Chapter 18

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"Well Brianna, darling, your Mother and I are thinking about something."

"And? What is it?" I asked.

"Well your Mother told me that you and Tyler recently broke up am I correct?"

I nodded my head as a 'Yes'.

"And I heard that you are now dating Xander Evans."

"What's this all about?" I asked them.

"Brianna, I don't want you with that Xander Evans. I want you out of that relationship." He told me


Brie's POV

"What?" I asked them shocked.

"I want you to end your relationship with that boy." Dad told me.


"I won't allow you to be with someone like him."

"You don't even know him Dad!"

"I perfectly know who is that Xander Evans. Break up with him Brianna. I don't want to hear it."

"Daddy." I pleaded.

"This conversation is over Brianna." He said then left the library.

"Mom...." I looked at my Mother.

"Brianna, just do what your Daddy tells you to do. He knows what's best for you." She told me.


"Brianna, just follow him okay. He knows what he's doing." Mom told me.

"It's unfair Mom. I mean he was never like this with Tyler. Is there something that I need to know?" I asked her.

"Now is not the right time for those things Brianna. Go to your room first okay? I'll just send one of the maids to call you once dinner is prepared." She told me.

I nodded and went upstairs right away not even minding my Father looking at me. Once I entered my room, I locked the door meaning that I do not want to be disturbed.

I don't know what the hell is going on, why would my Dad wants me to break up with Xander. He doesn't even know the guy!

Then suddenly I heard my phone ringing and it read Hanna.


"What's wrong Brie?" Hanna asked right away sensing that something is bothering me.



"Fine.. Well I finally know the reason why my Dad wanted me to come home early today."

"And why is that?" She asked me.

"Well. He told me that he knows that Tyler and I are over."

"And?" She asked me to continue.

"He knows that I'm dating Xander now and he wants me to break up with him."

"We need a bff intervention right now. Go online Brie." Hanna told me.

"Hanna. There's no need for that." I told her then suddenly there was a knock on my door. "Hang on."

I opened my door and outside was a maid.

"Sorry for disturbing Miss. Your parents are now in the dining hall waiting for you."

"Tell them I'll be going down in a bit." I instructed her.

"Han I gotta go. Mom and Dad are waiting for me. Talk to you later okay?" I told my bff.

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