Chapter 16

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I heard my door open thinking that it was only the maid I just ignored it when suddenly I turned around and saw  my mother standing inside my room


"Well are you just gonna stand there Brianna and not greet your mother?"

Brie's POV

I was standing in the middle of room completely shocked. Mom wasn't supposed to be home!

"Mom what are you doing here? Not that I'm not happy or something. Shouldn't you be with Daddy in Paris"

"Well you see Brianna, your Dad told me to check up on you here. Plus I miss my daughter."

I quickly made my way to her and hugged her tight. "Missed you too Mom."

"So how are you and your friends? I missed those kids as well."

"We're good plus Ashlynn and Stephanie just got back from Europe with Aunt Sophia and Uncle Richards. Ummm... Oh Zoey's family had Masquerade Gala a few weeks ago. Chelsea's back from London as well. We also have a new friend Xander."

"The twins are back for good?" She asked me.

"Yup. They are now back in Gregory."

"Oh that's good. Plus I'm happy that Chelsea's back! I mean Vanessa called me a few times just to check up on Chelsea!"

I smiled and started thinking of a way to tell Mom that Xander's my boyfriend but well all things don't go as I wanted it.

"How are you and Tyler by the way? I mean you mentioned all of your friends but not Tyler."

I suddenly became nervous. I know that sooner or later she'll ask me about him.


I opened my mouth to say something but nothing is coming out of it.

"Brianna? Are you okay?"

I started to breathe in and out and finally regained my composure.

"Mom, there's something that I have to tell you."

"What is it dear?"

"Tyler and I broke up."

"Since when?"

"3 months ago."

"What happened Brianna? You guys were happy when we last saw the both of you."

"People grow apart. I guess." I lied. I can't tell her the truth not yet.

"Oh sweetie. Don't worry everything will be fine! You are going to find someone else."

"I actually found someone else already." I told her.


"Xander. We've been dating for a month and a half now." I told her honestly.


"Xander Evans."

When Mom heard Xander's last name, she had a look on her face. I can't pin point what is it but she had a weird expression.


"Yes, Mom why?" I asked her confused.

"N-nothing Brianna. I'm going to go to bed now. I have to catch an ealry flight  in the morning."

"You're leaving again?"

"Y-yes. Your father just wants me to check up on you and I have a lot of meetings to attend to."

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