Chapter 7

340 9 2

Song: All Too Well - Taylor Swift

Brie's POV

"Did you have to do this? I was thinking you could be trusted. Did you have to ruin what was shining? Now it's all rusted.."

I heard my phone ring and imediately checked who was calling me. It was Hanna.

"Hey Han" I answered.

"Hey Ashlynn called last night, I forgot to tell you that Stephanie is coming with her as well." Hanna told me.

"OMG NO WAY Steph is coming home too?!" I exclaimed.

Stephanie is Ashlynn's twin and she's another good friend of mine.

"Yeah. Ash told me that their plane will probably land around 1 pm later." I checked my clock and it's only 8 am.

"Got it. So we need to be in LAX at around 11 am."

"Yup. I'll be there at around 10. See ya Brie!"

I placed my phone down and went downstairs to be greeted by Maria.

"Morning Brianna." she smiled warmly. "You have a gift by the way."

"A gift?" I asked my nanny.

"Yes dear. I placed it in dining hall."

I went to the dining hall and I saw the gift what Maria was telling me about.

It wasn't your ordinary gift, sitting on the table was a Tiffany box. I opened the box and I gasped on what was I saw.

It's one of the necklace from Elsa Peretti's Collection. It was so pretty and I loved it.

"You saw the gift sweetie?" Maria asked me.

"Yes and I love it. Did Mom and Dad sent this?" I asked.

"It wasn't from your parents dear." She told me.

"Then who gave me this?" I asked.

"Tyler stopped by earlier to give you the gift. I told him to come inside and give it to you personally but he told me that won't be necessary." Maria explained to me.

"He was here?" I asked Maria.

"Yes sweetie is there a problem?" She asked me.

"Umm. No. Umm.... Is breakfast ready? I'm starving" I lied to Maria.

She eyed me suspiciously and I gave her a smile telling her that she has nothing to worry about. Maria then nodded and went to the kitchen to tell the staff to prepare the table.

I sighed and looked at the necklace thinking on what to do.

After eating breakfast, I grabbed the gift and went straight to my room.

I placed the necklace on my vanity and saw that it's already 9, remembering that Hanna will arrive by 10, I quickly went to my closet to find an outfit to wear.

After several minutes of rummaging thru my closet, I finally chose a pink asymmetrical dress together with my Jimmy Choo flats and added a few dainty accessories to complete my outfit and went straight to my bathroom.

After taking a bath I headed straight to my vaninty and started to apply my make up.

I decided to keep it simple and girly today so I just put on my favorite pink lip gloss added a touch of blush and eyeliner to finish up my simple look.

I decided to curl my hair to top everything. I was about to stand and look for my purse when I quickly saw the Tiffany box sitting on my vanity.

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