Chapter 8

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Song: How You Get The Girl by Taylor Swift


We did another group hug and I told them "So I bet you guys are already hungry I've already made reservations at Nobu!"

"Omg! I missed Nobu! But can we wait for a bit?" Steph said. "Because I'm waiting for someone he's going to join us." She continued.

"Who?" I asked.

Then suddenly out of nowhere, I heard a very familiar voice.

Brie's POV


I turned around and saw Tyler standing right infront of us.

"Tyler!" Stephanie hugged Tyler.

"Steph. Ash." He greeted them both.

"How are you?" Stephanie asked.

"I'm good." He said.

"Why didn't you join Brie and Hanna coming here?" Stephanie asked curiously.

"I ran late so I just went here alone." He lied.

Hanna eyed him like he was crazy or something.

Ashlynn whispered "I haven't told Steph everything."

I nodded hoping that Steph won't push anything else.

"Oh I see." Stephanie nodded.

"Well we've been standing here for 5 minutes now and you haven't greeted your girlfriend." She finished.

"Uhh." Tyler scratched the back of his head.

"That won't be necessary Steph." I interrupted Tyler.

"How come?" She asked me.

"Don't we have a reservation at Nobu waiting for us?" Hanna asked.

"Yeah, we should go." I nodded smiling at Hanna.

I thought that everything was now okay when suddenly.

"Hey Tyler. Why don't you join us for lunch?" Steph asked.

"Uh." He stammered.

"Can I?"

He asked Steph but I know that he's asking me for permission.

I sighed and said "You should come."

Hanna looked at me like I was crazy or something. I just eyed her letting her know that I can handle this.

"Are you sure?" He asked me.

"Yeah." I said.

"C'mon guys." I leaded them to where my Range Rover was parked.

"So you brought your car right?" I asked him.

He nodded. "See you in Nobu then."

I was about to close the door when Steph suggested somthing.

"Tyler, why don't you ride with us? It's a hassle for us to bring two cars there. Right Brie?" She asked me.

"What? Oh yeah you should just ride with us. Just call your driver or someone to get your car here." I told him.

Hanna was about to say something when Ashlynn interrupted "Well that's great! Get in the car Tyler! I'm starving!"

Tyler sat in the passenger seat next to me while Hanna, Ash and Steph sat in the back. I started my car and drove to Nobu.

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