Chapter 36

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"WHO THE FUCK HAS THE SALT?!" Bakugo yells from the other side of the table.
"I have it" Sero says as he passes it downwards towards the loud blonde.

I wince at his booming voice and laugh "You're too loud"
"Is there a problem with that, bitch?" he kicks me under the table.
I scoff and kick him back.
There is music playing in the background and i hum along as i eat.
"What's your thing with humming? I still find it annoying"
"Okay don't care"

Everybody by the backstreet boys begins to play.
"Oh shit, i'm going to dance" Denki jumps up from his seat and runs to the clear floor where our suitcases had been before hand.
Denki starts breaking out his moves and i laugh at him. This kid has too much energy.

I sigh as i let my eyes wander around the room and look at each person individually. I feel happy here. I feel happy for the first time in my life. Is this how they see the world?

Mina, Sero and Kirishima join him. Mina actually turns out to be an amazing dancer and i focus on her in amazement.
Before i know it, Bakugo's up there and everyone raises their brows in surprise. The boy not being an angry little bitch? Who knew?

"We should go dance" Todoroki says to me.
I let out a breathy laugh "Noooo way"
"Okay, i didn't want to either i just wanted to check" he sighs in relief.

I watch them going crazy and chuckle as they boys fail to dance. Bakugo was right, he can't dance but somehow he can do salsa.
The song finishes and everyone at the table claps.

Suddenly, a familiar song starts to play and Bakugo's eyes light up as he meets mine.
"It's our song" He gasps and points at the radio which is now streaming Sway.
"We don't have a song" i snort and shake my head, putting more food into my mouth.
He clicks he's tongue and walks over to me, hand out. I'm quick to swallow as my heart thumps.
"No- No Bakugo" i hold my finger up.
"Come onnn show them what i taught you" He smirks.
"No that's way too embarrassing. I'll probably mess up" I lean away from him.

"SERO BRO DANCE WITH ME" Denki yells and throws himself at the boy.
"YES! Bro, it'll be fun" They start awkwardly dancing and i laugh.

"Let's show them up. I'm competitive remember? So are youuu" he sings and tugs me out of my seat. My face flushes as he pulls me behind him.

"Remember your elbow and go on my count, okay?" He says confidently.
I let out a shaky 'hhhhh' sound and nod.
Just like before, his hand slides into mine, our fingers intertwining as my hand finds his shoulder, his finding my waist.
I'm hesitant to close the gap between us because from the previous experience, all it does is make me fall even deeper in love with him.


I avoid his gaze and close the gap, keeping my eyes on our feet.
We begin to salsa and i feel their eyes watching us. I feel myself panic but his hand squeezes mine gently and i look up at him. He gives me a reassuring nod and we lock eyes.

After 8 counts he whispers "I'm going to spin you, okay but find the rhythm again"
"I can't do that" i hiss, blushing.
"It doesn't matter let's just try it, have some fun"
I groan and he chuckles.

"Okay, and now" he says and he twirls me around. As soon as i'd done a 360, he catches me, having now pulled me in closer. My breathing hitches as he does so, my heart stopping and starting a hundred times. We continue moving, his arm now around my waist instead of just his hand.
I feel myself get overwhelmingly flustered from his face being inches from mine.

The song was coming to a close, the outro playing.
"Y/N I.." he whispers "I need to tell you something"

Please don't say it.

"I know you like stupid half and half bastard... but i can't stop thinking about you.."

I squeeze my eyes shut rest my forehead on his shoulder.

"I'm in love with you"
I feel my eyes well up at the words and i let out a shaky sigh "No you're not"
"You're not in love with me" I whisper and lift my head up so our eyes meet "I'm not who you think i am"
"Y/N? What are you saying?" his eyebrows furrow, i can see his heart shatter.
"I'm sorry, i'm just not. I'm basically an act" I shake my head and step away from him.
He stays silent as if he's waiting for more. I quickly wipe my eyes and pivot on my heel, leaving the room.

I speed walk out of the building and inhale the fresh air. I choke up as i try to restrict my sobs.
"Y/N please tell me what's going on"

I spin around to face him, realising he had followed me. A tear rolls down my cheek and he goes to comfort me but i hold up my hand like a stop sign.
"You're not in love with me because the person you're in love with is fake"
"You're not fake" He says quietly.
"But i am. I've been acting this whole time, Katsuki"

"Then why are you crying?"

I remain silent and he comes over to me again, holding his arms out for a hug "what are you saying to me?"
"You can't possibly be in love with me. I've said it three times now" I shake my head and bury my face in my hands.
"But i do" his arms wrap around me and i melt into his hold.
I wriggle from his hold "Then I need you to stop"

He goes quiet and i avoid his broken stare.

As if it was the plan all along, I notice a blue flame igniting in the woods. I knew they would come eventually, i don't know why i'm surprised.
My heart beats violently, this time in fear.
"Bakugo please run" I turn and glare at him.
"Why the fuck would i run?"
"Holy fuck, JUST RUN" i grab him by the wrist and begin running in the opposite direction as i do so i laugh in disbelief "why am i protecting you? I'm meant to be doing the opposite"
"What do you mean?"

Before i can answer i'm halted by Dabi who's stood like a wall trapping me in.
"Where are you running off to, Lola, or should i say, Y/N?" he smiles evilly and i drop Bakugos wrist.

"Taking him to you" I force out and he grips onto my neck.
"I hoped so, but you looked like you were running away. We can't have that can we?"
I splutter as he closes my airways. I feel a tightness in my chest from the lack of oxygen.

He lets go and my knees buckle, causing me to fall on the ground. I gulp down air as he struts past me.
I look over to Bakugo who's stunned and scared.

I hear footsteps and i look up to see Todoroki who had run after us. His eyes widen as he notices Dabi.
The villain is suddenly drawn away from Bakugo in interest as he stares down his little brother.
"Shoto" he grins.
"Touya- stop!" i shout as he ignites a blue flame.

"Touya?" Shoto asks quietly though he doesn't seem fearful.

"Oh you've already found them" Shiggy's voice crackles behind me "let's get going then"
Dabi throws me over his shoulder as the warp appears behind Toga and Shiggy, Shiggy taking Bakugo who's still stunned.

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