I wake up feeling a bit groggy... though i expected a bit worse. I grumble and slide out from my covers, the coolness of the floor hitting my feet and causing a chill to activate in my spine.
I shuffle out of my room and take a towel, going into the bathroom to take a shower. I turn the the water to cold in hopes that it'll wake me up a bit.
As the water hits my back, shit from last night becomes less foggy. I cringe at the memories but one is harder to remember.I massage the shampoo into my scalp and think deeply, trying my best to make the moment surface.
'Hey, Katsuki?
I don't want to be a villain'
"WAIT FUCK!" I yell out involuntarily and my eyes widen.
I hear a soft knock at the door "are you okay, Y/N?"
"Yeah, sorry! I got soap in my eye" I line my voice with a laugh but tug at my hair in frustration.How could i be such a fucking idiot? That shit doesn't sound sketchy at all. Not at all.
I groan and rest my head against the wall, allowing the chilled water to run down my back. I want to avoid him all day today but... avoiding him would be even more suspicious.
So, should i act like nothing happened or as if i remember but don't even understand what i meant?I finish up my shower and dry off before putting on my uniform. Since i woke up a bit late today, i just took a piece of toast and left for school straight away.
"Hey peppermint" i smile as he meets with me. We're currently outside, getting some fresh air. It's getting really close to summer now which i'm kind of dreading but it at least means the air is a comfortably warm temperature.
"I realised i don't have a nickname for you" he says, thinking to himself.
"I don't really need one" i laugh as he tries to come up with one.
"What about... bonbon because then we can both be candies."I watch his face as he becomes proud of the nickname he created. I found it just a biiiit cringey but whatever makes him happy.
"Yeah i like that" I take a seat on one of the benches and sigh "how's studying going for midterms?"
"very good, you?"
"Fine until it comes to maths" i let out a breathy laugh.
"Oh, well, i'm good at math so maybe in the next study session i can help you" he offers.
"Thank you Todoroki, i'd like that""OI"
A grumble leaves my mouth as i look to my left where Bakugo stands "what's up?"
"I heard you talk about study sessions so I thought i'd remind you there's one today."
"Thanks, Bakugo" i thank him but i wave him off.
"And anyway, i need to talk to you."
I furrow my brows at this, mirroring Bakugo's. If it's about what i said last night...Before i could comprehend it, he was yanking me out of my seated position and dragging me away.
"The fuck?"
He ends up taking me behind the school and cornering me, a serious look plastered on his face.I gulp nervously, butterflies swarming my tummy and having absolutely no clue what that means.
He breathes out heavily, as if he's distressed.
"What's wrong?" I chew my lip nervously, waiting for what he's going to say.He sways on his feet and rubs his hands over his face. They stay there, covering his features.
"Tell me i didn't force you to try smoking last night, that's the last thing i want to do, to force anyone into something they're uncomfortable with. I know you're against it so i should've stopped pushing" he lets out in one breath."Wait, what?" i laugh in relief "no, i did that myself. You didn't force me into anything"
He sighs and allows his hands to drop down to his sides followed by shoving them into his pockets "okay...""Alright well, better get back to Todoroki" i do finger guns and start to walk past him but his hand comes up and stops me from moving any further by taking a hold of my forearm.
I make eye contact with him, vermilion eyes bright enough to burn through me and sharp enough to cut through my lies "I actually have another question"
Here it comes.
"You said last night that.. you don't want to be a villain?"
I shrug before replying "yeah, i mean, do you want to be a villain?
"No but, it's a weird thing to say, don't you think?" his gaze intensifies and i begin to sweat.
"No?" It comes off more as a question but like i was accusing him instead. I took this opportunity to flip it on him "I just want to be a hero, i think it's sus that you think i'm being weird"
His eyes narrow into slits and i can feel my heart racing. Finally, he releases my arm and then storms off.My breath is shaky as I go back towards the bench, taking a seat next to Todoroki again.
"What was that?" he inquires.
"Bakugo being scary but is that anything new?" I snicker and Todoroki lets out a small laugh.
"No, nothing new at all" The boy pauses for a moment before continuing "he reminds me a bit of my dad sometimes"I glance up and look at him though his gaze was drifted of elsewhere "oh?"
"well, he hates anyone who's above him or better than him and will use anyone or anything to get to the top" He unwraps a snack bar.
I quirk a brow "Was he mean to you? -Your dad i mean"
"Aren't all dads?" Todoroki takes a bite and looks over to me.
His focus on me makes me clear my throat and i look away "i don't think they are"
"Oh"I chew the inside of my cheek as i think about what to say. How do i handle peoples emotions? I'm not good at support.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine now" his calm tone makes me scan his face again. He didn't seem phased "i'm used to his outbursts"
I nod slowly.
"sorry- I shouldn't say these things" he shakes his head and turns away.
"Todoroki, I'm glad you talked to me"I have an idea for the League's next mission.

C R I M I N A L | K. Bakugo x Reader
FanfictionMATURE CONTENT HAS BEEN MOVED TO PATREON (link in bio for access to a smut chapter) I'm a villain. Hearing those words coming out of someone's mouth is enough to make anyone hate them. You're a bad person, right? Evil, in fact. But a lot of us have...