Chapter 19:The Bloody Crown

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Kol walked through the Mikaelson Home grabbing practically anything he considered his and putting it in a box he was carrying with his free arm. Joshlynn sat in his other arm reaching for every single thing he picked up. With the fact that over ninety percent of them were dangerous, he wasn't letting her touch any of them. Kol found himself ending up looking around a room that Freya was in preparing a spell. "Something isn't right." Freya worriedly spoke looking over a map she was laying out on a table.

"Well, you said you put the prophecy to rest. So what's the worry?" Kol mindlessly asked as he looked over the books that lay on a nearby bookshelf.

"I didn't sleep last night. I just had this feeling of dread." Freya explained as she prepared her spell. "I don't know if it's my own guilt, or maybe it's my intuition telling me something's coming."

"And what's this? Your early warning system?" Kol questioned approaching his sister as he held a book he'd grabbed and let Joshlynn play with the old cover.

"This map is spelled to trace Niklaus's enemies. Let's just hope I'm being paranoid." Freya said before reciting an incantation and Kol watched with raised eyebrows as the blood spots scattering the map moved to New Orleans.

"I guess you're not being paranoid when there is, in fact, a hoard of killers out to get you," Kol spoke before tossing the book into the box and grabbing a hold of it, and continuing. "Well, I hope you have a grand old time with that."

"Where are you going?" Freya asks, her tone laced with worry.

"We're leaving," Kol answers simply giving his sister a smile.

Freya shook her head as she tried to convince her brother to stay one last time. "Kol it's not safe out there our family has threats and we're safer in numbers."

"I'm not making my daughter become a casualty in this war just so your family can live." Kol snipped back.

"Our family." Freya calmly shot back.

"No, your family! My family is Davina and Joshlynn, and I may have lost one of them but there is no bloody way I'm letting anything happen to her!" Kol shouted at his sister before making one last remark and walking out the door. "I'm done with this family."


Kol was prepped and ready to leave New Orleans when he realized he'd forgotten Joshlynn's butterfly stuffed animal at the attic. It was the only toy she would play with at this age and the thought of not having it on a multi-hour drive was more terrifying than dealing with the army that seemed to be coming to New Orleans. So the two headed up to the attic and found a familiar face. "Thank god, you're here," Josh said leaning away from the bed he'd been sitting on waiting for them.

"What's going on Josh?" Kol questioned, curiously.

"You need to leave town like now, Marcel's alive and he's lost it." Josh nervously explained.

"Elijah killed Marcel." Kol dismissed as he looked around the room for the stuffed animal.

"He had already drank the serum," Josh explained instantly grabbing Kol's attention. "YOu wants to kill all of you."

"He wouldn't do that to Joshlynn, he won't make her an orphan." Kol attempted to rationalize though as the words left his mouth he wasn't even believing them.

Josh shook his head as he stressed the point. "He thinks he's doing it for Joshlynn, that getting rid of you will protect her. He doesn't trust you."

"But you do?" Kol asked confused.

Josh paused for a moment before answering the original. "Davina loved you a lot but she loved Joshlynn even more. If Davina didn't think you could handle being a dad she would've asked one of us to step in if something happened but she didn't because she wanted you to raise your daughter. She trusted you and I trust her. So you need to grab Joshlynn take off and make sure no one ever finds you. Not me, not Marcel, not anyone. You understand?"

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