Chapter 8

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[2 weeks in]

I lay my head on the desk and watch the scene out of the window, not really drawn in by whatever Present Mic is talking about at the front. Something to do with English.
I'm having a shit day so far and i'm in a bad mood. God forbid anyone gets on the wrong side of me today.

I haven't made much progress with Bakugo at all. He just hates my guts and to be completely honest, i have no clue why. Is it because of my attitude at the entrance exam or what?

With my desk being on the window side of the classroom, it's easy to get distracted when my head is facing so i can easily see what's going on outside.
There are several people outdoors on the benches who are on their breaks, chatting and smiling. Something about their happiness makes my stomach churn and i clench my jaw. How come they get to be happy? While my dad is dying? Why are they happy when i'm not?

"oi" the urchin kicks the back of my chair but ignore him.
"OI" he kicks hard this time and i stay still, only moving my eyeballs to look back at him.
His flaming eyes look right back at mine.

All he does is make me so fucking angry i swear i'm going to set this whole building on fire.

"OI! SHITTY BITCH" he yells and grabs me by my school blazer, lifting me up from the resting position i was in so i'm now leaning my back against his desk "DO YOU EVER EVEN PAY THE SLIGHTEST BIT OF ATTENTION?"
I scoff, trying to maintain composure "sometimes".
I spin around to face him, taking his wrist - that he used to pull me - in my own hand and slam it down on the table. This obviously creates a loud thud from the force and the classrooms attention turns to focus on us.
I just stare at him, his wrist pinned down as he glares at me, teeth gritting as he shows his slightly fanged canines.
I eventually let a sly smile line my lips as i tilt my head but only so it was barely noticeable and only so it was noticeable to him.

Sighing, i let go of his wrist, dropping the emotion from my face and stand up to walk out of the classroom.
"L/N where are you going?"
"I need a moment" i pull my innocent face, letting my eyes water slightly as if Bakugo had hurt me.
Present Mic's face quickly turned to sympathy and nods, allowing me to leave.

I shut the door firmly behind me and wipe my eyes as i stop the act feeling a quiet giggle escape the back of my throat. This is a bit too easy.

I'm scared that I can't be around Bakugo today. I'm almost convinced i'm going to do something that will reveal me as a villain. I cant afford that type of mistake.

The coldness of the wall brushes my neck as i lean against it, taking deep breaths to calm my anger. I'm almost positive steam was threatening to rise from my ears.
The door slams shut and i look over to the fellow sack of anger issues.
He stomps over to the opposite wall than me and throws his back against it. His head remains down as he kicks the floor, his shoes making squeaking sounds as it glides across the hallways hard floors.

He notices i'm watching him and shouts "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT, NERD?!"
"Nothing" i say with a monotone voice as i leave my eyes on him.
"Precisely" i smirk as his aura turns murky.

"you know.. you remind me of a rabid dog sometimes"
"OH DO I, NERD?!" he marches over to me, looking down on me trying to be intimidating. I try and hold back a laugh. I'm sure a normal person would be scared but-
"Can i get an owa-owa?" i purse my lips as my cheeks puff out, preventing myself from losing it.
"HAH???!" he barks, his energy ablaze.

"You know.. the chihuahua trend where they're all like 'Borkborkborkghhhgrruffruff'" I imitate the small hounds "and their owners are like 'gimme an owa owa' and then they hold the microphone near the dogs and they go 'owA O-"
"ALRIGHT" he steps away from me and stuffs his hands in his pockets "I get it."
I just raise my brows and shrug before walking over to the stairwell, looking down "okay".

"...I wonder if falling down the middle of the flights of stairs would kill someone" i think aloud, drawing his attention.
"You fucking freak" he mutters as he replaces me, leaning on the wall i just was on.
"Yeah, probably" i smile, not taking my eyes off of the drop "what are you doing out here, Katsuki? Stalking me?"
I turn around to face him, anger flooding him once again "IM BAKUGO TO YOU, WEIRDO"
I grin, pivoting back around to gaze downwards once more.

"...I got told to apologise" he grumbles.

I wait a moment for the apology but it never comes. " where is it?"
"mmm" i place my hands on the railings of the stairs and lean over.

"the fuck are you doing?"
"Testing out my thought" I lie, trying to provoke something in him as i lift my foot up, threatening to climb over. I'm not actually going to jump, i just want to know what he's actually like.

Either, he won't give a fuck or he'll do something.
If he doesn't do anything then he is just a heartless asshole and there's no way in gaining his friendship. Even more so, no point in trying to convince him to join the League of Villains. However, if it's the latter i know i'll have a chance in gaining him as a friend and manipulating him into joining it.

"bro WHAT" he rushes over, throwing me backwards "ARE YOU INSANE?"
I stumble backwards from the sudden momentum.
"Some people call me crazy" i grin like an airhead and watch his face closely, pleased that he had reacted to my threat.

He tuts and storms past me towards the classroom. "Just pretend i apologised, alright?!"
"Roger" I salute to which he looks at me with disgust.

Bakugo Katsuki actually cares about people? I don't know if this is a good or bad thing considering villains don't really care but... at least it will make my job a bit easier. I'll leave the rest to the LoV.

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