Chapter 10

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Song: 22 by Taylor Swift

Brie's POV


I woke up to the sound of my phone signaling that I have a message. Checking my clock I saw that it was already around 9am. Hanna was still sleeping soundly.

I laughed at my best friend who is such a sleepyhead. I got up from my bed and checked my phone.

I was correct there was someone who texted me. Unlocking my phone, I checked the message and it was from Ashlynn it read:

"HEY! Steph and I will be there at around 11 together with Carrie! See you!"

I quickly sent her a message and woke Hanna up.

"Hey sleepyhead wake up! Ash, Steph and Carrie will be here at around 11! And I have to pack!!" I told her.

"Hmpff.. 5 more minutes Brie." She grunted.

I sighed it is really hard to wake up Hanna especially if she still wants to sleep in. So I decided to shove her off from my bed gently.

"Oww! Brie! Really?"

"Haha! Well you don't wanna wake up! What choice do I have!"

"Well you could've just gave me 5 more minutes!"

"Would you wake up after 5 minutes?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Hmm. Probably not."

"See! C'mon let's go downstairs! I'm hungry!" I told her opening my door.

We quickly went downstairs and was greeted by maids.

"Good Morning Miss Brianna. Miss Hanna. Maria is in the dining hall preparing for you breakfast." She told us.

We nodded and went straight to the dining hall to meet Maria.

"Good Morning girls." She greeted us.

"Morning." We said simultaneously.

We sat down and started eating our breakfast when suddenly the doorbell rang.

"Is that Ashlynn?" Hanna asked

"Ashlynn told me that they will be here at around 11." I told her.

"So you have no idea who is that."

"Maybe it's just the mailman?" I told her.

Then suddenly one of the maids I think her name was Kendra entered.

"Miss sorry to interrupt your breakfast but someone is here for you."

"Who?" I asked her.


Hanna and I turned around and we saw Xander standing

"Hey. What are you doing here?" I asked him

"Ummm. I was in the neighborhood." He said.

"Really? You live around here?" Hanna asked raising her eyebrow.

I looked at her and she was like "What?"

"Yeah. I live next door to Zach." He told us.

"But Zach's place is like 15 minutes away from here." I told him.

"Uh..." He said.

Then suddenly Hanna said "Hey can I talk to Xander for a bit" I nodded.

"C'mon Xander follow me." Hanna stood up and Xander followed her to the garden. I shrugged and continue eating my breakfast.

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