Chapter 18:Give 'Em Hell Kid

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Vincent, Marcel, Josh, and Kol stood in the New Orleans cemetery all standing around the grave of one Davina Claire. Joshlynn's small body held in Kol's arms at the moment, though that's where she'd been for a considerable amount of time since her mother's death."Say not in grief, that she is no more, but be thankful that she ever was... and though she was taken far too soon, may her enduring light show us a way through this darkness. Let us mourn... because we cannot move on until we do... and though the pain may at times seem like more than we can bear... make no mistake... we will move on. Yeah, even now the words of Ecclesiasticus are ringing in my ears. They're saying, 'Vengeance, as a lion, shall lie in wait for them'." Vincent spoke in honor of his friend before nodding for Josh to take over.

"A while ago..." Josh started but stopped to shortly chuckle at the memory. "Forever ago, I told Davina a story about my first boyfriend... but what I didn't tell her was that... I had never shared that story with anyone else. She was like a sister and a best friend... and I loved her. I wish th... Uh..." Josh struggled to a stop before stepping back into the group.

Vincent looked to Kol who answered back in a cracking voice. "I'm sorry. I can't."

Marcel wipes away tears as he pulls out a piece of paper from his jacket. As he opens it up he realizes they are the wrong words to say and folds it back up placing it into his inner jacket pocket."Words aren't any good. The Mikaelsons need to answer for this. I'm gonna make them answer." Marcel walks closer to her grave puts his hand against her name and whispers. "I promise."


Kol had made his way back to the Mikaelson Home where he left Joshlynn to sleep in his room as the building seemed almost silent. He followed the one sound he heard to find Freya preparing a spell. "I didn't think anyone was here," Freya says timidly when Kol enters the room.

"Did you think I'd be at Cami's wake?" Kol says walking in and sitting on the arm of a couch. "You know what? It turns out, I hit my funeral quota for the day. Davina's was this morning. You remember her. Love of my life, mother of my child, condemned to an unknowable hell. And what's your excuse, Sister? Were you so overcome with guilt at what you did, that you couldn't bring yourself to indulge in whiskey and finger food? Or were you just too busy desecrating more dead? Is this to be your hobby now?"

"When Lucien died, he was convinced the prophecy would still unfold. I need to know if he was right." Freya explained. "These are the remains of his oracle Alexis. Hers was a power I barely understood, but now that my own strength has been augmented by the Ancestors, I can try to channel her. Forecast as she did, and find out if Lucien was right, or if we can finally put this nightmare behind us."

"I personally hope the bloody prophecy is true. You can all rot in Hell, for all I care. I'm just sorry I won't be around to see it." Kol responded honestly.

"Where are you going?" Freya asked as Kol went to leave the room stopping him.

"None of your business," Kol answers turning back to her. "All right? There is nothing for me here."

"Kol... you know that's not true. You and Joshlynn your family..." Freya tried to defend.

"Do not lecture me about family, sister, or not!" Kol screamed at her. "Now, you may have spent your entire life searching for us, but I never, for a second, wanted you."

As Kol turned to leave again and head for Joshlynn Freya stopped him again. "I can try and predict Joshlynn's prophecy too. Make it so you know what to expect from her, how to help her."

"Don't do me any favors," Kol spoke harshly before officially leaving the room.


Freya and Elijah had figured out that the new prophecy had to do with Marcel and the serum that they had last known to be in Aurora. Now Freya stood over Aurora's body checking whether it still remained. "The serum..." Freya explained as she turned to her brother. "There's no trace of it in her. We need to warn Klaus."

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