Chapter 19

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Brie's POV

I woke up the next day feeling more exhausted than ever, then I suddenly remembered what happened last night. My parents forbid me to date Xander and wants me to break up with him because I'm going to be engagged to Tyler. I groaned. Life..

Then suddenly I heard my door open and thinking that it was my Mother, I told whoever it was "I don't wanna talk to any of you right now. So please, leave me alone."

"Ouch Brie. What did we do to you?"

I turned around and saw my best girlfriends standing.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked them

"Well Hanna here sent a 911 message and well we knew that something's wrong." Ashlynn said

"And you completely forgot to go online after dinner." Hanna said

Right I forgot, I promised Hanna that I'll them after dinner which I forgot thanks to my parents because they hate my boyfriend.

"I don't wanna talk about it." My mood suddenly changing remembering everything once again.

"Brie?" Zoey asked noticing the distressed look on my face.

I have to tell them. I can't keep my feelings bottled up. They deserve to know. Plus I trust my friends that they will support me in whatever I do. That's what makes us close.

"Are my parents downstairs?" I asked them

"No when we arrived here, they were just about to leave. Brie what's going on?" Hanna asked.

"Hanna can you close the door?" I asked her

"Sure." she nodded and closed the door.

"You guys might wanna take a seat." I told them

"Why?" Khloe asked.

"Because. I don't know how will you guys react to this." I told them

So when everyone is seated I sighed and said "Remember yesterday Hanna, I told you guys that my parents are flying home, and that I have to come home early."

"Yeah I remember that." Stephanie said. "What happened by the way?"

"Well when I got home, they were waiting for me at the library. Then I asked them why they are home all of a sudden. Then Dad told me that he and Mom has something to tell me." I stopped trying to hide my tears.

"What is it?" Zoey asked.

"They know about me and Xander. Cause remember I told my Mother about Xander being my boyfriend." I told them

"Well what's the bad thing about that? I mean know they know that you and Tyler are over right?" Khloe said

"Well when I told them that I am now dating Xander. Dad told me to break up with Xander." I told them.

"WHAT?" They screamed at the same time.

"They.. they don't want Xander for me." My voice started to crumble.

"Why?" Hanna asked.

"At first they didn't tell me the real reason. But during dinner, I finally made Dad admit the reason."

"What is it then?" Zoey asked

"He hates Xander's father. He doesn't want me associating with an Evans" I told them

"Did he tell you why he hates Xander's father?"

I shook my head 'no'. " Then there's something else." I told them

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