Chapter 22

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3 weeks later

Xander's POV

It's been exactly 3 weeks since I've heard from Brie. We haven't had any communication ever since she left. Hanna told me during the first week that she's probably busy or just busy shopping but I know for sure that her Dad took her phone away from her so that she won't call me.

Things haven't actually been the same ever since. Well the group is missing Brie and we can't wait for her to return. I mean it's already been 3 freaking weeks. Tyler hasn't bugged me ever since the confrontation but well Danielle has been.

She's still telling me that I can use her as a way for me to let Brie go. Hanna and the girls saw Danielle bugging me but they never heard what she wanted. Hanna asked me what was it all about, I just told her that as usual Danielle is just bugging me that Brie left.

I just can't wait for Brie to come back, the boys are teasing me as a love sick puppy, but I just shrugged them off and laughed with them. I just hope when Brie returns everything will be back to normal.

I was walking with the boys towards the courtyard when suddenly Matt asked me.

"Have you heard from Brie dude?"

"No. I haven't."

"Seriously? For 3 weeks you haven't talked to her?" Zach chimed in.

"I tried calling her but her phone was off." I told them.

"Why would she turn off her phone? Did you guys fight or something?" Kyle asked.

"No. But Hanna told me that maybe Brie is just busy shopping or something."

"Brie? Busy? Really dude? You believe that? C'mon even you know her. I mean she's your girlfriend for crying out loud! She holds her phone 24/7. Something is up." Blake said.

"What do you mean something is up?" I pretended not knowing what Blake is talking about.

"I don't know. But I have a bad feeling about this. C'mon she's Brie for crying out loud! Hanna even told me that she as well haven't heard from Brie. She accepted it during the first week, but for the following days she's starting to get worried. I mean c'mon we know the girls! They update each other every second. So Hanna's feeling that something is up." Matt said.

"So Brie hasn't called anyone?" I asked.

They shook their heads and said "But don't worry dude. She'll be back soon. I mean it's already been 3 weeks! She did tell Hanna that." Zach said.


"So c'mon let's play some hoops!" Matt said throwing the ball in my face.

"Oh you are so on!" I laughed

After playing with the guys, I decided to go home early tonight. Once I reached my house, I gave my keys to the guard and entered.

"Good Evening Mr. Evans." The maid greeted me.

"Is dinner ready?" I asked her.

"The chef is still preparing the meal. But I will just send someone up once dinner is ready." The maid said.

I nodded and went straight to my room. I shut my door and headed straight to my closet to change. When I went out I heard my phone ringing. It read: Kyle.

"Hey what's up?"

"Dude are you home?"

"Yeah? Just got home a couple of minutes ago. Why?"

"Turn on your TV. You gotta see what's on the news."


I ended the call and opened my TV and turned on the news.

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