Chapter 41

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"You said you wanted to tell me about you" he says, putting a spoonful of yogurt in his mouth.
I nod hesitantly "yep".
"So... talk" he criss-crosses his legs and leans his elbows on his knees.
"What do you want to know?" i ask quietly, his intense stare burning holes through me.
"Anything and everything that comes to mind about your past"

I think for a moment, not 100% sure what that meant but i go with it anyway. "Well to begin with i was an accident child. My parents knew they couldn't afford to look after me but they kept me anyway which lead to us going bankrupt. Then for some reason my mum put the burden on me because one day when i was 9 she came crying to me saying we have no money and it was because of me" I do a peace sign as i take a breath before continuing "so i thought 'Hey maybe i should help my parents out and steal some food' so i went to the corner shop near the caravan park and i went to steal some bread"
I clear my throat for a second after realising i'm rambling.
"Uhm- oh! and then i got dragged into an alleyway by two teenage boys and a girl my age" I put my hands up to represent brackets "(they turned out to be Shigaraki, Touya/Dabi and Toga) and they went 'whoops we better kill her'"

I throw my hands around as i describe my experience.

"And i was like 'uh oh' then they were like 'why are you here?' and i was like 'well my family's broke so i'm stealing' and they were like 'if you join our group we'll help out your family'"

I inhale sharply.

"and i was like 'woah you guys are nice!' and then they stabbed the shop keeper to death in front of me. Then after that-" I get cut off by Bakugo.

"What the fuck- Rewind" his eyes are wide and his brows are furrowed as he scans my face.

"They stabbed the shop-keeper to death in front of me?" I say quietly. His expression was readable as one of shock, sadness, disgust. Since i was so young i'd sort of gotten used to that image. I'm sure normal people wouldn't be so desensitised like i am.

"...and then i joined their group and we went around setting shit on fire. Dabi mostly enjoyed mass Genocide but i didn't participate in that stuff. Too much gore" I shrug it off "Toga was a pretty good fighter so she started training me to do small things at 9 but then i went into proper training at 12 which is why i'm pretty good now i guess?"

Bakugo just blinks with nothing to say, mouth slightly agape.

"Uhm, anyways my dad got diagnosed with cancer which was pretty sad but i didn't really understand what it meant so i didn't have a reaction back then. Emotionless if you get me" I think for a moment.
"Oh yeahhh, then i dropped out of school, spent my time stealing and hanging out with the now formed League of Villains. Lost my virginity at 13. Kinda consensual? Kinda not considering Touya was 17. L O L" I laugh awkwardly and scratch the back of my head.

His eyes soften as he watches me and i wave my hands in front of me.

"Don't you worry, friend. Moving forward, dads cancer was cured but then he lost usage of his legs so he was in a wheel chair. Then, they found more cancer in his lungs. Oh! Several missions of recruiting people for the League and then you became one of them."

He squints his eyes, listening extra closely to what i have to say now.

"They were like 'Oh, Lola! You gotta do this one because you're the right age and you've got the skill' and i was like 'why can't Toga do it?' they were like 'shes well known as a villain' so i was like 'goddamit'. Then we met when you were beating up my brother. Applied for UA, then entrance exam where i we met again and you decided you hated me, so on, so on"

I nibble my cheek waiting for him to say something.

"Oh! Almost forgot, then my dad died, and then i got high and did the whole 'i don't want to be a villain' thing like OOP-"

"I was there, yep" He mutters "I have a few questions"
"Sure" i smile nervously.
"Who the fuck is Lola?"
"My villain name persona thing"
He hums, satisfied with the answer "Why kidnap me?"
"Because you were strong with a cool quirk i think? I don't know the whole story. Something about All for One" I say nonchalantly like it's nothing.

We don't say anything more for a while.

"I'm sorry you went through all that" He finally utters though he's still resentful.
"It's fine it doesn't bother me"

His eyes meet mine "are you sure it doesn't bother you?"
"Yeah, definitely. It's just the environment i grew up in"

He hums lowly, eating more yogurt "you make it sound like your were blackmailed into joining LoV" He leans back against his headboard, holding the spoon handle to his chin.
"Well... when you put it like that..."
"I mean, they were going to kill you if you didn't join right?" his teeth grit together "then it wasn't your choice"
"Katsuki... stop looking for excuses... just hate me. I'd much prefer that"

He glances over to me and takes in my appearance which makes me blush slightly even though i shouldn't.
"I'm stating a fact, if anything" he grumbles and leans back.
"Listen, i know the shit i did is awful, i've accepted it. Whether i was blackmailed or not, i joined and that's that" i sigh.

We sit in silence for a while as Bakugo absorbs all of the information i just rambled and loaded onto him.

"I have a separate inquiry"
"Hm?" i look over to him.
"You dodged my kisses and... my attempt of confession... why?" his resting face falters into a frown.
"In honesty, it was to protect you. I thought if i avoided the who romance thing with you, shit wouldn't hurt so bad when you actually were kidnapped..."
He shuts his eyes and exhales "But it still hurt"
"I know, i'm sorry..."

There was an awkward silence.

"I want to forgive you"
"What the fuck, Bakugo? Are you insane? Don't do it." I scoff and rub a hand over my face.
"I can forgive you if i want to. I don't think you're like them. I just know your different"

We lock eyes and i mumble "i don't deserve your forgiveness. You're looking for any reason that i'm innocent... which i'm not"
"Yeah, i may want that but i know you're different from them! They have no heart." He sets the pot of yogurt aside and sits in front of me so i can't avoid his gaze any longer.

"Say it, say that you're not like them" his hand finds my cheek as his eyes search mine frantically.
"Bakugo, even if i am now, i wasn't 6 months ago." I shake my head "I'm going to leave you alone so you can think properly"

I leave his room and head towards the spare bedroom, my heart aching because i love him more than anything but i don't deserve him.

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