**Author's Note**

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This is the final part for Book 1 of The Player and Me. I am so happy to be able to share and finish this story!!! As I have said in the intro I never really planned on writing a story let alone finish one so I wanna thank my bestie ZaynismRules for telling me to actually write one! HAHA

Actually this book is very special to me, because some, well majority of the characters here is based on my real life friends and yes even Tyler.  And another thing this story is actually based on my real high school life, so some parts actually happened to me and some well I just added a few exaggerations to it. So writing this whole book was fun because I get to share the best years of my life in this book and remembering the crazy fun times that I've experienced that a lot has envied because I've met the people that I know I will cherish forever and will always be there for me.

And before I end this. I just wanna say thank you to everyone who read The Player and Me.

Thank you for everyone who made this story possible.

Thank you to my bestie for urging me to write this book. (Which by the way is you ZaynismRules)

Thank you to NiskatEverdeen for always reviewing every chapter before I publish one.

And to my real Tyler Woods, thank you for being the sole inspiration for this book. (Just a disclaimer: Me and the real Tyler are actually good friends now. So just like Brie and Tyler.. No love lost right?)

Thank you to all the readers as well for reading my story! I hope I didn't disappoint you guys!!!

Thank you guys so so much!!!

Watch out for Book 2 of The Player and Me!!;

Xoxo shanieza ❤

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