Chapter 2

473 11 3

Song: If This Was A Movie by Taylor Swift

Hanna's POV

After eating dinner Brie and I said our goodnights to Maria and went straight to her room and Brie told me that she's gonna change from her clothes

I nodded and looked around while my bff went to her bathroom to prepare for bed.

I scanned the room and checked her desk to see all of her photos.

I smiled at all the images displayed on her desk, ir reminds me that even though Brie is the only heir to their family business, she is still very nice and down to earth.

That's what I like about Brie, she doesn't care what is your standards of living, if she's your friend she'll be there for you, and that was shown when Zoey's family had an income crisis, Zoey told us that something happened to their business and was so scared that Brie might not like her as her friend anymore.

Brie laughed at that situation saying "Zoe, who cares if your business had a problem not me, we're besties right? We stick together no matter what!" She assured Zoey and the rest was history.

"What are you looking at Han?" I turned around to see Brie already dressed up for bed.

"Oh nothing just looking at our old pictures here." I smiled.

She nodded and quickly checked her phone for any messages but sighed when she saw nothing.

But when she saw me looking at her she imediately smiled.

" So, did Ty text you?" I asked.

"Umm. Not yet. Han." She replied sadly.

"Are you sure you guys are okay?"

"Han, we're fine. Maybe he's just busy you know. Can we stop talking about this? Let's just enjoy the sleepover." She pleaded.

"Okay" I smiled.

But I'm not gonna let this go down.

The whole night Brie and I did everything that girls do whenever they're having a sleepover.

We've watched movies, paint our nails, stuff junk in our mouths and all the other things that girls do when they have sleepovers.

We went to bed at around 1 am cause we remembered that we still have school the next day. We laughed that we almost forgot about school and said our goodnights and went straight to bed.

I hope that whatever is happening to Tyler today, I hope he fixes it because I can see that Brie is totally hurt by his coldness and I for one am not buying her "I'm fine Han", and I've known Brie since first grade so I know that something is so wrong.

The next day

Brie and I woke up to the Maria's voice saying that we have to get up and get ready for school.

We grunted and imediately felt the lack of sleep that we had because of the sleepover.

I saw Brie check her phone and she sighed when she still sees no messages or calls from Tyler.

I told her that I'll just go to the bathroom for a bath and she nodded her head and told me to borrow anything that I want from her closet.

I head first straight to her walk-in- closet to see what clothes I can borrow and I scanned the clothes and quickly picked her lilac peplum top and matched it with a light washed skinnies and picked up a few accessories to complete the look.

I went straight to the bathroom and took a bath then went out to tell Brie that she can use the bathroom.

She smiled and quickly went to her closet and picked an outfit and headed to the bathroom. I did my hair and make up and when I was done she just finished taking a bath.

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