Chapter 21

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Xander's POV

It's been a couple of weeks since meeting Brie's father and I haven't mentioned anything to Brie or anyone. I just don't know what's gonna happen next but all I know is that I love Brie and I won't give her up not without a fight.

I've already told my parents about my relationship with Brie and they accepted it wholeheartedly. Dad even told me that he wouldn't interfere with my relationship with Brie even though her father is one of his arch rivals.

He even explained to me about the whole rivalry between them. It started off that they were very good friends in the beginning but when Brie's father learned that Mr. Kennedy, who was one of the top investors in America, wanted to invest in our company, Brie's father became furious and thought that we stole Mr. Kennedy from investing into their company.

I was walking around the courtyard when suddenly Danielle stopped me.

"Hey Xander." She greeted me.

I ignored her and went the other way.

"Ignoring me I see." She started. "Well I guess you don't wanna hear this juicy news."

I turned around and mocked her "What juicy news Danielle?"

"Well I just heard from a little bee that you went on a dinner meeting with Brie's father am I right?" She eyed me.

"Yeah so?"

"Well I also heard that Brie doesn't know anything about this." She continued.

"What's your point?" I asked starting to get annoyed by her.

"Well. I'm just gonna warn you.. Better watch your back. Because you don't know what hell you are in to right know."

"Are you threatening me?" I smirked.

"No. But Daniel McMahon is. I'm warning you Xander, you have to let Brie go. You don't know what a McMahon, let alone THE DANIEL MCMAHON can do." She finished.

"Why in the world would I listen to you?"

"I'm just telling you this. If you want I can give you my services for you to have an excuse to break up with Brie." She offered.

"Thank you but no thanks. I wouldn't do anything like that and I won't hurt Brie. I have to go." I walked away and started to collect my thoughts.

Why in the world would she offer that. I have no freaking plan to leave Brie let alone hurt her. Who in the right mind would do that to the person they love. I suddenly felt my phone vibrate and opened it. It was a message from Brie. I suddenly remembered that I haven't seen her all day. Maybe she's going to tell me that she's sick or something. I opened the message and it read:

"Hey! Won't be coming to school today. Parents dragged me meet the board members in the company. Tell everyone that I'll be back tomorrow kay? See you tomorrow! Love you!!!"

I laughed and started to imagine her in those lame meetings with everyone in their company. I instantly replied to her.

'Okay will tell them! Don't bore yourself out okay!! See you! Love you too!"

She instanly replied back and I laughed even more.

"Haha! Very funny! Well at least I'm not in school dealing with everyone's craziness! Got to go! The board members are here! More boredom for me!"

I was about to reply to Brie when I bumped into someone, Tyler.

"Watch where you are going Evans." He told me.

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