Chapter 17:Where Nothing Stays Buried

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Kol sat on the ground of St. James Joshlynn on his lap distracted by messing with his bloody shirt. Was playing with the shirt soaked in your mother's blood a traumatizing experience? Sure but Kol was more wrapped up in the traumatizing experience of having your father accidentally murder your mother because he was being controlled by the evil witches who being an ancestral witch she'd one day draw power from. He had a lot going on.

Davina's body lay only feet away from them as Joshlynn was positioned looking the opposite way. Kol's mind was moving a hundred times a minute reliving what he'd done, trying to understand what he'd taken from Joshlynn, trying to figure out what came now. The only thing he could be sure of was that the hunger was gone and the ancestors didn't want Joshlynn dead too. She was safe with him, for the first time he wasn't scared to hold her but more scared to let go.

His thoughts were interrupted as Marcel entered the bar looking over the mess. Kol kissed Joshlynn's forehead as he stood up holding her to his chest. Marcel came deeper into the bar seeing Davina's body and his eyes flashed to Kol in anger. "What are you doing here?"

Kol looked for words yet remained utterly speechless. Marcel walked past Kol to Davina's body and held her in his arms as he fought with the reality of her death.

"The Ancestors had a hold of me." Kol tried to explain. "I-I was out of my head. I never would've hurt her. I tried to make it stop. I made her dagger me. Nothing worked!"

Marcel looked up from her corpse to the crying original as anger flooded his appearance. Though when his eyes landed on Joshlynn who was still obliviously distracted it was like a reminder that Davina wasn't completely gone. "Get away from her," Marcel spoke walking toward Kol in an attempt to get Joshlynn away from the only real threat to her in his mind.

"Marcel, I'm her father." Kol denied as he stepped further away from the man as he held his daughter tighter to his chest.

"Caleb was her father!" Marcel exclaimed. "And you killed him! You killed her entire family you think I'm gonna let you destroy her too!"

"I loved her." Kol broke at the thought of what he'd done to Davina. "I swear I did."

Marcel looked between Kol whose tear-covered face was resting against Joshlynn and Davina's still lifeless body. "This is New Orleans. Witch spirits can be brought back from the dead, so that is exactly what we are going to do. We are going to bring her back!"


"Okay, we got to get her consecrated right now. If we don't we can't even attempt to get her back." Vincent spoke looking over Davina's body.

"We can't consecrate her!" Kol exclaimed with force causing Joshlynn eyes to grab onto the conversation. She didn't understand anything being said but she was now more fascinated by them than Kol's shirt.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Marcel questioned.

"The Ancestors despise Davina. If we consecrate her, she'll wake up in their domain, and they will destroy her." Kol explained.

"If we don't, we never see her again." Marcel shot back.

"Hey, that's enough," Vicent spoke breaking up the argument. "All right? We all want to help her, so we need to make sure that she's consecrated, but she's got to be safe so we're gonna pull her into a place where she's protected, then we can resurrect her. And that's gonna require a lot of energy, and my power's not what it used to be before I got shunned."

The group paused in thought before Marcel came to a conclusion. "All right, we need Freya."

"You think my family's going to help? Nik hates Davina. Freya will not defy him." Kol tried to reason, he truly believed the Mikaelsons wouldn't help them and that going there would only put Joshlynn in danger from Klaus.

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