Chapter 2

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I throw my hood over my head as i step out of the caravan, the darkness consuming my body since the winter sun had already set. It was very cold out but i don't really give a fuck. I just need to get to the meeting.

I use my quirk and teleport there, standing in the middle of the empty warehouse we had claimed as our meeting spot.
"Lola!!!" Toga squeals as she runs at me, tackling me to the floor.

-If you're wondering, that's my villain name considering the meaning of it is "Our Lady of Sorrows". I thought that was fitting.-

"Sup" I lay motionless, waiting for her to get off. I'm not the type for hugs. They're invasive and uncomfortable.

Eventually she lets me go and i stand up, brushing off my hoodie before glancing over at the other two. Dabi punches me in the arm in a friendly way as i take a seat next to him on some random wooden crates and boxes places in the middle.

"So what's happening" I ask nonchalantly, wondering why i had been told to come here.
"We've found a boy we're particularly interested in that we'd love to join the League Of Villains" Shiggy starts.
I raise my eyebrows "sick one, Shigella" i smirk at him after using the name that pisses him off. He rolls his eyes at the nickname before continuing.
"He's a boy about your age. We'd like you to convince him"
"Huh??" my expression switches back to deadpan as i look at him "Why not just kidnap him and torture him or something?"
"That's for later" Shiggy states, leaning back in the only chair of the ware house and scratching his neck.

"Wait. so... what would i have to do? If i were to try and 'convince' him" I look over to him, using my fingers as quote marks before placing my hands behind my head while i wait.

"He's enrolling at UA. You're the perfect age to apply and get in with your quirk. That way you can become close with him gain his trust" he explains, watching you.

"The fuck? Why can't Toga do it?" I inquire, kind of pissed off. I had already made my decision to never go back into education, nor talk to anyone new.
"The idiot has already made her face known as a villain and her quirk wouldn't be great anyway" Dabi sighs in frustration and Toga shrugs.
"So.. you're saying i have to infiltrate the place, gain their trust, manipulate them, kidnap the boy and convince him to join the League of Villains?" I laugh in disbelief.
"Well, yes, that's the basic idea" Shiggy sighs.

"no WAY. That means socialising and faking friendships with gross wannabe hero's. Besides, what's so special about this guy?"
"His quirk is powerful and he's very strong willed, he'll be useful"
"Surely if he's strong willed he's not going to join-" I get cut off.
"Just do it." Dabi says sternly next to me.
"Bacon doesn't speak the last time i checked" I say harshly in a half joke and he smacks me around the head.
"Owwww" i whine "Don't be mean brooo"
He scoffs and crosses his arms "don't call me bacon then"
I stick out my tongue "suck it up. I'm sure your dad called you worse things"
Toga lets out a snort across from me and Dabi's flames light.
"Alright i'm sorry"

"So will you do it?" Iggy Shigzalea looks me in the eyes, not really asking but commanding.
"Aight" I conform without a choice "i can't afford that shit though. UA is expensive and so is the uniform"
"We'll pay as long as you follow along with the plan" Toga grins cheekily at me.
I groan as they all stare at me "Fine. I'll do it. Are we done here?"
They nod simultaneously and i push myself off of the crate, brushing myself down "man, i'm almost as dusty as Shigkera, at least his hips don't lie" i do finger guns as i'm about to leave the building "see ya later fuckers"

I throw my hood back over my head, a hand grabbing onto my wrist as i'm about to leave.
Spinning around, i look up at Dabi and cock a brow. He sent me a smile as he ran a thumb over my bottom lip, azure eyes locking onto mine.
"When this is all over, stick by my side." He sighed, making me nod in compliance. It wasn't really a request, I didn't have a choice. From the day he took my virginity at 13, he owned me. I have no way out. Besides, i would've agreed anyway, i like his company. I feel a little less lonely around him.

"Always," I murmur.
"Good," He smirked, leaning down and pressing his lips onto mine. I hum against him, resting my hand on his forearm.
He backed away and i waved slight before teleporting over to the corner shop in order to avoid anyone seeing me leave the warehouse.

I want a snack... not sure what though. I'll decide in a second. Once i arrive, i hear screaming down the street. Going to open the door, it gets louder as another person replies with matched volume.
It's not unusual considering the lifestyle i have and the place i live but something sounded familiar about one of the voices.

That better not be fucking Elijah. I'm gonna beat his stupid fucking ass.

I storm around the corner to be met with my idiot brother pinned to the floor by a porcupine blonde who's shouting endless profanities as he threatens to punch him.

"HEY!" i yell, snatching both of their attentions before treading over towards them angrily. I grab Elijah by his shirt and yank him so he's standing up.
"What are you doing you fucking dumbass of a sibling" I hold his shoulder and knee him in the stomach. Well deserved for causing another fight.

He falls to the floor, clutching his stomach as the ashy-blonde watched, still seething with anger but face covered in shock too.
"I- I didn't start this one" Elijah coughs after being winded.
"Uh huh." i look down at him, not believing a word.
"It's true"
"Degenerate" i roll my eyes and take him by his shirt again, dragging him along behind me as he attempts to gain his footing. I don't even bother looking back at the other boy. It would be a waste of time. My brother always starts shit and i'm always the one getting him out of it. Like a reincarnation of Eren Jeager or some shit. It's hard being Mikasa.

When we reach the front of the caravan, i drop him on the floor and scowl at him. "Why the fuck are you outside? At fucking-" i take a moment to check my phone "9pm"
"Dude, it's not even that late" he retorts, looking up at me angrily.
"Do mum and dad know you're out?"
He remains silent which answers my question.
"Hm" I shake my head and hold him by his wrist, throwing him inside the caravan.

"Look who i found" I cross my arms.
"Elijah." Mum looks at him from the sofa giving him a serious look.
"Fuck off, will you? Worthless piece of crap" he complains and storms off into his room.
I watch him closely before he shuts the door and lets out a loud yell. I grit my teeth at his behaviour towards mum and turn to face her "sorry mum"
"it's all good and okay, y/n" she smiles softly and invites me over to the couch. I take a seat next to her and sigh as i look over to dad who's napping in the corner.

What an eventful evening..

FUCK! I didn't get my snacks

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