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A few months later.

Brie's POV

It's been 3 months ever since Xander and I broke up. And well I haven't seen him since then. I heard that he went to Europe to finish his studies and well that's good meaning I never have to see his face ever again.

Danielle on the other hand, had also left school when Xander went to Europe and well I haven't heard any news about her as well.

After the whole Xander break up, everyone had  cut their ties with Xander and the guys vowed that if they see him anywhere, they're gonna beat his ass. I laughed at them knowing that the guys are just protecting me from getting my heart broken by some dude once again.

How is everyone you may ask?

Well for Hanna and Matt, they are happier than ever. I've always seen it though. Sure they fought every now and then but I can see that they love each other very much.

Zoey and Kyle on the other hand, have just recently celebrated their one year anniversary  together. And in the spirt of being the annoying friends that we are, well we decided to crash their very special moment together. But we repayed them with a very special dinner date just for the two of them.

And what about me? Well it's good to say that I'm still single and I'm not rushing into any relationship just yet. But Tyler and I recently made peace with each other but decided to remain friends. Everyone at first were skeptical why I decided to let Tyler in my life once again but I told them that Tyler was our friend before and I can tell that they've missed him as well. And soon enough everything was back to the way it was before. But the only thing that is different though is that Tyler and I aren't dating but we are still engaged to be married.

We haven't actually talked about what to do about the stupid engagement since we are still in high school and we still need to finish college. So we decided to be just friends and just talk about the stupid engagement once we finish college.

Now we are only a couple of months away from graduation and soon be stepping out of our comfort zones and going out into the real world. And before we know it we would now be taking over our parent's companies.

"Hey Brie." Hanna said.

"Hey!" I hugged my best friend.

"You're doing it again" she told me.


"What. Is it bad that?" I asked her.

"No, it's just that maybe you are thinking about you know who." Hanna said.

"I'm not thinking about him anymore. He's gone. I never want him back in my life." I told her.

"We know. Brie??" She asked me


"What if in the future. What if he's back? I mean he has to take over his company you know."

"Well then so be it then. But c'mon let's stop all of this you know who nonsense and just enjoy our sleepover. Let's not let him ruin our happiness." I smiled.

Hanna nodded and asked. "Where is everybody?"

"Oh! Carrie texted me that she and the other girls will be arriving in an hour.. So better get this place ready then!" I exclaimed.

"Let's!" We laughed and headed inside to prepare for the sleepover.

- - -

When the girls were asleep, I quietly went out of my room and headed straight to the pool area. I dipped my toes in the water and started to think.

Who would have thought that I would be overthinking about things once again. Hanna would be laughing her ass out.

I sighed and remembered everything that has happened to me. I mean Hanna told me that it's good to remember the things that has happened in the past, we can learn from them.

I remembered dating Tyler and breaking up with him. Right now remembering everything,  I felt like some loser still clinging on to the person who is not in love with me anymore. Clinging and telling myself everyday that he is the one and that he'll never do anything to hurt me. But I was so wrong. He did hurt me. But I also learned a lesson from him, that even though you've known someone for so long, you think that you know everything about them but clearly you don't.

While for Xander, I just met him recently and I felt that I finally had someone aside from my friends accept me as Brie not Brianna. He made me feel that it's okay to be sad sometimes that life is all about facing challenges and meeting new people. Soon enough I saw myself falling for him. He really made me feel something else, something that Tyler never did. He protected me from Tyler, made me laugh and most importantly being there for me no matter what. But I guess happiness wasn't also by my side with this relationship. Because in the end, he as well broke my heart and cheated on me with the girl I hated the most. During the first month of the breakup, I felt stupid thinking that he really did love me and that everything he promised me was true. But clearly it wasn't.

I sighed and decided that it was time for me to go back inside before anyone wakes up. I smiled and looked at the stars shining above me. I know that everything that happened to me has a reason and that I forget all about Xander.

And I smiled knowing that forgetting Xander and removing him from my memories has started.


And this is officially the end for The Player and Me!!!!

I am so proud and happy that I have finished this story! And I am happy to announce that The Player and Me will be having a second book! I'm still thinking about the new title, but the story would be having a time skip into the future  and  Mr. Xander Evans will be having an epic return to Brianna's life!!

How will Brie react seeing Xander for the first time in years!! And what will happen to the Tyler-Brie-Xander saga!!!

Stay tuned!!!

And for the very last time please vote and comment!!!

Xoxo shanieza ❤

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