Chapter 13

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Song: Begin Again by Taylor Swift

Xander's POV

I woke up to a smile today! I still can't believe what happened last night.

I remember it too clearly.

"Yeah. Goodnight Brie."

"Goodnight Xander."

Then she kissed my cheek and said "Goodnight" and smiled then went inside the mansion.

It was so perfect! I was shocked at first then a huge smile soon spread on my face. I can't believed Brianna McMahon kissed me. Well kissed my cheek. But a kiss is a kiss.

Then suddenly someone knocked on my door.

"It's open!" I shouted.

"Well well well. Isn't it loverboy."

"Matt. What are you doing here dude." I asked him.

"You forgot dude. I think you dancing with Brie gave you a short term memory loss of what we are gonna do this weekend." He told me.

"Right. We are going to play basketball today." I remembered. "Sorry man I overslept."

He raised his eyebrows and asked me "Really? Or is it because of a certain girl that is the heiress to the McMahon Empire?"

I smiled and chuckled.

Then suddenly Matt's eyes went wide.

"What's that big smile?? Did you ask her out?"

I shook my head yet continued smiling.

"Then what is it loverboy?"

"Nothing man. Let me just take a quick shower then meet the others." I told him and went to the bathroom.

Brie's POV




"Five more minutes.." I groaned

"You've been saying that for 10 minutes now Brie. Get up." The voice says.

Then out of nowhere, the duvet that I was snuggling in was taken.

"Okay. Who did that." I sat up opening my eyes to check who woke me up.

Then I saw Hanna grinning at me.

"Well good morning to you too Heiress."

"You know I hate being called that." I told her getting up and going to my vanity to brush my hair.

"I know I was just teasing you." Hanna smiled.

I rolled my eyes and continued to brush my hair. Then I suddenly remmbered what happened last night. I smiled, it was clearly perfect and Xander well.... I just don't know.

After dancing with him, I saw him in a different perspective. It was really weird. But last night was truly unforgettable. Xander was really a complete gentleman last night and I just don't know why I kissed him. But I liked it.

"Okay you've been smiling all to yourself for more than 5 minutes now. Brie what is going on?"

"Huh what?"

"Now you're scaring me. I said you've been smiling all to yourself for more than 5 minutes now." She told me.

"Oh.. I'm just happy. That's all." I told her.

She then eyed me like I was some crazy pyscho and said "Brie. What happened last night?"


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