I sit quietly away from everyone on the bus, keeping to myself.
I don't know why i'd be ashamed of my outburst. It's not like i care what they think of me anyway.I hunch my shoulders up because soon after i got on the vehicle i realised my hero costume made my neck exposed and no doubt someone going to notice and annoy me about it.
I watch out of the window, watching as the trees pass by. Apparently we're nearly there but if i'm honest, i don't ever want to arrive."Hey"
I turn to face Mr. hetero chromatic eyes as he takes a seat next to me.
"Why are you here?" i ask bluntly, turning away again.
"I couldn't help but notice you looked down"
I raise a brow and stay where i am, using my eyes to look back at him "me?"
"...No one else appears to be here" he says quietly.
I grunt and look away again, out of the window and down to see the road in a blur "go back to Midoriya or something"
"I will in a minute"I mentally eye roll.
i'm once again disturbed and glare at Bakugo who's grinning like the devil.
"We have talked only twice" he says softly.Wait.. what even is this guys name? I scan his face. In class i never really noticed him because he was quiet and barely ever spoke so that's probably why i don't remember. Though his quirk is fascinating so i'm sure i must've picked up on it...
"What is your name?" i ask him plainly.
"Oh- you don't remember?"
I just shake my head "beats me"
"Shoto Todoroki"
"Nice to officially meet you, Todoroki" i laugh in disbelief of myself.
"You too, L/N" Todoroki smiles gently."SCAR FACE IS FLIRTING WITH DEPRESSED BITCH" Bakugo calls out amongst the bus and i breath through my nose in order to contain myself. Todoroki shuffles in his seat at the name.
The prickly ticking time bomb leaves his seat, coming towards us.
"THE WEIRDOS ALWAYS TOGETHER, HU- uhhh?" Bakugo stops part way through, staring at a specific spot on my neck. I immediately smack my hand over it.
"what do you want, motherfucker?" I say lowly.
He takes my wrist and pulls it, revealing the burn.
"T.. O U... Y..A" he tries to read it "who the fuck is Touya"
"None of your fucking business that's who" i snicker and nudge Todoroki who's tense next to me. He clears his throat and shakes it off. Weird."You're not telling me you ACTUALLY have a boyfriend?!" Bakugo laughs hysterically, throwing his head back "YOU?! OF ALL PEOPLE?!"
"We're not dating" i say casually which makes him look at me, holding back tears of laughter.
"So you... just fuck?" He lets out another loud laugh "AS IFFF! I bet it's makeup"
I just ignore him and go back to looking at the scenery outside.After the long ride of Bakubitch being a dickhead, we finally arrive at U.S.J and leave the vehicle. I breath the fresh air once again. Journeys make me a bit travel sick.
We enter the building, preparing for our training.Just then, a recognisable purple void opens up further away from us and my heart stops. Toga, Shiggy and Dabi step out, thanking Kurogiri.
Why are they here? What the fuck? Why didn't i know about this.
Toga waves at me excitedly before Dabi smacks her hand down. I let a smile escape but quickly push it back down, taking a quick look around to see if anyone noticed.
"All Might isn't here..." Shigaraki scratches his neck violently - a thing i've noticed over these past 6 years he does when he's stressed. My eyebrows furrow at the statement. I knew Shiggy has wanted the Number 1 Hero down for a long time but why are they attacking today and without telling me?
I just watch, kind of out of it, thinking about all the reasons behind this. I wish i was a part of it. Feeling a bit left out, guys. I chuckle to myself accidentally.
Todoroki is staring at me, alarmed.
"sorry, nerves"
He nods, understandingly and i breathe a sigh of relief since i was convincing enough.Before i knew it, i had been warped to an area of U.S.J. It appears to be the mountain zone. I look around me, wondering if i was alone and it appears there's no one near me anyway.
"Sup, princess" he jokes.
"Don't call me that ever again, you knob" i chuckle as Dabi walks up to me doing the 'fuck-boy face' ironically "Anyway, what the fuck is going on and why do i know nothing about it?" I question, mad that i'm not included.
"Shiggy has a nomu that can kill All Might apparently and he wanted to try it but turns out he's not here" Dabi shrugs, standing over me while i'm still laying on the floor.
Keeping up the villain intimidating the hero act, i let my eyes water but continue speaking normally."You're wayyyy too good at this, Lola" he holds back his laughter.
"Aren't i" I say, showing off "but i still have a question" my smile turns into a scowl.
"Why didn't i know anything about this?"
"I don't know, didn't have time to tell you i guess" he shrugs, the energy shifting slightly.
"Dabi, i literally spent all night at your place."
"Ohh yeahhh" he says sarcastically and i kick him in the leg.I roll my eyes and grin up at him, fake tears still flowing.
"L/N!!" A voice calls out and i snap my head over, changing my expression into fear as Dabi changes his into a sadistic glare.
Todoroki is staring at me, his line of vision switching between me and Dabi.
"Shoto" he whispers quietly before smirking.
I look up at him, confused how he knows the boy and calls him by his first name.Thinking about it... they do look kinda sim-
A loud explosion rings in my ears and my thoughts are interrupted.
Oh here he fucking comes to save the day.
The short-tempered pomeranian comes flying through the air, just about missing Dabi as he lands in a crouched position, smirking widely.
"FUCKING DIEEE" he screams as he runs at the villain, taking off using his explosions.Someone takes a hold of me, pulling me away from the situation, i look upward, Todoroki looking down at me worriedly.
"Are you okay?" he asks in a caring tone.
"Mhm" i squint my eyes to look at his left side, staring at his teal coloured eye.I don't believe it. I smile as the puzzle pieces join together. I never knew Dabi had a little brother, how cute!
He notices my smile "you're not okay" he mumbles and lays me down on the floor.
Fuck, i need to stop accidentally letting go. Now i've got to keep up with this stupid damsel in distress act.
His eyes linger on the burn on my neck long enough for me to realise.In my opinion, that's confirmation enough.
"Hey, let's get you thinking again, huh?" he says quietly.
"Who's Touya?"
"You really are a curious boy aren't you, Todoroki" i slur my words to make my state convincing.
He shakes his head "sorry, that was a weird question... who are your parents?"I cringe in my head, my dad flooding my thoughts immediately.
"FUUUCK" Bakugo screams in the distance and we both look over "I FUCKING LOST HIM"Good.

C R I M I N A L | K. Bakugo x Reader
FanficMATURE CONTENT HAS BEEN MOVED TO PATREON (link in bio for access to a smut chapter) I'm a villain. Hearing those words coming out of someone's mouth is enough to make anyone hate them. You're a bad person, right? Evil, in fact. But a lot of us have...