Chapter 39

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[4 weeks of Summer vacation left, haven't properly seen Bakugo in 2 weeks, bumped into him on coincidence 13 times]

I fall backwards into the sofa as my mum slaps me across the face, screaming profanities.


I clutch my cheek, it heating up after the slap.


"I've made my decision." I flinch as she raises her hand again before bringing it down on me. My head immediately begins to feel bruised.
"MUM STOP" Elijah locks his arms around her waist and pulls her backwards.

"WHAT WOULD YOUR FATHER THINK?!" She screams, looking down her nose at me once she frees herself from my brothers grip.
I stare up at her, not knowing what to say.
She tuts and pinches the bridge of her nose "I'm disappointed, Y/N. I thought you would actually make something of yourself and get an amazing job"
"Like you're any better" I scoff "you can barely get a job let alone hold it"

I roll my eyes "well i guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?". I push myself off of the couch "Throw away the rest of my food, i'm suddenly not hungry anymore"

I slam the caravans door behind me and walk. The sky was dark due to it being later at night, the stars glittering like dusted sugar across the navy atmosphere above.
I run my fingers over my cheek as i walk. My mum hadn't hit me before, and i never thought she would. However, she's been unstable recently but i can't blame her.

I scuff my shoes as i walk, keeping my gaze on my feet. I'm not making the wrong decision am i? I mean, i know better that anyone. I do want to be a hero but i shouldn't be allowed to be one, no matter if i have changed.

I speed walk 20 minutes to the bridge, resting my hands on the rails and staring deeply into the water. I could see the reflections of the stars in the rippling water along with reflections of car lights as they drive across the bridge above me.
I let out a sigh and rest my head on the barriers as i remember that day with Bakugo when we both stood in this exact place.
I posted the letter through his letter box 2 weeks ago and i haven't heard anything back. Probably means he agrees that it's all over. I support him fully in the fact he won't talk to me. I don't think i should get anything more, his response is completely just.

I lift my head and pick up a stone off the ground, hanging it over the edge and dropping it into the calm, running water. It makes a satisfying 'plop' sound and i watch as the water ripples out, each ring of the miniature waves getting weaker as they leave the centre. A breeze swoops by me, gathering my hair into one angle as the wind holds it up, pieces tangling unattractively.

I take a step back and kick as hard as o possibly can against the rail in frustration "FUCK".
I ended up using too much force and throw myself backwards, stumbling so i don't fall on my ass "...fuck" i mumble.
I contemplate just climbing over the barrier and jumping into the water and going for a swim just to get rid of my impulsive feelings but i decide against it. I'd be even more dead to my mum if i do.

I heard footsteps slapping against the group and soon the sound of heavy panting becomes clear, getting louder.
Suddenly they stop running, the person catching their breath behind me.
"Don't drop out" The raspy voice calls, still inhaling as much air as possible.
I recognise his voice "why are you talking to me? You're supposed to hate me"
"I do." He spits.

I spin around to face him.
"What happened to you?" we say in unison, pointing at each others cheeks.
"Oh- My mum hit me" we say at the same time, again.
I turn away, kicking my feet on the pavement.
"Don't drop out of UA"
"Bakugo. You know who i am. What type of person would i be if i train to be a hero after all the shit i've done" I shake my head "why would you even want me there?"

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