Chapter 9

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Song: White Horse by Taylor Swift


"But Brie. He's your boyfriend." That's where I lost it. The term boyfriend. Tears started to form in my eyes but won't let that happened not here. I took a big breath and decided to tell Stephanie the truth. "Steph, I wanna tell you something." I looked to Ashlynn and Hanna and they nodded their heads "The truth is.. Tyler and I broke up already." I whispered. Then she looked at me wide eyed and covered her mouth.

Brie's POV

After telling Stephanie the truth, she was in shock. We were clapping our hands to get her attention but it was not working.

Finally after a minute or two she came back to her senses and said "OMG BRIE I'M SO SO SO SORRY!!! I DIDN'T KNOW SWEAR!!!"

I laughed at her reaction and said "It's fine Steph. No harm done."

"No harm done?! That was probably your most awkward lunch. Thanks to me!! I swear Brie I'm so so so sorry!!!" She rambled.

I laughed and hugged her "Look it's okay! Steph you didn't know. I not mad or anything. And I'm so happy that you haven't changed! After a year in Europe you are still the Stephanie Garcia we know and love!"

"Miss McMahon, your car is here." The attendant spoke. I nodded and gave him a 50$ tip. He opened the car door and before we entered the car we heard a familiar voice "Brie! Wait" I turned around and saw that it was Tyler holding the box.

"What do you want Tyler?" I asked him.

He eyed Stephanie thinking why isn't she asking questions on why I'm being cold to him.

"I already know Tyler." She told him.

He sighed and said "I can explain, Brie please."

I rolled my eyes and said "There is nothing left for you to explain Tyler. And I don't wanna hear any of it anymore. Not here, not now."

He was about to say something when I interrupted him "Tell your driver to fetch you here."

I went straight to the driver's seat and started the car leaving Tyler alone. I sighed and focused on the road.

When suddenly Stephanie asked. "What happened between you and Tyler."

"I'll tell everything tomorrow on Chelsea's party." I told her.

She nodded then said "I'm really sorry Brie. I didn't know."

I laughed and looked at her. "It's fine Steph. And stop apologizing okay!"

Hanna then asked the twins "So you girls coming back to Gregory?"

"Yep. Next week! We already processed everything while we were in Europe." Ashlynn said

"Perfect! I can't wait for next week! And I hope you guys can be placed in our rooms!" I told them.

When we arrived to the Garcia's mansion, Ashlynn and Steph told us to hang for a bit.

So I parked my car in their driveway and entered their mansion to be greeted by their mom Sophia.

"Brianna and Hanna! How are you girls?" She hugged us both.

"We're doing great Aunt Sophia." I told her.

"C'mon let's go to the patio for some tea." She then instructed the house maid to bring the tea outside.

"Hanna, I've heard that Chelsea just got back from London." She asked Hanna when we sat down on the patio chairs.

"Yes. She just arrived about a week ago." She told Aunt Sophia.

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