Chapter 20

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I walked her to the girl's restroom and waited for her. Then suddenly I felt my phone vibrate. I quickly opened my phone and saw that it was from an unknown number. I opened the message and I almost dropped my phone while reading the message. It read.

"Xander, this is Brianna's father. I want to talk to you tonight. Kindly go to Nobu at 8pm. Don't tell Brianna about our meeting. -Daniel McMahon."


Xander's POV

I stared at the message that I didn't even saw Brie coming out.

"Xander!" she punched me in the gut.


"Finally I got your attention. What's wrong? You seemed shocked." she asked me.

"Uh.. Nothing Brie." I lied.

She raised her eyebrows telling me that there's something else.

"Brie. I promise it's nothing." I smiled hoping she would belive me.

"Fine. But if there is something going on. You can tell me okay?"

"Okay." I told her.

I grabbed her hand and lead her to our third period class. We were soon greeted by our friends and I tried pretending that the text wasn't bothering me, but well Matt and the guys saw me and soon asked me when third period was over.

"So what is it?" He asked me casually.

"What is?" I asked.

"What's been bugging you. I mean sure Brie didn't notice it but we did." Zach said.

"Seriously guys it's nothing." I lied to them.

"Really?" Blake added.

I nodded.

"Dude we can see it. Clearly something is bothering you. Are you and Brie having problems?" Kyle asked.

"No." I told them.

"Then what is it?" Zach asked.

I sighed knowing these guys, they won't leave without me telling them about the text.

"Okay. Fine. I'll tell you guys. But you guys have to promise me one thing." I told them. "This conversation doesn't leave the room. You can't tell the girls. Especially your girlfriends." I told them eyeing Matt and Kyle.

"Fine we won't tell Hanna or Zoey." Matt sighed. He finally had the guts to ask Hanna out after being her date at the gala. And well Hanna was so shocked that Matt liked her back.

"Okay. Well before coming to third period I was with Brie. I was waiting for her because she needed to go to the restroom. And while waiting for her, I received a text."

"Who's it from?" Zach asked.

"Brie's Dad."

"What?" They said at the same time.

"Yeah. It was weird actually."  I told them while showing the guys the message.

"So weird. I mean Uncle Daniel is such a busy person. So are you going?" Matt said.

"Yeah. I mean there's nothing wrong in meeting your girlfriend's father right?" I asked them.

"Yeah. But it's just really weird you know. And how did he even get your number?" Blake added.

"Who knows. Right? So please guys don't tell Brie about this." I told them.

"Fine. We'll keep this between us first." Matt said.

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