Chapter 23

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The next day.

Xander's POV

Today is the day..

Today Brie would be coming home..

Hanna immediately texted me that Brie would be arriving at around noon and that I should probably be there welcoming her home. I checked my watch and I saw that it was close to noon.

I sighed and hoped that my plan would be perfect. That I won't back out in the last minute. I was soon interrupted when my phone rang. I checked the CallerID and it read: Hanna

"Xander! Brie called me and said that she just arrived at the mansion! Get your ass out of bed and greet your girlfriend!"

"I will. I will sheesh. I'm on may way now."

"Good. Goodluck!"


I ended the call and went to go downstairs to get my car. The whole ride I'm feeling nervous, I don't know if I'm doing the right thing. I just hope that this would be ending soon.

Once I reached her mansion, I saw that the guard and maids were busy getting Brie's things inside the mansion. I got out of my car and was greeted by Maria.

"Xander dear! It's been a while!" She said hugging me.

"Hi Maria. Is Brie there?" I asked her.

"She's inside. Let me just call..."

"Xander!" Brie said running towards me and hugging me in the process. I hugged her back knowing that this will be the last time I would be doing this.

"Well I guess I'll leave the two of you alone then." Maria said and instructed everyone to go inside the mansion.

"I've missed you so much. And sorry for not being able to call you." She told me.

"It's okay." Suddenly I felt that my heart is going to break soon. I have to do this quickly.

"You wanna come inside?" She asked.

"Listen Brie, I have to tell you something."

"What is it?" She asked smiling.

"I uh..."

"Xander? You can tell me anything." She smiled.

I have to do this. I can't back down.

"I wanna break up." There I said it. Brie's face instantly changed.

"Wh-what?" She asked. I can see that her eyes are started to become watery.

"I wanna break up. This is not working Brie." I forced myself into saying that.

"Why? I thought that you loved me?" Brie asked me.

"Yeah I thought I did. But things changed Brie." I said.

"What? What do you mean?"

"I mean when you were gone we had no communication whatsoever. You didn't even said goodbye to me. You only called Hanna. I mean I get that she's your best friend but I'm your boyfriend. And I was the last to know that you were leaving for 3 weeks. And we didn't talk during those weeks apart." I told her and I noticed that a single teat fell from her eye, I wanted so badly to wipe that tear away but I have to restrain myself from doing it.

"I know that I didn't have the chance to call you. I'm sorry for that. But everything was so rushed. I never meant to hurt you or anything." She said.

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