My brother glares weakly at Bakugo who's stood on the other side of the room.
"Elijah" I say through gritted teeth "he saved your ass stop being a dickhead"
"Whether he did or didn't isn't the issue. He's a fucking asshole" he murmurs tiredly."Elijah" I shake my head and he looks up "i'm glad you're awake and breathing now"
"Mhm, i miss not being those things" he jokes, a smile quivering onto his lips.
"Don't joke about that" I roll my eyes.
"Okay, okayyy"I ruffle his hair before i leave "Get some sleep, idiot"
"I will" he groans.As i turn to leave, Elijah drags his thumb across his throat as he looks at Bakugo who crossed his arms and holds back an angry response.
"Sleep" i glare at him.We leave the hospital room and Bakugo clenches his fists and punches the air, releasing the pent up anger.
I laugh at him and walk ahead, towards the exit of the hospital.
"Want to get food?" I nudge his arm when he catches up with me.
"Depends. Are you going to be as annoying as your brother?" he smirks and i stick my foot out, tripping him up. He's about to hit the floor when i catch him by his shirt and pull him back onto his feet.
I give him the most innocent eyes i could muster but he smacks me around the back of my head anyway.
I yelp and hold my head."Awww want me to kiss it better?" he asks sarcastically.
"You're so meannn" I whine and shove him sideways. He narrows his eyes as a smirk paints itself on his lips "uh oh"
"uh oh indeed" he scoops me up and throws me over his shoulder, setting off on a run."KATSUKI YOURE GONNA DROP ME" i laugh-scream.
"No i won't" he chuckles."L/N, Bakugo?" a voice asks.
Bakugo stops running and drops me on my side.
"Oh shit- sorry" he snorts as i glare at him, sat on the floor.
I glance up to see Denki, Mina, Sero and Kiri about to walk into a fast food restaurant.
"Hi guys" i wave at them before karate chopping Bakugo in the leg. He winces and lifts his leg up away from me."What are you doing today?" Kiri asks cheerfully.
Bakugo offers his hand and pulls me up as i brush myself down.
"We went to visit her mum and brother in hospital"The squads eyes widen.
"Caravan- I mean house got set on fire" I shrug.
Their eyes widen even further "bro i'm so sorry" Sero says "want to join us for lunch?"
Bakugo rolls his eyes and i smile up at him "pleaseeeee"
He thinks for a moment before meeting my eyes "okay, fine"*****
After we all ate, we went down towards the bridge, the four of them setting down their skate boards.
"You know there's a skatepark down the road from here" Mina suggests as she sits down in the circle we had made.
"Dude, we should go when we're high" Denki laughs.
"Wait because that would be so funny" Sero joins in with the laughter."I'm not getting high sorry guys" Kiri shrugs, opening his packet of crisps.
"Yeah, neither" Mina leans back against her hands.
"That's fine, Bakubro will join us"His eyes snap up from the ground "I'm trying to cut it out, you know this"
"Goddamit, just you and me, Kaminari"I look over to him, for some reason feeling relieved. He meets my eyes and he smiles before breaking our circle and pulling me into his lap. His back is rested against the barriers as mine is against his front.
"You guys dating or what? I mean i fucking hope so" Mina shoves a gummy worm in her mouth as she stares at us.
"Hmm, are we?" Bakugo asks me.
"Sort of?" I turn my head to face him.
"Sort of." he nods.
"The fuck that mean?" Denki flares his nostrils, going to steal a crisp from Kiri who slapped his hand away.To be honest, I don't think either of us knew. We did know what we wanted but with everything that's happened we're both thinking carefully about the next step.
"No clue" i shrug and try and escape him but he holds me down "Let gooo"
"Never!!!" He laughs.
I hear the camera shutter and we both pause before looking up at Mina whos grinning awkwardly.
"Hey, delete that" Bakugo finally lets got of me and stands up, stomping over to Mina.
"Wait! Wait! Hear me out! Instagram post! Let me take more pictures" he puts her hand up in surrender.
"No." he goes to take her phone from her.
"Come onnn, you're used to modelling right? I think they'd be super cute pics" she pouts dramatically as i watch the scene play out.The blonde turns to look at me and raises an eyebrow.
"I don't mind" I shrug. He groans and looks down towards the bubblegum-haired girl.
"Fine. They better be good"
"Dude chill, i'm great at taking pictures. I know the best angles trust me"
The boy grunts.She lets out an excited squeal and stands up, skipping over with her phone.
We ended up taking a lot of pictures but only 4 went up on his instagram: The one of us laughing as i was in his lap, one of us in a piggyback, one looking at each other and the final one of us kissing.
Before i knew it i had a few requests to follow my own private account with a meek 40 followers. I also got a few hate DM's from his die hard simps but whatever.
I stare at the pictures and smile, my stomach doing somersaults.
"Let's head the skate park already" Denki whines as he starfishes on the ground like a toddler.
"If it'll stop you fucking whining, Dunce Face" Bakugo growls.
"I'll stop whining" he mumbles and sits up.
"Okay FUCK let's go" he throws his hands up in exasperation.
I smile softly at him though he can't see me.Upon arriving at the skatepark, Denki and Sero were already off doing their own thing. Kiri offered to teach me how to skate but Bakugo took over because he got jealous of Kiri.
"You can't even fucking balance" his laugh sending tingles down my spine.
"Listen, it's hard"I feel myself wobble in the board again and grip on tightly to his hand. His other hand is on the small of my back in an attempt to stop me falling.
"I've got you, relax"
"I'm gonna die" I snort as he rolls me down the small slope.
"You're fine" he chuckles at my panicked expression "You're fine"I start to get the hang of it and he lets go of me.
"KAT NO" I screech and he throws his head back in laughter "IM GONNA FALL"
As a last resort, I teleport off of the skateboard and pop up in front of the beige cactus.
I put my hands on my hips and glare at him to which he pulls me in for a hug.
"I'm sorry" he holds back his laughter.
"Yeah, yeah" I push him away playfully and pick up the boba that Mina had give me.I take a sip and continue my scowl.
"You did really good, baby"
The word causes me to choke on the drink, spitting it out on the floor.
As i cough, I look up at him wide-eyed to see him blushing hard. I think that might've been an accident.
"Woah, what?" I take a tissue and wipe my mouth. My heart flutters when he struggles with what to say.
"I didn't mean-" he starts but i go up on my tiptoes and give him a quick peck on the cheek.
"I think it was cute"

C R I M I N A L | K. Bakugo x Reader
FanfictionMATURE CONTENT HAS BEEN MOVED TO PATREON (link in bio for access to a smut chapter) I'm a villain. Hearing those words coming out of someone's mouth is enough to make anyone hate them. You're a bad person, right? Evil, in fact. But a lot of us have...