Chapter 3

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I finally arrive back at the corner-shop. As i swing the door open, memories hit me so hard they could give me whiplash.

-Being dragged outside by three strangers into an alleyway... Not really something you can forget. -

I shake off the memories and start scanning the aisles for something appealing.

Hmm a can of monster and some salt and vinegar crisps? That will do.

I stroll along further, noticing a bag of Haribo starmix. I eye them, almost in a pretend flirty way.
"Well, how could i say no?" I do the fuck boy chin rub and dice roll towards them before pulling them into my arms.

Someone clears their throat behind me and i swing around, glaring at them. A boy with green hair jumps back nervously. "Oh- i'm sorry-"
"What do you wish to bother me with?" I stare at him with an unimpressed expression.
"May i get to the chilled water?" he gulps as i make him feel small. I glance behind me, noticing the drink fridge, then back at him and realise he's sweating buckets.

"Sure. You look tired" I dig at him, pointing it out.
"Oh i'm training" he pants as he reaches into the fridge. That takes me by surprise. This scrawny, decaying broccoli looking bitch is training?
"For what."
"I- uh, to-"
I stare at him intensely as he fumbles over his words. I'm getting impatient. This kid is annoying as fuck.
"I'm trying to get into UA" he finally blurts out.
I raise my brows but without changing the rest of my facial features which almost makes me look disapproving.

Shit. I need to be nice to this kid if i'm gonna go to UA.
I switch my expression quickly, replacing it with a smile.

"Oh! You too?" I force myself to sound excited when inside i'm hitting my head against a brick wall.
"Well then, see you at the entrance exam" I grin, hugging him around the shoulders. I'm about to walk out of the shop without paying as usual but.. i just met someone who could possible get into UA so acting as i normally would, would be sketchy.

I groan and pout internally as i walk up to the cashier. This is no fun. I wanted to be chased by a stupid hero.
I throw the things on the counter and pull out the £10 i keep in my pocket from my mum for 'emergencies'.
The cashier scans the food before putting them in the bag, exchanging the cash for coins and handing them to me with a receipt. I take it without saying a word and walk out of the store.

Fuck that shit. Of course there had to be a wannabe hero, UA kid in there.

As i'm walking back i hear the boy shout, his footsteps hitting the ground as he runs slightly to catch up with me.


"You didn't tell me your name" he smiles kindly. Gross.
I sigh as i have to tell him my real name "L/N Y/N. What about you?"
"Midoriya Izuku" he replies cheerily.
I blink multiple times before saying "I prefer calling you broccoli"
"Oh- okay" he remains with positive appearance but i can tell he's confused.

"Why are you following me?" i ask after a few moments of him walking beside me.
"I live this way" he takes a few gulps of his water.
I nod.
"Why are you out this late?"
"Training, i guess" he answers, nervous from my grilling.

He ended up living on the almost-just-as-shitty block of flats not far from the camper-van field. He waves me off as he jogs up the steps.
I have a feeling it might be impossible to avoid this deteriorating brussel sprout in future.

I continue walking in the darkness, already emotionally drained from the small interaction with the hyperactive mouldy bean sprout. If he gets in i'm taking my knife to school.

I think to myself again. Maybe not a good idea if i want to be disguised...

I guess i'll just do what i do around my family but that's natural so somehow i'll have to fake it. Fake innocence.
Why did they give me such a hard fucking job i'm sure there's a way Toga could've done it, right? Somehow...

I enter the caravan and head straight to my room since both my parents are asleep already on the sofa. I throw myself down and open the crisps, shoving them into my mouth with frustration.
Grabbing my notebook, i turn to a free page and begin to write. I should probably plan this shit out.

My mind is blank.

I sigh heavily and begin brainstorming.

- Kidnap boy

It would be useful if i knew his name or what he looked like. All i've been given is a boy around my age that's most definitely going to be accepted into UA. That kid today didn't seem the type to get in. Hell, he seemed quirkless so i don't know what big idea he's got.

I shut the notebook, knowing there's no point in writing anything until i know more. Why didn't they tell me more? Because they thought i'd go off and end this mission quickly by kidnapping him and bringing him straight to the warehouse, or what?

Because they'd be right.

I don't understand why we're going through this unnecessary shit just to take a teenage boy from the world of hero's and flip his views. Easily done with torture, i'm sure.

"What are you doing? I'm trying to fucking sleep and all i hear is you sighing and groaning every 5 seconds" my brother says standing in the doorway which i hadn't even noticed until he spoke.
"Nothing" I roll my eyes and shove my notebook onto the floor "besides, even if i was doing something it wouldn't be any of your business, you failed abortion, so scram"

He rubs his tired eyes with his middle finger. That's a new way of flipping me off, i appreciate the new approach. I raise my eyebrow at him, telling him to leave but silently.
"Fine, as long as you shut the fuck up. These walls are made of cardboard."
"I'm aware i've been living her just as long as you, loser. Get to sleep" I take it upon myself to push him out of my doorway and shut the door.

My phone buzzes momentarily and i peek down at it.
Calendar event: Birthday.

I sigh "happy birthday me. Welcome to adulthood."

18, huh? Never thought it would turn out this way... When i was younger at least. I always thought by now i'd be in higher education or in a proper job, earning real money and helping my parents as a normal person would.
I never even thought twice that i'd be a villain...

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