definitely i haven't spoken to Broccoli in a while" i tap my feet on the floor while we wait.
"Broccoli? Do you talk to broccoli?" His eyes widen in confusion.
"No-" i glance up at his face which is serious "No, Todoroki i don't, that's just my nickname for Midoriya"
He blinks.

"You know, with the green hair and all" i laugh awkwardly.
"Ohhh, would i be a peppermint?"
"If you want to be, sure?"
"I would like to be peppermint" he smiles gently.
"Okayyyy" i give him a thumbs up as we fall silent. Todoroki is a sweet boy, he can just be very socially awkward that's all. It makes it a bit hard to have a conversation with him.

Eventually, we reach the front and i slide my tray along as we take our portions. After that, we scan the busy and chatty hall for the table Iida had claimed.
After about 2 minutes we spotted them and walked over to take our seats.

"L/N-chan" Midoriya smiles as i sit down beside him.
"Hey Broccoli" i ruffle his hair.
"I am peppermint" Todoroki mentions as he sits across from us.

I facepalm.

"Yeah, yep" i grin and put some food in my mouth to try and stop me from cringing too much "So, Midoriya, long time no chat"
He nods and think for a moment "I thought you didn't like me"
"Wait what?" i raise my brows and look at him.
"You got mad at me and-" he begins to ramble but i block it out before i get pissed off.
"He has a point you can be scary sometimes" Tsu says.

"I mean, i guess you're right.. sorry if i am" I shovel some more mac&cheese into my mouth.

I mentally roll my eyes. What a bunch of babies i'm not even that bad.

"It's okay!! I just didn't know how you felt" he laughs awkwardly and scratches the back of his neck.
"Well i definitely like you" i assure him.

I eat in silence and listen to everyone else talk. Todoroki does the same and keeps making eye contact with me, almost as if he's trying to communicate without making any noise.
I just stare at him plainly, not really sure what i should do.
His gaze quickly switches to his food, light pink dusting his nose.

I raise my brow and turn my attention to watching the rest of the table chat. They're all laughing and smiling, talking about things they're interested in. Just normal teenagers doing normal things with friends. I wish to have a group of friends i can be light hearted with.


Maybe I don't want to be like this anymore.. I'm starting to enjoy my life for the first time ever. Is it because of UA?



I rip my eyes off of them all and chew more of my food as i become more and more lost in my thoughts.
I'm actually training to become a hero right now. Sure, not really intending to become one but something about it feels refreshing.


I can't change anyway. I know the Leagues plans. If i were to ever change they'd hunt me down. I'd be dead by the morning.

It's not worth it. Besides, why would I even want to change? I'm doing perfectly fine. I need to befriend Bakugo. That's the only reason why i'm here. I can't lose sight of the objective.

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