Chapter 25

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Everything is going wrong today. I fell out of bed, I dropped my fucking breakfast, got toothpaste on my uniform. I'm like 2 minor inconveniences away from shooting myself.

"Happy Monday" Mina grins as she joins me on my walk down the hallway.
"Happy Monday" I put on a smile.

I've been crying all weekend. Nothing really came up to distract me so i actually had to face my grief for once.
"You look tired" she giggles and bounces in her steps.
"Yeah... Didn't sleep much" I force a chuckle as i fiddle with the fabric of my blazer "you should go ahead, i've got to go to my locker"
"Oh, okay, see you later L/N" she waves as she skips off. Usually her bubbly personality cheers me up but it's not really working today.

I keep my eyes on the floor as i walk to the locker area. When i do reach it, i struggle with my lock multiple times. The frustration builds up in me and i clench my jaw tightly.
"Stupid fucking LOCK" i slam my fist against my locker, the metal making a crashing sound as my hand makes contact.
"Can you fucking not?! Its Monday morning."
"I'm well. fucking. aware, Bakugo." my fist tightens and my eyes snap over to him. If looks could kill, he'd be long gone.

He looks me up and down with disgust "What is going on with you? You've got like... Borderline Personality Disorder or something"
I tuck my bottom lip in and raise a brow "what do you mean by that?"
"Well, some days you're trying to be fucking buddy buddy with me and other days you're being a bitch. A bit like today"

I scoff and turn back to my lock, finally being able to unlock it this time "I wouldn't try it with me today if i were you"
"Why? what are you gonna do? punch me?" he scrunches his nose and shakes his head.
After removing my maths textbook from the locker, i slam it shut and face him.
"No. I'm just on the fucking verge of crying from overwhelming anger. So if you wouldn't mind, please leave me alone"
I barge past him, my shoulder knocking him to the side as i head towards the classroom.


"And so, once you've carried over the +15 you're left with?"

I stare at the board, doing my best to ignore my feelings of frustration. Even though i'm listening to the lesson, none of it is going in.


For some reason, my heart drops to my stomach when my names called.
"Oh-" i run my eyes quickly over the writing but can't tell what i'm supposed to be answering "..I don't know"
"Maybe if you were paying attention, you would"
"Sorry, sir"

When he turns to someone else my head droops down into the palms of my hands. I can't do shit today. I feel so useless.

I lift my head up and go to pick up my pen but it rolls onto the floor. And for a reason beyond my imagination, that's what makes me feel like crying.
I let out a shaky sigh and shut my eyes before opening them and leaning down to get my pen.
I gulp down the weak sensation and pick up my pen.

A hand rests on my shoulder and I look over towards the blonde boy.
"What?" i ask sharply trying to hide the fact my mental breakdown is creeping up on me.
"Are you okay?"

Why would you fucking ask that? Why would you ask that???

"I'm fine." I turn away from him to hide the salty tears brimming my bottom lashes.
"Well, uh, you're still coming around mine for the project, right?"
"Duh, why wouldn't i?" i blink away the tears and write down my answers to a few questions.


"Anybody home?" he clicks in front of my face.
I blink slowly and focus on his face "Don't click at me i'm not a dog"
He scoffs from the opposite side of the table.
"Your attention span is as good as one" he rolls his eyes "I was thinking we could have it laid out on the screen with the title in the middle for the front page with some pictures of pro-heroes around it"
"Mhm" i nod.
"Well... what do you think? you're not giving me much here, L/N"
"You know best" I shrug my shoulders and tap my pen on the table as his eyes lock with mine.

His pools of crimson remain on me. I clear my throat "what?"
"What's wrong?" his hands clasp in front of him and he rests his head on them.

"I mean... my dads kinda dead, i guess" I look away from his intense gaze and the tapping on the table intensifies.
"It's obvious you're having a shit day. I think we should stop here for now" I hear his laptop close shut.
"Wait, we need to get things done" I look up but he's already shoved everything to the side.
"There's other times. There's no point working if you can't even listen to my ideas..." he ruffled his hair as he stands up "let's go do something"

"Like... what?"
"I dunno" he walks around to my side of the table.
"What are you doing?" i furrow my brows and he simply pulls me out of my seat, dragging me along behind him.

"Let's go to the river"
"But that's by the sketchy bridge" i grumble as i put my shoes on.
"You go there all the time don't you, late at night i remember you saying?" he smirks as he slips his trainers on.
"I guess"

We arrive by the riverside, not too far from the bridge that's been a familiar my whole life.
He leans against the rails and stares down into the water.

I find my own eyes lingering on him as the sun reflects off of his skin, causing him to glow slightly.
I shake my head and meet his line of view. There seem to be a few small fish underneath the ripples on the surface.

I hear the flick of a lighter and I look up, noticing the joint in his mouth as he lights it.
I frown in disgust and he sees this.
"It's gross" i mutter and turn my focus back onto the water.

He hums and inhales before resting his arms on the railings again. When he exhales, he turns towards me "calms my anxiety"

I raise my brows at that word. I would never know he'd have anxiety.

"kills your brain cells." I avoid his gaze.
"Yet i'm still better at Math than you" he lets out a low chuckle.
I try to hide a small smile at the sound of his laugh.

"Come on, try it" he holds the blunt out to me.
"No" i meet his eyes. They're closer than i expected them to be.
"Just once?"
"Bakugo, this is called coercion" i let out a short laugh.
He just smirks and offers me it again.

My eyes flicker down to the roll up that's being held gently between his index and middle fingers.
He suddenly moves, his hand travelling up so it's near my face.
Surprisingly, no matter how much i'm against it, i allow him to hold the end to my lips.

Does this count as an indirect kiss?

I blush and turn my head away to avoid him seeing.

Please, God no, don't let me catch feelings for him.

"Ohhh go onnn" he continues to try and convince me, completely unaware that i turned away for a different reason.

I tut and take it from him "Fine if you shut the fuck up", placing it in between my lips. He watches closely as i inhale.

My body rejects it and i begin to cough, handing him back the weed. He just lets out a loud laugh and throws his head back at my reaction.
"Stupid nerd, can't take it"
"No, i just know what's good for me" I push him away slightly as he teases me.

"So.." he starts "Your dad.. was he a nice guy?"
"The nicest" i sigh and scuff my shoes against the concrete ground.
He hums "what was he like?"
"Just, always smiling. And he was a hard worker, always trying to keep us afloat- not that we're struggling or anything but-" I cringe but continue "he cared a lot and he wanted the best for me"
In the corner of my eye i can see Bakugo watching me as i talk, listening closely, like he actually cares.

My stomach turns when i remember him saying i'm going to be the best hero "he wanted the best for me and I... I lied to him"
I see his facial expression change to one of concern when i feel my lip quiver.

I bend down and lay my head on my arms which are placed on top of the metal bars.
"I'm not good with comforting people but i can offer you another hit?"

The tightness in my chest disappears at that and turns into a laugh, i twist my head to the side and he's smiling awkwardly.
"Thanks Bakugo"
"Friendship, right?"
"Friendship? Since when did i agree to that?" i snort and he smacks my arm.

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