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play pretend

        jeno would have never imagine, the mere thought didn't even cross his mind once, that one day his 'relationship' with jaena would hit a downfall.

it just feels like yesterday where he could easily approach the said girl, without hesitation he could easily wrap his arms around her and feel her warmth.

it just feel like yesterday when they drove down the street, where they sang at the top of their lungs, banging their heads along with the beat of the music playing through the radio.

it just feel like yesterday where jaena was within his reach.

and in a blink of an eye, everything change because of a single phrase.

"I like you."

and in a blink, everything change with a slip of the tongue.

god, jeno could only bitterly smile as jaena's reaction from that faithful night cross his mind.

she looks shock, then happy — god, there are even tears breaming at the corner of her eyes, as if she's so relieve to hear those words from his mouth. then suddenly, as if realization dawn upon her, her face contort into something jeno could recognize as fear.

heavens, jaena looks so scared for some reason.

then suddenly, she laugh. she laugh. a laugh that echoed millions of emotion. the happiness, the relieve, the sadness, the fear and the pain.

jeno recognize all of them but couldn't understand.

where did it even go wrong when they both like each other?

how many weeks has it been? or was it a month already? god, jeno couldn't fathom why jaena suddenly avoided him after that night.

she likes him right? thats how its suppose to be. or did her feelings change and she just couldn't tell him?

was he too late?

or did jeno's confession just fucked up everything he had with jaena?

jeno couldn't tell. for heaven's sake, he ain't some mage who could read minds nor have a fucking ability to tell what she's thinking.

and he's getting tired of this waiting and guessing game.

they aren't children anymore. he confessed and whatever response she'll give, he'll accept it with open arms.

afterall, jeno like jaena.

        the shock that jaena's feel when jeno appear on their doorstep on a fine saturday night unannounced was beyond her understanding.

the way her heart beat in an erratic pace as she stare at those deep dark orbs was so loud that she feared even jeno could hear them.

the way sweat covered her palms as she nervously stood infront of him was all new to jaena.

not once did jeno's presence made her this nervous.

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