Chapter 6

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Song- We Are Never Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift

Brie's POV

It's been a few days since the whole confrontation between me, Tyler and Danielle, everyone in school kept on asking what the heck happened between us.

And believe me it's been really annoying, some of them are just in for the gossip and well I really have no time for those things so instead of answering their questions I just brush them off.

Tyler has been trying to contact me ever since the announcement of our break up. Landon told me that he wants my forgiveness and wants to start over.

He even contacted Ashlynn, our good friend who's currently in Europe because of a business deal that her parents are currently working on and wanted the whole family to join them.

Ashlynn instantly reached out to me yesterday and asked about everything and what the heck is going on.

I told her that Tyler cheated on me with Danielle and that as of the moment, I ended everything with Tyler.

Ashlynn wanted to leave Europe and go back home right away just to smack Tyler.

I told her that she doesn't have to do that plus she's coming home in a few days and that we can catch up on everything on Chelsea's slumber party this weekend.

I checked my watch and saw that Hanna should be arriving any minute now so that we can go to school.

Once I heard Hanna's voice downstairs, I grabbed my purse and headed downstairs to meet her.

"Hey!" She greeted me.

"Hey! Ashlynn called yesterday by the way." I informed her. "She told me that Tyler called her and told everything that has happened." I finished.

"Really? What did she say?" Hanna asked me once we reached the dining area.

"I told her everything. She was really shocked actually. She never thought that he can do such thing. Plus she really wanted to go home right away. But I told her that it's okay plus she's coming to Chelsea's slumber party this weekend we can tell her everything there." I told Hanna.

"Yeah. Chelsea's asking about the whole thing too. I told her that she will know soon." I nodded and we finished our breakfast, said goodbye to Maria and headed straight to school.

When we arrived in school, Hanna told me that she needs to go first to the Student Council Office for a brief meeting about the upcoming events that the school has.

I nodded and told her I'll see her in class. She waved and went to the other side of the campus to do the meeting. I smiled and went inside the main hall towards my locker.

When I reached my locker, surprisingly Tyler was there. I sighed and went towards my locker ignoring Tyler.

"Brie. Can we talk."

I continued ignoring him and started to check what is my schedule for today.

"Brie please..." He still continued.

But once again I didn't answer him.

"Brie." He touched my shoulder and I shrugged his hand off. "Don't do this." He pleaded.

I just ignored at him and continued to get my books for the day.

I heard him sigh when suddenly "Hey Brie. You okay?" I turned around and saw that Xander was there with Kyle and Zoey.

"Yeah I'm fine." I answered Xander.

"Seriously Brie. You greeted him while you ignore me?" Tyler interrupted.

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